NR - Fight Club

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A/N at the bottom.

Another crossover. But MANY of you won't know who they are. But don't worry, I'm thinking about bringing these crossover characters to Wattpad. This one-shot is going to be towards the Vertigo book timeline (meaning Callie without powers). If you haven't read the Vertigo book yet, you should.

My lovely readers, meet Crimson Jade and Nova Solace.
In an underground fight club, I stand in a back corner with June and Natasha. Nat was reluctant to come to one of my fights but I convinced her it'll be fun to watch. I do my stretches while Nat and June talk amongst themselves.

"Callie," June calls softly.

I stop my stretches and turn to her. "What?"

"Who's that?"


June points to the ring where there are two people going at it. Well, it's more one absolutely destroying the other.

"I don't know. Never seen them before." I continue staring at the fight, studying this person's moves. Whoever they are, they're amazing.

"She's good," June comments.

"She?" I ask.

"Yeah. I mean, I don't want to assume but come on. Look at her. It's a she, right, Natasha?"

"It's a she," Nat agrees with June.

"She's really pretty," June gushes.

I turn back to June with a smile that's holding back a laugh. My smile is dropped when I see Nat discretely nod in agreement with June.

"Nat!" I laugh.


"You're not supposed to agree with that!"

"I-No, I didn't."


"I just like the silver hair, that's all," Nat shrugs.

Before I can respond, my name is being called. I shove my dog tag into June's hands and rush off to the ring. In the middle of bouncing on the balls of my feet, I stop. My opponent... is the girl who was an absolute beast. Her face stays neutral. I crack my knuckles and this new girl runs a gentle hand through her short, silver hair. Okay, so June was right. She's attractive.

The announcer calls for us to start so we do. Because I never make the first move, we walk in slow circles until the woman begins. She swiftly gets low to the mat and swipes at my feet with a twist. I skip over her flying foot just in time and as I'm landing, this woman is already throwing a punch to my jaw. Since I had no time to recover, her veiny fist makes intense contact with my face. Damn, she has incredible strength.

Not letting up, I block her next blow to my face with one arm, and with the other, I jab her side. She backs up just a little so I step forward. I don't want to lose this fight. I continue throwing punch after punch until the woman is able to block my blows. We're very close. With a slightly bloody nose, she grabs my face on either side and, before I can counter her, headbutts me. I see stars for a second.

We go at it for a long time, longer than any of my other fights have ever gone. Neither of us is willing to give up. She's strong but so am I. The cheers from all around the ring make my adrenaline rush enough for me to back this woman up until she hits the ropes surrounding the mat. When I have her where I want her, I back up a single step and swiftly jump high in the air, spin, and strike her head with my foot. My 540 kick seemed to make a dent. She spits out some blood but before she can recover, I pull her off of the ropes and slam her on the ground. Just like normal, I straddle her stomach and lean close.

"You lose," I heave. I swing hard but don't knock her out. She taps out though.

I step off the ring covered in sweat and some blood streaming from my nose.

"I thought you were going to lose," June says as she's handing me a towel and water bottle.

"So did I," I breathe, taking a long swig of water and cleaning my face. "She's a beast."

"Ha! So you agree she's a she," June smirks.

"Well, now that I got a good look, yes."

"I kinda wanna meet her," Nat finally comes in.

"Should I be worried?" I chuckle.

"Maybe," she smirks.

My mouth gapes open slightly as Nat and June are leading me to where the woman is standing with another woman. The woman I just fought with is much taller than her friend. Her friend kind of looks like June. Just a little. As we're nearing the two, they look our way. The smaller woman smiles warmly.

"You were good," she smiles.

"Almost got my ass kicked," I chuckle.

"But you didn't so props to you. I'm Nova. This is Crimson."

"Great to meet you. I'm Callie. June and Natasha." I gesture to my people. "I gotta know," I start to Crimson. "Where'd you learn to fight like that?"

"Took classes when she was younger," Nova responds for Crimson. Crimson just nods, her facial expression staying neutral.

"Well, damn. It was impressive."

The conversation dies so the three of us part ways with Nova and Crimson. I collect my stuff and leave the fight club.

"She's so much prettier up close," June coos when we're in my car.

"Would you stop gushing over my opponents?" I lightly laugh.

"Not my fault you fight some attractive people."

"I'm hurt," I jokingly pout.

"Cal, you're beautiful," June smiles.

"Stunning," Nat agrees.

"She is, isn't she?" June turns to Nat.

"I'd say. Like, damn."

"Her jawline's so sharp." June pokes my jaw as she stares at me.

"But have you even seen her-"

"Oh, my lord! You two need to stop talking about me like that. It's weird," I cut her off.

"We'll continue this later," June smirks at Nat and Nat nods with a smile. "And yes, I have."

"JUNIPER!" I smack her not so lightly.

She bites her bottom lip to stop laughing. I try to ignore them as I drive us back to my apartment. They've thankfully changed the topic from my body to their plans this weekend. I didn't even know they were close enough to hang out... without me... but I'm happy my girlfriend is so close with June.

no way. 400k? nah i don't believe it. i don't think y'all know how happy this makes me. writing and my readers. so thank you. holy crap.

as for requests and the possibility of a second book, i promise i haven't forgotten any requests so if you've sent something in, i'll eventually get to it in this book or the second. ALSO, i'm just curious to if i should keep all my characters from this book (Callie and people) or make whole new people for the second one shot book. let me know.

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