⚠️ NR - Ransom Pt. 1

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Warning: angst, tortureHelp is at the bottom

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Warning: angst, torture
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"We can't a jet out to you," Steve says sadly.

I was sent on a solo mission. It was a stealth mission so only one Avenger could be sent. That one Avenger being me. My girlfriend, Natasha, was reluctant to let me go but I assured her day and night that I would be okay. That I would come home in one piece. Now, there's a bigger issue for me than fighting off Hydra soldiers: I can't get home on a jet. The one thing that was supposed to extract me from the mission location.

"Copy that," I respond strictly into my coms.

"There's a car ten blocks from your location. I arranged it the second we knew we couldn't get you," Tony explains.

"Copy that," I sigh.

With my mission completed, I use the alleyways as cover as I make my way ten blocks west to my getaway car. At least it's nighttime so there is less of a chance to be seen. My bodysuit is dark making it better for sneaking around.

I find the little sedan that Tony arranged in a secluded parking lot. I jump in it, snatch the key from the glove compartment, and start my drive home. It should take me about an hour and in this car, I don't think I should be recognized.

About a half-hour out, I'm driving on a lonely road in the middle of nowhere. It's a road connecting two towns so it's lowkey. I'm anxious to get home. I'm so tired. Even though I'm exhausted, I know there's no way I'm hallucinating.

In the near distance, I catch a figure standing in the middle of the road. As I near the figure, it becomes apparent that the figure is a person. Before I can process and hit my brakes, the person lifts something onto their shoulder, and a second later, something is coming flying towards my car.


All I see are flashes of the world around me. My car flies through the air, flipping, and causing my limbs to flail around. When the car stops moving, I'm upside down. Blood drips down my face and I think I can feel broken bones. I quickly lose consciousness.


"She didn't come home." I overhear a conversation between Tony and Steve.

I walk into the room and they instantly stop talking.

"What's going on?" I ask.

Steve sighs sadly before answering. "Callie didn't make it home. She should've gotten here fifteen minutes ago."

"Well, where is she?" I ask further.

"We don't know." Steve breaks eye contact to look at the ground. "Her coms are down and her tracker went dark. We have nothing."

"So what's the game plan?" I grill them.

"A game plan? Natasha, we don't know what happened. How would we make a plan if we don't know where she is or what happened?"

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