Hitchhiking Pt. 2

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It's been a month since my parents kicked me out. So it's been a month since I started traveling around with the Avengers cast. I've gotten pretty close to them, especially Scarlett. She's like the mother I've never had. I've stayed in Scarlett's extra bedroom in her suite. I feel like I'm really starting to have a real family. Well, as real as it can get.

On my second day with them, I got in contact with June and explained what was going on. She was way too excited about me getting kicked out and having to live with famous actors. At least she's sympathetic. We've been talking every moment we can.

Currently, I'm sitting in Scarlett's chair behind the scenes while they all work. June stopped responding to my messages about ten minutes ago. Now, I blankly stare at the set and let the sounds go muffled. As much as I say "I'm fine" and "It doesn't bother me", I'm not and it does. As I stare at one of the prop cars on set, I can't stop the memories of the family that kicked me out from flowing through my head.

Another half hour goes by and my phone starts vibrating. I pull it out to see June's name on the screen.

"Hey," I answer as I'm walking away from my chair.

"Hey, beautiful. How's it going with your new friends?"

I crack a small smile at her name for me. Although, I don't know what she sees that's beautiful. "It's going."

"What are you up to?"

"Just going to Scarlett's trailer."

"How are you doing? I miss you."


We finally finish up our workday so I head back to my seat where Callie should be waiting. But, to my surprise, she isn't there.

"Hey, have you seen Callie?" I ask a crew member and as he walks past me, he shakes his head.

"Shit," I curse to myself.

I head to my trailer to get changed into better clothes for the classy dinner the cast is going to tonight. If Callie's in the trailer, I have to tell her to get ready. I've sort of taken up the role of her mother since her parents kicked her out. Not that I'm her mother in any way, shape, or form. I just feel motherly when I'm taking care of Callie and I like feeling motherly. I like having someone to take care of.

As I'm walking up my little trailer steps, I hear an incredibly muffled sound. I cautiously step into the trailer and the sounds grow louder. It sounds like crying.

"Callie?" I call softly. I get nothing in response. "Callie, it's just me. Are you alright?" I slowly make my way towards my bedroom door. The sounds seemed to stop but I'm still growing concerned.

I gently push open the bedroom door and the sight breaks my heart. Callie is sitting in my bed with her head between her knees sobbing hysterically. My momma bear instincts take over so I quickly run over to her, kneel on the bed, and wrap my arms around her. She melts into my embrace. To make it more comfortable for us, I climb behind her with my legs on either side of her and hold her into me from behind. She stays as a ball so I rest my chin on her shoulder and whisper soothing things in her ear, rubbing her arms for added comfort.

Every few seconds, my phone screen lights up with another text from our cast group chat. It's getting later by the minute and neither Callie nor I am ready for the dinner that we're supposed to leave for in a few short minutes. Callie's crying hasn't let up and I don't think it's going to anytime soon.

As I coo sweet things to her, I hear the door to my trailer open and close. A second later, Downey walks into view. When he sees the situation, me holding her close from behind while she sobs, his urging body language drops instantly and is replaced with the most empathetic face he's ever had. I ever so slightly shake my head to tell him we aren't going to dinner so he nods and leaves.

After what feels like hours, Callie's crying ceases and her body goes weak in my arms. Her head rests back on my shoulder and her ball form falls apart.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what got to me," Callie whispers weakly.

"No need to apologize. I know it's hard. You can talk to me."

She takes a moment before responding. "I guess reality just set in."

"I'm so sorry, hun."

Callie doesn't respond so I don't continue. I hug her for as long as she lets me. She nuzzles herself further into me, which I found absolutely adorable, and her shaky breathing turns smooth so I can only assume she's trying to fall asleep. I can't see her face. Of course, I'll let her sleep. I know she hasn't been sleeping that well and she needs it.

After a while, Callie lifts her head from my chest and looks up at me. "Wasn't there a dinner we had to go to?"

"It's okay."

"You missed it. I'm sorry. I feel bad."

"There's really no need to feel bad. We can have dinner here. Just the two of us. It'll be fun." I smile warmly and place a light kiss on her forehead. She returns my smile with a teeny one of her own. "There's that smile," I coo, placing a hand on her cheek and rubbing it with my thumb.

She blushes and puts her head back against my chest. I wrap my arms back around her and we stay in bed until she tells me she's ready. When that time comes, I sit Callie in my kitchen booth and whip up some amazing lasagna for the two of us. All through dinner, we talk and laugh. Just like normal.

I'm glad we found Callie.

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