NR - Are you jealous?

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I'm laying on my bed, tossing a tennis ball in the air over and over again when I hear JARVIS through the coms in my room.

"Party tonight at 6:30. See you soon."

"Okay, thanks JARVIS." I check the time and see it's already 5:45. I think to myself I should probably start to get ready soon.

Moments later, the door cracks open, and my best friend, Wanda, pops her head in.

"Hey, stranger," she greets me with a smirk.

"Hey, what up?" I sit up on my bed and sit with my legs crossed.

"Nothiiiin," she giggles, stepping into my room.

I pat the bed in front of me so she quickly takes a seat.

"Wow, you are such a bad liar."

"Ouch," she laughs with me

"No seriously, what's going on?" I question her again.

"No seriously, nothing," she mocks me, even my body motions. "I just wanted to know if you're going to the party tonight."

"I believe so. How formal is it, do you know?" I hope it isn't too formal, I don't like dressing up all that much.

"Oh, I don't know. I'm not going to wear anything crazy, just a simple dress. Actually, it's the dress you and I got when we went dress shopping a little while ago."

"Ohhh okay, that's a nice dress."

I watch her cheeks grow a soft rose as she actively avoids eye contact with me.

"Well, I gotta go get ready. I'll see you later."

"See you later."

She hesitates before getting up from my bed, just smiling at me.


When I walk into the party, I'm immediately greeted by Steve Rogers.

"Looking good, Callie," he flirts.


I'm quite used to people flirting with me but I never really flirt back unless I like them in a romantic way. I walk past Steve and start the search for my girlfriend, Natasha.

"You look great!" Tony calls as I walk past him and I just smile and nod at him.

On my journey around the room, most people I pass compliment my outfit or just me in general and unless they're my friends, I ignore them. I make my way around to the bar after not being able to find Nat on my first walk-around of the room.

"Old fashioned," I order the bartender who nods and walks away to make my drink, returning minutes later to hand it to me.

I take my drink to a group of my friends plus a few people I've never met before.

"Callie! Hey! Guys, this is Callie. You may know her as Vertigo." Tony gestures to the people I've never met, I assume they're his friends, then back to me.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I shake their hands and let them continue their conversation, joining wherever I can.

"Have you seen Nat?" I whisper to Bucky who's standing next to me.

"No, I-" he starts but is cut off by Wanda interrupting him.

"Callie!" Wanda almost yells at me.

"H-Hey Wands."

"What's wrong?" She puts a hand on my arm, I guess to comfort me.

"Nothing, I just can't find Natasha. Have you seen her?" Just then, I feel a hand on my upper back and I turn to see Nat smiling at me.

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