NR - Callie Parker Pt. 2

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It's been a tiring few months away from home, working my ass off. I miss Aunt May and Peter more than ever but I only have one more week until I get to see them. One more week until I get to visit the Avengers again, Natasha again. When Nat said she wanted to stay in touch, she wasn't lying. After a week of getting to know each other through the phone, we started texting and FaceTiming almost every day. We've gotten pretty close.


The second my eyes open, I check my phone.

Peter: Hi Callie! When will you be here?

Aunt May: Hey there! Excited to see you! -Love, May

Me: Leaving in 30. Should be there in about 3 hours. Miss you guys!

I go to click off my phone to get ready when a final text comes through.

Natasha: Hey, Peter said you were coming back today. Will I see you?

I smile at her text.

Me: If you want:)

I quickly climb out of bed to get ready. I start with a shower then breakfast. I make breakfast extra fast since I'm anxious to see my family and friends. I heat myself up a frozen Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwich and devour it in less than 10 minutes. I check the time and see that I already spent 20 minutes so now I only have 10 minutes to go. I check off my mental list of everything I need for a two-week stay.

I'm surprising Pete and May at the end of the week by not leaving and telling them I'm staying one more. They think it's just my normal one-week stay so I think they'll be overjoyed that I'm staying double the time. No one knows I'm going to be here for two weeks so I'm excited about their reactions.


I park my Challenger on the side of the road in front of Aunt May's new house in New York and quickly shut it off since it's not a quiet car. I haven't told anyone I'm here yet, I want to surprise them.

I leave the extra week's worth of stuff in my car, of course, bringing only my normal duffle bag of things to the door. I have my own set of keys, May shipped me a new set when she got her new house, so I unlock the front door and walk right in. Immediately, I see May sitting on a couch watching the TV. When she hears the door open and close, she whips her head towards me.

"OH MY GOD!" She shrieks, running up to me and hugging me tightly.

"Hey Aunt May, I missed you!" I laugh into the hug, dropping my bag to the side of us.

"You didn't tell us you were here! You scared me!" She pulls out of the hug and kind of lightly slaps my arm.

"I know, I was trying to make my arrival a surprise. So keep it down! Where's Pete?" I place my hand on her arm to calm her and she just points upstairs.

I mouth the word "thanks" and make my way up to Peter's room. Even though I've never been to May's new house, when she got it, Peter wanted to give me a grand tour over FaceTime so I have a good idea on how to get around.

I knock on Peter's door and he calls for me to come in, assuming I'm just May. He's laying on his bed reading when I walk in.

"Hey there, bud!"

He whips his head over to me when he realizes my voice isn't May's.

"CAL!" He scrambles off his bed, throws his book to the side, and rushes over to me.

He embraces me in an unnecessarily tight hug.

"I missed you so much," he squeaks into my neck.

"I missed you too Pete."

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