NR - Gone Pt. 1

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In my room, I shove the bare necessities into my duffle bag and backpack.

I'm going away. A mission across the globe. Alone.

My long-term girlfriend Natasha is at my desk with the books she bought me and carefully putting them in my bags. She hasn't said a word since she barged in this morning with two iced coffees and a look on her face. I asked what was wrong but she just ignored me and got to work.

After putting the final item into my duffle bag and zipping it closed, I sigh. "Natasha," I start tiredly. When she doesn't respond, I try again. "Natasha, it's almost midnight and I leave in the morning. Can we just talk? We don't have much time." Once again, she ignores me. "Fine. I'm going to bed."

I get up from the floor, kiss her head, and lay down in bed.

"How long will you be gone for?"

I look at Nat staring at the wall. "No one knows for sure. It can be around two years," I say.

"And you thought it through?"

"Yes. Either way, Nat, I can't back down now."

"You can, though. Fury has had a replacement for you since the day he requested you for this mission."

"And you know this, how?" Nat's silent. "So you talked to Fury about... what? Taking me off the mission? It's not your choice."

Nat finally looks at me. "Two years in a foreign place without the means to contact any of us. Two years in the unknown about what's happening to you. You could die and we wouldn't know. If you don't come home, we send someone to get your body if it's not already... put somewhere. We can't help you if you need us. Two years alone."

"I know. But I'll be okay, I'll survive. I'm stronger than you think."

"This isn't about your strength or durability–"

"So please, let it go. It's happening." I pause to take a few deep breaths and sit up in bed. "When I'm gone–"

"Don't finish that sentence."

"I'm trying to make your life easier, would you shut up!" I snap.

Instead of getting upset with me, Nat just smiles and gestures for me to talk. I instantly feel bad for yelling at her. I gather my thoughts and continue. "I could be gone for two years or more. That's two years without being by each other's side. Two years. So... when I'm gone, if you move on, that's okay. I encourage it. I want you to live your life, don't wait around. Two years is an estimated maximum. Anything longer and I might be presumed dead. I don't want you to waste your time waiting around. So when I'm gone, live a little."

I look up from my feet to Nat wiping at her face. "No. You– You're delusional. No."

"Natasha, please. I'm telling you it's okay. We don't even know if I'll come home at all. It's okay. But..."—I get out of bed to crouch in front of her—"we only have tonight. Let's spend it wisely."

Nat smirks. All without saying anything, she stands up, taking me with her, and pushes me backward while kissing me. On the bed, we start our final night together for an unknown period of time.


I watch Callie leave. A Quinjet is taking her away. Now starts the unknown amount of time of no communication. Everyone's watching her go except for Wanda and Vision because Wanda is in Europe with Vision. Steve has his arm around me protectively and I'm trying to not break down.

As Callie's jet is growing smaller and smaller, I get a call from Wanda. "Hey," I say into the phone.

"Did she leave?" Wanda asks sadly.

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