⚠️ Killed in Action Pt. 4

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Warning: angst
"Actress Scarlett Johansson-Atwood: caught in a lie, and not a small one. 11 months ago, Johansson-Atwood lied about her wife's whereabouts to popular television host, Jimmy Kimmel. When asked where Callie was, the world was told she just "couldn't be with us". According to an official US Army document sent to the Johansson-Atwood residence in Los Angeles, California, Callie was killed in action. It remains a mystery to us all how the Johansson-Atwood family kept this a secret, or how they managed to pull off this stunt."

I sit up from lying down on the bed. My heart beating out of my chest. "Scarlett?" I call out to my wife in the bathroom.

"Yeah, hun?"

"Did you release my death letter?"

She walks back into the room, drying her wet hair with a small towel. "Release it? To who?"

"I don't know. Anyone? Did you show anyone, tell anyone?"

"Only our immediate family but they know to keep things to themselves. Why do you ask?"

"Well, the whole world knows now." I abruptly get up and leave the room.

"What?" Scar comes running after me into our kitchen. "How? What do they know? What are they saying?"

"It doesn't matter now. What matters to me is how the fuck it got out!" I accidentally yell.

"Okay, hey." She calmly steps up to me and takes my face in her hands. "We'll figure this out. We'll work through it." She kisses my forehead before pressing ours together. I wrap my arms around her and hold her close.


"Callie Johansson-Atwood: Faked her death!"

"Callie Johansson-Atwood's going to new lows to live up to her wife's fame."

"The Johansson-Atwood family hasn't shared one detail about it! What could they be hiding?"

"Callie Johansson-Atwood-"

Before the next news reporter can finish her statement, Scarlett shuts off the TV. "Stop watching that shit."

"We haven't shared one detail, what could we be hiding?" I mock one of the news stations as I get off the couch.

"We're allowed to have a private life."

"Yeah but now the world thinks I faked my death."

"And the right people know you didn't."

"Right people, whole world... Where's the difference?" I sarcastically ask.

Scarlett stares at me, gears turning behind her eyes. "Okay." She takes my hand and leads me to our kitchen table, sitting me down across from her.


"We are going to sit at this table until we work out a solution. Together."

"Might take a while."

"Then we'll sit here for a while."

I sigh, putting my forehead down on my arms on the table. Scar reaches over and massages my head. It's already late but I know she's being serious, we won't move until we at least get close to a solution. I push myself to think hard and I know she's doing the same.

"We could just ignore it. Shut everything out," I offer, half-joking.

"Think about that. Think about the life we lead and how that would play out. Think long-term, baby."

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