⚠️ NR - Bad Grandparents

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Warning: abuse

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In the middle of a rare heated make-out session with my wife, Callie's phone starts ringing. Still kissing me, she reaches for her phone but I grab her hand.

"Let it ring," I breathe between motions.

"Just- Just let me see who-" She lifts her lips away to search the crumpled sheets for her phone.

When she sees who's calling, she sits up between my legs, her eyebrows furrowed. "Who is it?" I ask.

She just holds up a finger to me and scrambles off and out of the room. A long 10 minutes later, a shaken, nervous Callie walks back in. She sits on the edge of the bed, clearly out of breath. I sit up and scoot behind her, one leg on either side of her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Who called?" I ask.

"My parents," she replies like she's in disbelief.

I slightly sit up from pressing myself against her. "What'd they want?"

"They... Want to meet the kids."

"What'd you tell them?"

"I didn't. I told them I would talk to you first."

"Okay. So do you want to talk about it?"

She gets up and starts pacing the room. I watch her every move from the bed.

"You know there's a reason I haven't seen them in 10 years, right?" She starts.

"And a lot has happened in that time. You can-"

"Protect us," she finishes for me. "I know. But Natasha, these are my parents we're talking about. The parents that abused me every way they found since I was born. I'm not sure it's the best idea for them to meet our kids."

"And it has been 10 years. You're an adult, you've been an Avenger, you have these." I hold up my hands to gesture to her abilities. "Honestly, I think it's okay for the kids to meet their grandparents. We don't have to stay long. It can just be a quick meet and greet."

Callie stops in her tracks and sighs. "If we do this, the second I get a bad feeling, we're leaving. There's no arguing."

"Okay. I can agree to that."

-2 weeks later-

"What are you doing?" Natasha questions me standing at the nightstand facing away from the door.

"Nothing," I respond quickly without looking at her.

I open my little case with my suit bands and stare at them.

"Your suit?"

"Just in case."


"You know if things get out of hand, I'll need something to control me." I slip my bands on my wrists and walk past Natasha out of the bedroom.

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