Avengers Tattoo

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I'm half passed out on my couch in my trailer, catching up on some sleep that this insane job takes away. But don't get me wrong, I love working for Marvel. I just don't sleep anymore. Today was extra tiring though. I've been doing a lot of filming for my solo movie, Vertigo: Hydra's Greatest Weapon. I am so happy with my work but by the end of the day, I feel like death.

I'm literally so close to feeling the heavenly feeling of sleep when all of a sudden, my trailer door flies open with a bang. I jump so much that I fall off the couch, landing face down on the floor with a grunt.

"What the hell?!" I breathlessly yell at the imposter standing over me with a smirk. My heart is pounding and I think I died for a good second.

"Hey there," Scarlett innocently smiles.

I lay flat on my back on the hard floor and catch my breath. I stare at the ceiling until Scarlett's face pops up above me again. She stands over me, her feet on either side of my body, and just smiles at me.

"What the fuck, Scar?" I squeak up to her.

"We have a surprise for you. You have to come with me."

"Could you not have just knocked or called or something? Jesus. I seriously think just I died for a second," I half-joke. Scar simply reaches her hand down and I let her help me to my feet.

"What's this surprise?" I try as she leads me to the back entrance of our set building.

"You'll see."

My nerves increase when Lizzie, Robert, Evans, and Jeremy are all waiting at the back door for us. They all wear smiles, although I can't tell if they're genuine smiles or "you're going to die" smiles. Either way, I get into our black Chevy Suburban with them.

"Would you stop staring at me like you're going to kill me?" I gesture to all of them who haven't stopped on and off staring at me with the same smiles. They giggle at my question but continue to stay silent. I finally just give up on talking to them for the rest of the 10-minute drive.

The literal second the car rolls to a stop, everyone stares at me. "Oh my god, what?" I laugh. My annoyance grows when they say nothing and just get out of the car. Scarlett pulls me out of it so quickly, I almost fall face-first onto the concrete.

I'm dragged to a little tattoo parlor and I think they made like a reservation or some shit if that's even a thing because when we walk in, we're immediately accepted.

"And what are we doing here?" I ask the group.

I'm shoved toward a chair. "Just sit your ass down," Jeremy instructs with a big smile.

I don't try to fight it anymore. I let Scarlett forcefully shove me into a chair. "No seriously, what's going on?" I nervously laugh.

"You're getting a tattoo today," Scar explains as she's sitting in the artist's chair next to me. I watch her every move with slightly furrowed eyebrows.

"So um. Where's the artist?" I ask even though I have a bad feeling I already know. My friends surrounding my chair all smile at me. "Oh shit," I whisper to myself.

"Your artist is right here." Scarlett holds up the tattoo gun with an evil smirk.

I snort. "Do you even know what you're doing?" I chuckle.

"As a matter of fact, I do. Now lean back." She shoves me again, slamming me back into the chair.

"Jesus, enough shoving me!" I laugh. "Okay well do I get to choose the tattoo or should I assume, like everything else, I have no opinions here?"

"You aren't choosing the tattoo because we have that planned. The only thing you get to choose is where you get it," she explains.

"Well, how am I supposed to know where I want it if I don't know what it is?"

"A guessing game I guess." For the first time today, her smile doesn't scream that I'm going to die. "So where?"

I think for a few long minutes before lifting my shirt to expose my ribs. "Here. I've always wanted one here. Also 'cause if you're doing something stupid, it's easy to hide," I tease.

She smiles and nods, getting close to my ribs to start. "But please just don't draw a dick. It'll be permanent," I add right before her pen hits my skin.

"We'll see," she mumbles as she's inking me. I roll my eyes and lean my head back, praying for the best.

She takes a good while, probably because she isn't a professional tattoo artist. She takes her time at the same time as she tries to be quick. Being careful with her movements. She makes adorable concentrated faces as she works and I just admire her until she finally whips up from my ribs with a huge smile.

"It's done! How does it look?" She asks the group of friends around us. They surround her and examine her work, all voicing their positive comments.

"So can I look now?" I beg.

"Yes!" Scarlett squeals, holding up a little mirror to my ribs so I can get a better look. When I realize what it is, my face lights up.

"Oh my god! I love this so much! I feel so official now," I exclaim with a huge smile. I examine every part of the little Avengers tattoo Scarlett just gave me. This is now my absolute favorite tattoo I have.

"I'm glad you like it!" Scarlett smiles warmly.

"We all just felt like it was time you officially joined the cult," Lizzie giggles, earning laughter from the rest of us.

We all go back to the set building and when I get back to my trailer, I stand in front of my mirror and admire my new tattoo. I love feeling even more like a part of the crew. The tattoo makes it all that much better. I really got lucky to be here.

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