🔞 NR - Clubbing Tease

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In our room, my girlfriend and I get ready for a night out with Wanda, Tony, Steve, and Bucky. We're all going to a nightclub. Somehow, we managed to convince Steve and Bucky to go clubbing. They're a bit old-fashioned.

"You know, I was going to wear a suit but-" Callie walks out of the bathroom to me staring at her. "What?" She cuts herself off.

Without saying anything, I step up to her, grabbing her waist and pulling her into my body. She takes me by the sides of my neck as I kiss her hungrily. I back her up until she hits the edge of the bed. Unfortunately, she pulls away before I can lay her down.

"Babe, we should go. They're probably waiting for us," Cal breathes.

"Fine," I sigh dramatically.

"We have all night when we get back," she smirks, backing out of the room with my hands in hers.

She leads me to the lobby of the compound where everyone but Tony is waiting for us.

"Where's the billionaire?" Callie giggles.

"He takes forever to get ready," Wanda mentions.

"You look nice," Steve flirts with my girlfriend.

"Thank you," she pipes.

Not liking when people flirt with her, I drape my arm over her shoulders, jerking her into me. She places her warm touch on my exposed lower back.

"Alright, youngins. Let's go," Tony appears behind our group.

"You know, we're a hundred years old," Steve chuckles.

The six of us climb into the black Chevy Suburban and Tony drives us to the club. The dark club is lit up by various colored LED lights. Our group migrates to a raised booth. It's somewhat enclosed by some fancy-ass white curtains behind each of the gold booth seats. On the two other sides, one is where you step on and off of our platform, the other side has a glass half wall that overlooks some more seats and the dance floor. The only reason we got one of these upper-class seats is because of Stark. He's got money and connections.

Callie sits between me and Steve, sipping on a dirty martini. Her free hand rests on my knee as we talk to the group. Finally, she turns to me.

"Care to dance with me?" She whispers in my ear.

"I don't dance."

She pulls away from my face to look me dead in the eyes, her lips curling into a small smirk.

"Okay." She pecks my cheek. "I'm going to go dance."

I furrow my eyebrows as she gets up from the booth, taking her martini with her to wherever she's going.

"Where's Cal going?" Buck asks.

"I-I don't know," I tell him.

When I leave the booth, I immediately get looked at by a few people. Some men, some women. I down the rest of my drink and head to the bar. Barely two minutes later, I'm approached.

"Hey gorgeous," a woman next to me greets me.

"Hey," I smile.

The bartender hands me my new drink and I happily accept it, the new woman taking a step towards me. I glance back at Natasha who's leaning back in her seat with arms crossed, giving me the side-eye look. Looking back at the woman, she puts her hand on my chest.

"Since we're at a club, want to dance?" she flirts.

"How could I say no?"

The woman takes my hand and leads me to the dancefloor, right in Natasha's line of sight. She steps up to me, pressing her body against mine and tangling her hands in my hair. I put one hand on her hip since I'm still holding a drink. We dance all up on each other until I decide I've been gone from Nat too long.

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