NR - Genetic Abilities

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I stand in the middle of the kitchen with my wife by my side. Our 16-year-old daughter, Dallas, stands near the entrance of the kitchen. Unfortunately, the three of us are in a heated fight.

"You are not an adult!" I yell.

"When did I say I was?" Dallas refutes.

"You're acting like it!" Nat agrees with me.

"You don't get to do whatever you want whenever you want! We have house rules! Why do you feel like you don't have to follow them?!" I yell.

"I'm not a baby anymore!" Dallas argues.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm down. "No, you're not. But you sure as hell are not an adult. You are sixteen. In two years, you can act like an adult."

"I didn't even do anything bad!"

"Taking the car without permission in the middle of the night! And then refusing to tell us where you went and who you were with!" Nat shouts.

"And I didn't crash it!"

"That's not the argument here! The argument is you taking the car without asking in the middle of the night!" I refute.

Dallas clenches her fists tight to the point where her knuckles turn white. "You guys are such assholes!" she screams, forcefully releasing her fists and lifting them out in front of her to gesture to her mothers standing in front of her.

I'm about to yell at her for her language but I'm stopped when all of a sudden, the coffee maker on the counter behind me and Nat explodes, bursting into flames. My instincts take over and I use my wisps to smother it. Nat and I look back at Dallas and all three of us have pure shock plastered on our faces.

"I-I..." Dallas tries but nothing else comes out of her mouth. She sprints out of the room and straight upstairs.

I turn to Nat when we hear Dallas's bedroom door slam closed. "Natasha..."

"W-What was... Was that you?" Nat asks.

"I want to say it was but that'd be a lie."

"Oh my god."

"Oh my god is right."

"I thought your powers weren't-"

"I didn't think they were."

"I think we need to talk to Dallas."

"Nat, we need to talk to Bruce. He knows my abilities the best."

"I'll call Bruce. You talk to Dallas. In her state, she's dangerous. I hate to say that about our own daughter." Nat pulls out her phone.

"Yeah. Just call Bruce." I calm myself as I'm heading to Dallas's room. I knock softly.

"Go away!" Dallas screams at me.

"Honey, we need to talk," I say into her closed door.


"Dallas, the argument is over. I'm sorry we yelled but we need to talk. It's important."

There's a moment of silence then finally, her door opens and a puffy-eyed Dallas stands in front of me.

"Let's go downstairs. Your mother and I need to talk to you."

Dallas nods and follows me into the kitchen where the three of us sit at the kitchen table. Nat just got done talking to Bruce.

"Are you going to yell at me?" Dallas starts.

"No. We just- We need to understand what just happened," Nat responds calmly.

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