🔞 Night Swimming Pt. 2

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"Scarlett!" I scream under my wife as she sucks me dry.

I grip the sheets as tight as I can with one hand, the other holding her head between my legs. She grips my upper thighs tightly and hums into me, sending me into heaven. Pleasure takes over my body when she toys with my clit with her tongue and I instantly cum into her mouth. I hold her in place so she's forced to swallow. When she does, she comes back up to my lips and smashes them together.

Without hesitation, she shoves her fingers into my dripping wet cunt and continues to fuck me hard. I can't even kiss her back, my mouth just gapes open as I moan into hers. She rubs my clit and pushes her fingers knuckle deep. Because I'm already there, I can't stop from letting the pleasure take over once more. My back arches and I release onto her hand, yet again.

"Don't stop!" I plead, feeling another high coming.

She smirks and pumps faster. Just as I feel her getting too tired to keep going, I cum onto her hand. She slows down this time, continuing to glide into me for a few long minutes.

Her arm finally gives and she pulls out, collapsing on top of me. Our sweaty, naked bodies heat up as she lays on me. We breathe heavily until I have the energy to start talking.

"If that's what I get for disobeying you, I think I'll disobey you all the time."

"I think we hit a record tonight," she heaves.

"What was that? 10 orgasms?"


"Were you counting?" I lightly chuckle.


"Cute," I yawn, drifting off to sleep, too tired to stay awake.

-Next day-

At breakfast, I tremble in my seat from last night. Scarlett smirks at me from across the table. She opens her mouth but I cut her off.

"If you say one word, I swear to god."

She throws her hands up in defense. "Okay, fine. I'll save it," she chuckles.

"Do we have plans for today or do I finally get a break?"

"Finally? What do you mean finally?"

"You're kidding," I snort. "Hun, I love you more than life itself but I never get a break with you," I chuckle, getting up and lightly limping to clean my plate.

From the kitchen table, I hear Scarlett mumbling to herself, "'I love you more than life itself but I never get a break with you'."

"I heard that!" I call out.

"'I heard that,'" she mocks me quietly again.

"Okay. You know what? I'm going to leave you here to be petty while I go read outside." I try not to laugh as I walk past her mocking my every facial expression.

I run upstairs to change into a bathing suit so I can tan as I read since it's a beautiful day. I lounge on one of the deck chairs under the hot sun and continue reading my current book, Cujo by Stephen King. I'm enjoying my peacefulness when suddenly, the sun is being blocked. I put my book down in my lap to see Scarlett standing over me.

"Good afternoon ma'am, can I help you?" I ask with a straight face.


"You sure? Because I was in the middle of a really good part of my book."

"Would you be mad if I said I had a job for you?" She asks, climbing onto my chair and sitting on my lap with her legs on either side of the chair.

"Yes. Yes, I would."

"What if it was a really quick and easy job?"

"Then you do it."

"But it's a Callie job, not a Scarlett job."

"I'm not agreeing to it but what is it?" I finally give in.

"The water lights in the pool-"

"Scar, they were fine last night," I cut her off.

"Nuh-uh." She shakes her head. "I watched one of them flicker a couple of times. It's quick and easy and it's a Callie job. Please?" She begs, extending the 'e' in please and pouting.

"Did you know that pouting at me stopped working years ago?" I giggle.

She drops her cute emotions and looks me dead in the eyes. "Fine." She then gets off my lap and starts to walk away but stops when I start talking.

"Fine. I'm done for the day after this."

She whips around with an evil smirk. "Sounds good."

"I'll check it out then." I go to walk to the low-end steps but before I can even get two feet, I'm snatched from behind.

"Payback," Scarlett whispers in my ear.

Before I can process anything, Scar picks me up and tosses me into the pool. I go under and quickly struggle to swim to the surface.

"What the hell?!" I yell at my wife who's just standing and smiling down at me.

"There's nothing wrong with the lights."

"Yeah, I got that," I heave as I swim to the edge of the pool. As I hoist myself out, Scarlett inches away. "Yeah, you better run," I threaten.

"You wouldn't dare track water through the house."

"Wanna bet?"

She raises an eyebrow at me and crosses her arms across her chest. "Do you?"

Shivers run through my body from her threat. I can do nothing but stand in front of her.

"That's right," she asserts.

"Can I at least have a towel?"

"Nope." She smirks then walks back inside the house, leaving me to drip on the concrete.

Being that I can't go inside or read my book because I'm too wet, I decide to sit on the edge of the pool on the very edge of the property. I gently swing my feet over the mountainside below me as I admire the view. 10 minutes go by and I hear the sliding glass door close.

"You're too close to the edge," Scarlett comments from behind me.

"No, I'm not," I refute without turning around.

"I have your towel. Come get it."

"It's a trick that I won't fall for," I lightly chuckle.

"If anything, it's a trick to get you to come away from the edge. Like I said, come get your towel."

I finally turn around to see her impatiently holding a towel. I give in and slowly walk around the edge of the pool area to reach her. I accept my towel and wrap myself up.

"Join me in the theater when you're dressed," she says before walking back inside.

I quickly dry myself and run to get changed. When dressed, I find my wife in our home theater clicking through shows. I flop down next to her in one of the large gray seats.

"What're we watching?" I ask.

"I'm thinking the live-action Beauty and the Beast?"

"Oh, that's such a good movie!"

She smiles and clicks it on. As it starts, we get comfortable. She opens her arms for me to snuggle into her side. Throughout the movie, she gently rubs my back and every now and then, I'll lean up for a not-so-quick kiss. It takes everything in me not to fall asleep, being in my wife's arms is the most comfortable place to be.

When the movie ends, Scar and I stay in the theater since we're both too tired from this morning, and spend most of the day hanging out, talking, and just enjoying each other.

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