NR - Thanksgiving Dinner Pt. 1

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In a perfect world, the Avengers have Thanksgiving together.
In our cozy house decorated with scarecrows and paper hand turkeys, our family gets ready for a Thanksgiving dinner at the Barton family's farm. Already in my casual black suit, I make my way to the staircase at the end of the hall. On the way, I stop at each of our kid's rooms.

I knock on Greyson's door. "Honey, are you almost ready?"

"Yeah," he calls uneasily.

"Okay, what's wrong?"

"I don't know how to do a tie."

I open his door and enter his room to a handsome little Greyson Romanova-Atwood. His white undershirt is neatly buttoned up and tucked into his black dress pants and belt. His matching overcoat is crumpled and hanging off of his left shoulder. I smile warmly and kneel in front of him. I fix his suit and take his black tie with a bunch of little sitting frogs on it.

Once completed, I flatten out his blazer. "Looking handsome."

He frowns. "Why are you wearing that tie?" When I look at him confused, he tugs on his own tie. "You said you would match me."

"I completely forgot. I'll change it. But go downstairs. Momma's waiting."

"Okay. Don't forget to change your tie!" he calls as he runs out of his room, grabbing his favorite Minecraft dragon stuffed animal.

I go back to my room and switch ties on the way to Dallas's room. I knock and say, "Dal, you ready?"

"Yeah. Sorta."

"Sorta? Can I come in?"


I push open her door. "You look ready. What's the problem?"

"I can't, for the life of me, get my wings right."

"That's more of your mother's thing. I'll grab her."

I jog down the steps to the first floor where I find Greyson shoveling sugary cereal into his mouth. "Grey, we're about to eat. And where's Momma?"

"Basement," he says with a mouthful of cereal.

I leave him to it and head downstairs. Finally, I find my wife rummaging through a bunch of cardboard boxes. She's cursing under her breath but completely ready to go, dress, makeup, everything.

"I swear to fucking god..." she whispers then turns her head slightly. "Oh!" She jumps and spins around to me. "I swear to god I put it down here. I'm going insane. I told Clint I'd bring it up with me."

As she rambles, I walk up to her. Once close enough, I hold the sides of her neck and lean in. Right before our lips touch, she pulls away. I groan under my breath.

"Makeup. I can't ruin it before dinner. At least wait until everyone else is too busy drinking to notice."

"Fine." I press a slow kiss to her neck instead. "We gotta go."


"Green box in the corner," I say as I walk back up the steps. "And when you're done, Dallas needs you so go help."

I collect Greyson and our dog Arlo and we wait a few minutes for Dallas and Nat to arrive so we can go to Clint's.


Pulling up the dirt road of a driveway, we already see the large white event tent next to his barn. I park our Alfa Romeo behind Clint's old Ford pickup and our family heads in, Arlo sprinting ahead.

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