⚠️ NR - Our Hero

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Warning: angst
"Are we ready to go?" I ask into my chaotic house.

"Just about. I can't find Grey," Natasha replies as she walks past me.

"He was just here."

"I don't know what to tell you. He takes after you being sneaky," she chuckles.

"Have you checked the closet in the basement?"

"I- No but that's a utility closet. He wouldn't be there."

"Go check," I smirk.

She smiles and shakes her head, walking away to the basement. Less than five minutes later, a screaming Greyson comes running into the kitchen, using my body as a shield, his mother following seconds later.

"What is going on?" I question the scene.

"Mommy's trying to kill me!" Greyson whines.

I look to Nat and shoot her a "really" look which she replies with a smirk.

"Mommy kills with love, Grey. I speak from experience," I assure him. "Sorta..." I add to myself. "Please get in the car, we have to leave," I urge my son. He hesitates for a moment, just staring at Natasha, then sprints as fast as he can past her and out the front door.

"I wasn't-"

"Please stop threatening the kids," I interrupt her.

"I don't threaten. I strongly suggest."

"Then I guess you and I have very different ways of strongly suggesting because when I do it, my kids don't run away in terror." I playfully grab her jaw and gently shake her face.

She rips my hand away and follows me out the door to the car where our two kids are already waiting. Nat's driving our family to the One World Observatory here in New York City for a day trip. We haven't gone out as a family in a while and we all had some free time so we felt like we wanted to get out. 30 minutes later, our squealing children are scrambling out of the car in the parking lot of our destination.

"Grey, take my hand," Nat orders our son since there's a decent crowd and we aren't trying to lose our 5-year-old.

Our 10-year-old, Dallas, stays close to me as I lead the family into the skyscraper. The whole elevator ride to the top, Grey rants about how excited he is. Thankfully, we're the only ones on the elevator so we don't have to worry about hushing his happiness. The second the doors slide open, Grey takes Natasha's hand and drags her out. Dallas and I follow close behind.

"Wow, it really is amazing," I gush as we look out over the city of New York below us.

"I know, I-" Nat's agreement is cut off when both our kids drag us to the glass floor section of the tower.

"This was a good idea," Nat finally says after a few minutes of watching our kids be mesmerized by the floor.

"Thank you. I'm quite proud of myself for thinking of this one," I chuckle, crossing my arms across my stomach.

"Oh, don't get all cocky on me now."

"Me? Cocky? Never," I smirk, earning laughter from my wife.

After a little while of messing around, the kids finally finish up on the glass floor and come running back to us. I offer the group to check out some of the other exhibits here so we do. As we're walking along the glass wall, suddenly the whole building shakes. Everyone inside stumbles.

"You okay?" I ask Nat as I catch her fall.

She nods and opens her mouth to respond but before she can, security guards come rushing onto our floor. They shout for everyone to stay calm and follow them to the stairs rather than the elevators. They don't tell anyone what's going on. Obviously, we do as we're told. Nat picks up Grey and I put my hands on Nat and Dal's backs to lead them out.

We're a few groups away from the entrance to the stairway when there's a deafening boom followed by shattering glass and a trembling building. Our children panic but Nat and I know to stay as calm as we can.

"What's going on?" Nat leans over to mumble in my ear.

"I don't know, honey."

"Find out."

I furrow my eyebrows at her even though I know what she means. Her eyes flick to my hands, confirming her demand means. She discretely nods towards the guards and I nod at her in agreement. With great hesitation, I cross my hands in front of my legs, hiding them from everyone, and generate my wisps. I focus on one of the guards and flick my fingers in his direction. His thoughts fill my head and my heart drops.

"So?" I pry.

"Did you happen to bring my suit?" Callie whispers quietly.

I whip my head to look at her. My eyes go wide as I realize how bad this situation must be if Callie is asking for her suit. I quickly struggle to pull out the small case for her suit from my jacket's inner pocket. I hold it open for her as she takes her two black bands and slips them onto each of her wrists.

"I love you," she whispers, kissing my cheek.

"Cal, what-" I'm cut off by an ear-piercing sound of glass shattering, and the building below us jolts.

Everyone screams, trying to get down the steps faster. Our family is just about to reach the entrance of the stairway when there's once again, a horrible boom and crash, causing the building to crumble below us. Grey holds onto me as tight as he can and Dallas holds onto my arm. I grip Greyson as tight as I can in my arms and I watch Callie tap her wrists together to activate her bodysuit. As the building continues to fall apart, my wife grabs a hold of the back of my shirt and yanks me backward into her, doing the same with our daughter. She wraps her arms around all three of us and holds us close since we can't do anything else.

The next thing I know, the whole building is falling in all directions. I close my eyes and brace myself for the worst. When I open them, I'm surrounded by flowing blue. It takes me a second to realize Callie is using her wisps to create a forcefield around us. The more the tower breaks, the further we drop through the floors to the ground from the top.


After what feels like hours, everything stops. I open my eyes once again to Callie's wisps slowly fading away and her arms dropping. With a groan, I sit up and check on the kids.

"Grey? Dal?" I croak through the dust.

"Mom?" Dallas responds, reaching for me.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

I just get a grumble of agreement from her. I know Grey is okay because he's been stirring in my arms since I opened my eyes. Lastly, Callie. I turn around in the rubble to see my wife laying unconscious.

"Callie, hey. Please be okay," I squeak, setting down Greyson next to his sister and carefully grabbing hold of Cal. Her head falls onto my shoulder and she lets out a weak groan.

Cops run up to us and help us out of the rubble. I hand them our kids first and then I help them with Callie. Soon enough, we're being brought to a hospital to make sure we're all okay.


My eyes flutter open to a hospital room.

"Hey, honey. You're up." My wife pops into view above me.

"How long have I been out?"

"A while."

I look down at the rest of my body and notice I'm still in my suit. "You didn't take it off?" I ask, gesturing at my suit.

"I know not to after you use your abilities that much." Nat smiles warmly at me, sitting on my bed next to me.

"And the kids?"

"In their own hospital rooms being looked after. They're okay. We all are. Thanks to you."

"Well actually, it's thanks to you that you had my suit. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to protect you guys."

"I'm so glad you're okay," she whispers, pressing our foreheads together.

"And I'm so glad you guys are okay. You three are the most important things in my life. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

"I love you so much. Thank you for being our hero." Nat kisses my forehead and minutes later, a doctor is letting our two kids in my room to see me.

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