NR - Meeting the Parents (Version 1)

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Today, my girlfriend of one year is meeting my family for the first time. It took so long because... well to be straightforward, my parents are a bit homophobic. They refuse to accept that I have a girlfriend rather than a boyfriend. They are heavy believers in the "a woman needs a man" bullshit. They've tried setting me up with as many men as they can, and I'm nice about it each time, but I'm just gay. I really wouldn't be introducing her to my parents if I didn't seriously think I'm going to spend my life with her.

The only reason I'm even bringing her today is it's one of our family reunions and my older brother, Oliver, persuaded our parents to let me bring my significant other since he's bringing his girl. Oliver's the only one who accepts me so we have a better relationship. He's also the only one who's made an effort to get to know anyone I've ever dated. My parents have never once even mentioned my girlfriend's name.

I'm standing in front of the full-body mirror in my girlfriend and I's shared apartment. I asked her to move in with me a few months ago and I'm super happy she said yes. In the blurred background vision of the mirror, I can see the beautiful figure my one and only walking up behind me.

"You look great." Natasha smiles at me through the glass and gently massages my shoulders. I nervously smile back.

"What if we just didn't go? Go to dinner ourselves instead," I try. Nat exchanges her smile for a little pout with a sigh. She walks in front of me and takes my hands in hers.

"As much as I would love to have a date night, this is important. It's been a year. I won't rush it if you aren't ready but I think we should just go."

I can't do anything but stare at her. I know she's right. We should just get it over with. Meeting my parents is a need for our relationship.

"Then let's hit the road," I whisper before pulling her into a loving kiss. An hour and a half later, I'm pulling up my parents' driveway with Nat in the passenger seat.

I don't immediately get out when I turn off the car though. I continue to stare out ahead of me, thinking about everything that my parents could possibly say to me or my girlfriend. It's concerning and upsetting to have to worry about this stuff when I finally find someone I truly love.

"Hey. It'll be okay. I'm right here with you," Nat reassures me with a gentle hand on my thigh. I just smile and nod. I take a deep breath then lead us into the literal hellhole.

My parents' house is full of the rest of my family, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, you name it. I try to make the least of an entrance when walking in with Nat, my hand resting on her lower back to guide her through the people. I bring her to the kitchen to grab some beers, preparing for the shit that's coming.

"Callie!" I whip around to my brother and his long-term girlfriend, Mazie, walking up to us. He embraces me in a tight hug while Mazie greets Natasha with a little hug.

"Oliver, hi! Hi Mazie!"

"I'm glad you two could make it!" He says as he switches with Mazie to hug Nat.

"Yeah. I'm not so sure about it but if you really think mom and dad can keep a lid on it for one night..."

"I have hope. If not, then you have my full permission to make a scene," he chuckles, earning laughs from the rest of us three.

"I don't think I'll be looking for your permission to make a scene if they start shit," I mumble to them, putting my arm back around Nat's waist.

"Well, you guys made perfect timing. We're about to eat," Oliver comments as people file into the room.

One by one, everyone fixes themselves a plate of whatever they want and finds a seat somewhere in the house. Because there are so many of us, not everyone can sit at the dining room table. Unfortunately, Oliver ushers me and Nat to sit with them at the main table... Where my parents will be. I'm sat in between Oliver and Nat, directly across from my parents.

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