🔞 Camp Pt. 1

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———————————————————————Callie:8:00 AM I roll out of bed from my wife's arms

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8:00 AM I roll out of bed from my wife's arms. Today, our two kids are going to their first weekend sleepaway camp. I volunteered to bring them so Scarlett can sleep. It's called being a good wife. Leaving Scar in bed, I head to our kids' rooms to gather them. I go to our oldest daughter, Mason's, room first.

"Hey, honey, ready to go?" I ask, seeing that she's already awake.

"Yeah," she yawns.

"Great. Can you wake your sister?"


"Thanks," I smile, leaving her doorway to pack the car with the stuff.

30 minutes later, Mason and Rose come rumbling down the steps and straight out the front door. I grab a few snacks for them since they both skipped breakfast. The whole ride, the two girls talk and giggle in the backseat. A while later, I arrive at their camp to hand them off. Once everything is settled with them, I make the semi-long drive home.

"Oh, you're up," I greet my wife in the kitchen.

"Where were you?"

"Dropping the kids off at camp."

"Right, I forgot about that."

I step up to her at the island counter and get in her face. "We have the whole weekend to ourselves." Her eyes flick to my lips as I slip my hands under her shirt, pulling her into me as I step backward to get myself against the opposite counter.

"Oh yeah?" She grabs the waist of my sweatpants to press our bodies impossibly closer.

"Yeah," I whisper, craving her hand lower on my body.

"Good," she smirks, stepping away from me.

The second she stops touching me, I'm even hornier. She goes back to whatever she was doing in the kitchen so I press against her from behind.

"Honey, I have chores to do," she lightly chuckles.

"Mhm," I moan in her ear.

"Can this wait?"

"Fine." I abruptly release my arms from her body. "I'll do it myself. I'll be in our room if you need me," I tease, leaving her to stare at me as I turn to walk out.

"Good luck with that!" She calls from behind.

"Thanks. But I won't need it."

"No? What's gonna get you going?"

"I'll call Mack." It takes everything in me not to laugh. Before she can say anything else, I leave the room to go upstairs. Knowing my tease about calling Mack to get off will get in her head, I don't have to wait that long.

In our room, I take off my shirt and sweats in preparation. Seconds later, my wife barges through the door. She immediately rips off her clothes and takes my throat in her hand, throwing me on the bed. Climbing on top of me, I open my legs for her. She grabs a tight hold of my throat again, leaning close to my lips.

"You wouldn't dare call her."

"Well, if you don't-" before I can finish, she smashes our lips together.

As we make out, I find myself wrapping my legs around her waist while she grinds aggressively. I let out breathy moans as one of her hands rubs my clit over my underwear through her grinding motions. She only stops rubbing me to sit up between my legs and pull my panties off. When she comes back onto me, she doesn't hesitate to shove her fingers into me. I scream into her mouth at the feeling of her hand slamming against my gut, fingers curling to hit my g-spot with every pull-out. I grip her hair tightly in one hand, the other holds her ass. She places her soft lips on my neck, sucking and biting in places we know only she and I can see. As she travels down my body with her lips, she uses the hand that isn't inside of me to lift my sports bra, exposing my chest.

"Oh god. Fuck," I groan to her tongue flicking my nipple.

With the hand in her hair, I bob her head gently, absolutely loving the heavenly feeling of her mouth on my breasts. She sucks hard, alternating between tits until she's had enough. When that time comes, she continues kissing down my body, leaving a few love marks as she goes. My moans become impossibly louder when her lips reach my gut. The feeling of her fingers continuing to glide in and out while she kisses my gut... unmatched.

Finally, she connects her lips to my cunt. She sucks me dry as she continues to finger me. My legs wrap around her upper back, holding her against me as her arms wrap around my upper thighs, hands rubbing my skin. The deeper her tongue goes inside of me and the harder she sucks, the weaker my body feels. My legs fall off of her, falling wide open. With a breathy scream of pleasure, I release hard into her mouth. She laps up my cum with a deep hum into my pussy.

Being out of breath, she slides back up my body, hovering over my face. She places a hand on my cheek, her thumb resting on my bottom lip. I pant as we stare at each other until she slowly comes down to my lips, interlocking them in a sweaty, warm kiss. I'm too tired to move from my position so Scarlett lays herself on top of me, our naked, sweaty bodies keeping us warm.

"I think we should send the kids away more often," I breathe.

"They won't even be home 'till tomorrow evening..."

"Just before this, you didn't even want to-"

"And now I do," she cuts me off.

"Funny how that works."

"Tease me again and you won't be walking or talking for a week."

I smirk at her threat. "Talking?" I tease.

"That's it." She lifts herself back up, honoring her threat to me.

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