⚠️ FBI Agent Pt. 2

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Warning: angst
-2 months later-

It's been too long since I've been out of work. Finally, today's the day I was cleared to go back in. As I crawl out of bed to get my work clothes on, my wife stirs.

"Are you going to work?" she groans.

"Yeah, first day back."

I get changed and sit on the edge of Scarlett's side of the bed. She rests a tired hand on my thigh, still half sleeping.

"Be careful," she says.

"I will.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I bend down to peck her lips before collecting my bag and leaving the house.

Walking into headquarters, I already feel relieved. I've missed work.

"Agent Atwood. Glad to see you back," Chief Parsons greets me. I smile and lift a hand as a "wave".

I get settled in my office and instantly start going through the piles of papers on my desk. Some are new cases, some are just paperwork stacks, and some are just miscellaneous papers that somehow made their way to my desk. I flip through the folders and find something, anything to work on. As I'm flipping through a case that came from Sacramento, I feel a tiny sharp sting in the left side of my chest. I rub it lightly and try to ignore it.

"Atwood, glad you're back." I look up from my papers to my team's liaison, Agent Wells.

"Thank you. Good to be back."

"Sorry to bother you. We have a case. It's urgent."

"Okay. Get the team in the conference room, I'll be right there," I instruct.

Agent Wells nods and leaves my office to collect the team. I smoothly grab some papers from my desk as I'm walking out of my room. I get about ten feet out of my office when there's sudden piercing pain in my chest. The sting causes me to lose balance and need to lean against the wall to catch myself. I stand weakly against the wall catching my breath.

"Agent Atwood. You alright?" I quickly stand fully up to face my apprentice walking past.

"Yeah. Yes. I'm good." I shoot him a fake smile and lead us to the conference room.

I reach for the doorknob but freeze with my fingertips resting on it.

"Agent Atwood?" my apprentice tries softly.

"I... I'm..." All of a sudden, my vision is fading and I'm crashing to the ground.

In the middle of a meeting, my phone buzzes in my jogger's pocket. I pull it out to see a number on the screen that I don't recognize.

"Excuse me," I softly say to the round table of VIPs and leave the room. "Hello?" I ask cautiously into my phone.

"Mrs. Johansson-Atwood? This is Dr. Jensen at UCLA Medical Center."

"How-How can I help you?"

"Ma'am, your wife is currently with us. She collapsed due to complications from a previous injury to the chest."

I freeze, unable to process the words of the sweet woman on the other side of the phone.

"I'll be right there," I tell the nurse when she's finished giving me a brief rundown of what happened and telling me she needs me to come to the hospital.

Without much of an explanation, I announce to the meeting room that I have to go and rush out to my car. I drive as fast as I can.

"Hi, I'm here for my wife. Callie Johansson-Atwood. I got a call that she collapsed," I say to the nurse at the front.

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