FaceTime Call Pt. 2

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Incoming FaceTime Call: Scarlett ❤️

My heart skips a beat because I wasn't expecting a call from her but I quickly drop what I'm doing to answer her.

"Hey, hun!"


"What's wrong?" I immediately question her sad tone.

"I have some bad news..."

"Oh? Okay, well what's up?" I start my walk to the bedroom to get comfy.

"I'm so sorry Cal. I won't be home for another couple of months. I know we were really looking forward to that. I'm so sorry," she explains with glossy eyes.

I stop in my tracks at her words and stare at the screen. I suddenly feel lightheaded so I crumble to the ground. I sit up against the hallway wall with the phone in my lap.

"Callie, I'm so sorry."

"Yeah, it's fine," I say quickly with a crack in my voice.

She sighs heavily.

"Well, why is it being delayed?" I finally ask when I catch my breath.

"We were asked to do some interviews and press shit. I didn't have time to call you before today. I'm really sorry."


"Okay?" She questions my short answer.

"Okay. I'll see you in a few more months then."

She looks at me through the screen with complete sadness. She goes to open her mouth to say something but is cut off by someone calling her name.

"I gotta go..." She starts, turning her attention back to me.

"Yeah, alright."

She gets called away again but she tells them to hold on.

"Cal, I really am so sorry. I really wish I could've come home this weekend. But I will see you right after all of this is over. No more delays. I promise."

I'm too upset to say anything so I just put my three middle fingers up to the screen. She smiles warmly at me and does the same.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more," I squeak as we pull our fingers away from our screens.

Before we part ways, we both kiss our cameras, wishing it was a real kiss.

"Bye, my love."

"Bye sweetheart."

-1 week later-

Scarlett ❤️: Hey guess what?

Me: What's up?

Scarlett ❤️: I'll be on the tonight show next week! I know that's one of your favorites:)

Me: Aw, can't wait to watch! Sending hugs  😘

-2 days later-

Incoming Call: Chris Evans

As much as I'm good friends with the cast since I'm dating one of their coworkers, an incoming call from Chris Evans throws me into a pit of confusion. Hesitantly, I pick up the call.

"Hey, Chris..." I slowly greet him through the phone to my ear.

"Hey, Callie. How's it going?" He asks in an unsettling happy tone.

Scarlett Johansson | One-Shots (1)Where stories live. Discover now