🔞 NR - Home Late

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Warning: Callie g!p
My fiancé walks into our home. I've been waiting for her all day. She didn't even text me to tell me she'd be home late. We were supposed to have dinner together. I ate alone. I watch her walk in from laying on the couch in the living room.

"You're home," I deadpan.

"Yeah, sorry. Got caught up in DC." She drops her briefcase next to the door.

"You couldn't have texted me?"

I hear her sigh under her breath. "No, Natasha. I can't text and fly."

"You could have texted me before you left the office."

"I didn't have time. Fury had me in meetings all day."

"I'm sure you could've spared thirty seconds."

"I don't know what to tell you. I was busy. I'm sorry." She rummages through the fridge as we talk.

"You were busy. I've heard that excuse plenty of times. Make up something better."

"What's that supposed to mean?" she calls from the kitchen.



I take a second to gather my thoughts. "So where are your priorities then?"


"Clearly they aren't with me."

"You know better than anyone that's not true."

"Do I?"

"Yes, Natasha. Now, can you stop picking fights so I can find something for dinner?"

"First of all, I am not picking fights. Second, if you were home on time or if you let me know you'd be late, I would've had dinner ready for you."

"How many times do I have to tell you? I am sorry. I was busy," she seethes.


I hear the fridge door slam closed and the contents inside bang around. "What do you want from me?"

"I want..." I sit up on the couch. "For you to communicate with me."

"I am. Right now. I'm feeding into the argument you pulled out of your ass. I shouldn't. But I am."

"Oh, now I'm pulling arguments out of my ass? Mature."

Callie appears at the living room entrance. She's still in her work clothes—a casual dark blue suit. "You want mature? I can show you mature." I look at her expectantly so she continues. "I come home from a long day at work just for my fiancé to yell at me. You are not an Avenger or a SHIELD agent anymore so I am the only one making money." She slowly stalks into the room as she hisses at me. "Do not yell at me for coming home late when all you do is stay home and spend the money that I make. If that's how you want to do this, go get a fucking job!"

I stand up now. "I left the Avengers and SHIELD because we're getting married! That was the plan that we made together! Do not talk to me like I'm a worthless piece of shit who doesn't do anything! If you were so pressed about me being jobless, you shouldn't have suggested I leave! Me being jobless is your doing!"

"My doing?! Are you fucking kidding me?" She steps closer so I step back. I'm not scared of her, though. "I said quit SHIELD and the Avengers, not go completely jobless! You have every right to go out and get a different job! I said leave them because if we want those kids we've been talking about, we both can't be tied up like that! So, if you want a job, go get one!"

Scarlett Johansson | One-Shots (1)Where stories live. Discover now