🔞 Game Time

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———————————————————————Callie:I'm focused on my game of GTA, in the middle of a heist

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I'm focused on my game of GTA, in the middle of a heist. There's a big shooting fight and outside of my headset, I hear the door to the basement of my wife and I's mansion open and close. I don't turn around since I'm too involved in the game but barely a minute later, hands that I recognize all too well are rested on my shoulders from behind. Scarlett scoots one headphone off of my ear and greets me with a "Hey baby" in my ear.

"Hi, hun. I'm on my game. What's up?" I ask without looking at her.

"How about you take a break?"

"Scar, I just started."

She slides her hands from my shoulders to my upper chest. She places a few warm kisses on the crook of my neck while sliding one hand further into my tight tank top from the neck of it. The feeling of her hand on my bare breast sends shivers through my body but I do everything I can to ignore it. She doesn't give up, beginning to squeeze and rub me, all while placing kisses on my neck.

"Please take a break," she pleads into my ear while touching my body.

"Honey, can this wait until after my heist? I'll try to be quick."

"You never make this easy."

Suddenly, she takes her hands off of my body. I think she's going to leave but instead, she steps in front of me. She stands in between the screen and me. I try to lean to see the screen around her body but she steps in every way I move.

"Scarlett, please-" I try but am cut off when she looks me dead in the eyes and slowly pulls her shirt off over her head.

I do everything I can to focus on my game so as to not give her the satisfaction that what she's doing is working. Next, she pushes off her leggings, leaving her in nothing but her matching lacy undergarments. It's getting impossible to ignore her. She struts up to me, straddling my lap on the couch. I give in, pausing my game and taking my headset off, tossing my things to the side.

I grab her waist and lift her enough for me to throw her to the side and crawl on top of her. I smash our lips together, shoving my tongue down her throat. Her hands hold my jaw as we make out. After a few minutes, I sit up to rip my shirt off, bringing her with me to take off her bra. Instead of kissing her lips, I move to her chest, alternating between tits, sucking and flicking her nipples with my tongue. She whimpers and moans, holding my head on her and occasionally bobbing my head up and down against her.

"Please fuck me," she pleads as I suck on a tit.

I smile against her skin and happily trail my fingers down her body slowly. She tightens her grip on my hair when I shove my fingers into her, immediately pumping into her fast and hard.

"Oh my god!" She screams.

As I fuck her hard, her legs go weak, spreading open more for me. I finally lift from her tits to place a few kisses on her neck, sending her into a fit of loud moans. Breathing heavily, I stop kissing her neck and exchange my lips for my hand, wrapping it around her throat. She's mid-moan when I tighten my grip. Her eyes roll to the back of her head and her mouth gapes open as I choke her. When I loosen my grip, keeping my hand wrapped around her throat, she screams out in pleasure.

I start curling to hit her g-spot and occasionally rub her clit. I can already feel her legs start to shake the longer we go for.

"Oh, don't stop!"

I feel her tighten around my hand so I pump harder and impossibly faster. Seconds later, she cums onto my hand. I slow down and continue to glide into her. She looks up at me with pleading eyes.

"What is it?" I breathe.

"I think you know."

I smirk, knowing exactly what she wants. To keep her going, I keep fucking her as I kiss a line down the center of her body. When I reach her underwear's waistline, I lift from her skin and pull out only to lovingly slide her panties off her legs. When they drop to the floor, she opens her legs as much as she can for me.

"You okay?" I ask, just to make sure.

"Yes baby," she whimpers.

I smile then start kissing down her inner thigh. She moans louder the closer I get to her core. Finally, I wrap my arms around her upper thighs and connect my lips to her dripping wet cunt, holding her against me. She instantly screams, wrapping her legs around my back.

I shove my tongue into her, swirling it around inside, taking in the taste of my wife. My favorite taste. Her moans and screams turn me on so much so I release my own hums and moans against her pussy, sending her over the edge. Her hands in my hair tighten their grip as she loses her mind. I then play with her clit with my tongue and she can't handle it. After a few long seconds, she cums into my mouth. I happily swallow.

When I finish eating her out, I come back up to her, slowly kissing back up her body. Being out of breath, I place a single kiss on her lips before collapsing on top of her between her legs.

"That was worth missing game time," I heave.

"I swear you get better at that every time."

"I'm still salty about being interrupted during my game time though," I tease.

"Oh stop." I can practically hear her rolling her eyes at me.

"Wanna watch me play or was this just a quick fuck?" I chuckle.

"I'll stay. Only because my legs are shaking," she smirks, sitting up so she can sit between my legs as I play through my GTA heist.

Up until we both get hungry for dinner, Scarlett stays with me in the basement, just watching me play my game and occasionally commenting on my playing. Her questions about it can get annoying but I answer them, just happy she's so interested in what I'm doing.

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