🔞 NR - Pit Stop

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"How long do we have?" Natasha questions the car ride.

"I don't know honey, maybe like another five hours. We should be home a bit after midnight."

She quietly groans and puts her feet up on the dashboard of our Chevy Silverado.

"Okay, then grumpypants. It's the final stretch and at least you're not the one who did most of the driving," I chuckle, earning an annoyed look from my fiancé.

"If you hate it so much, why agree to drive to New Orleans?" She asks.

"Simple. Because you wanted to and I love you."

Nat smirks and lightly shakes her head. In my peripheral, I can see her staring at me. Her eyes are scanning every inch of me. I don't say anything but I really want to mess with her. Keeping my eyes glued to the road as she stares at me, I slowly bite my bottom lip.


"Yeah?" I smirk, continuing to look at only the road.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" I innocently look over at her and look her up and down.

"No. Stop. We're in the car, that's not fair," she complains, looking out her window to avoid me, and putting her feet back on the floor.

I smile at this but can't help but keep going. I reach over the center console and rest a hand on her thigh, lightly rubbing her inner thigh with my thumb. She does everything she can to not look at me. The longer she ignores me, the more I feel the need to bother her. I switch from rubbing with my thumb to slowly running my hand up and down her inner thigh. After a few short minutes of this, she leans her head back and opens her legs as much as they'll go. I have officially gone down a road I can't turn around on. Every time my hand goes near her core, she lets out a heavy breath.

"Cal please..." She starts to whimper but can't finish because I finally graze over her core.

I don't respond to her, just continue driving with one hand and teasing her with the other. I transition to rubbing her core over her pants. Her breathing gets deeper and she grips the sides of her seat tightly. She whimpers as I rub circles over her clit with my two middle fingers.

"Ca-" she tries again but I press harder on her so she can't finish.

She takes another deep breath. "Just pull the car over!" She yells at me.

I don't hesitate for a second. The moment I find an opening, I pull off to the shoulder and turn off the car for our pit stop. We're lucky it's night. Nat immediately gets out of the passenger seat to crawl onto the backseat. I'm not even closing the back door when she already has her shirt and leggings on the car floor. She lays herself down along the seat and I climb onto her, pulling off my clothes as I go. Nat immediately pulls me down, smashing our lips together. She kisses me hard and I shove my tongue down her throat, earning little hums. As we make out, my left hand travels down her skin and onto her core, over her underwear. Again, I rub her clit from outside her clothing. She quietly moans into my mouth and grips my hair with one hand, the other rests on my waist.

"Please," she begs in between movements.

I smirk down at her before kissing her jaw lovingly, moving down her neck and chest. The more I avoid what she really wants, the harder she grips my body. Finally, I glide my hand under her underwear and slip my fingers into her. She moans loudly and runs her hand down my back with her nails in my skin.

"Oh, baby."

I pump into her slowly at first, speeding up every few minutes. Her moans match my pumps and get louder the harder I slam into her.

"Oh!" She groans when I hit her g-spot.

As I fuck her, I wrap my other hand around her throat and squeeze. Her eyes roll to the back of her head and her mouth gapes open. When I release my grip, she screams out in pleasure. I crave her lips so I come back to them to kiss her roughly. Our tongues fight for dominance but I win quickly when her body becomes weak due to my hard work. I watch the pleasure take over her body and feel her tighten around my hand inside her.

"Come on baby. Cum for me," I instruct through my heavy breathing.

Right on cue, she releases hard all over my hand. I glide my fingers in and out of her for a while more until I can't go any longer. When we finish, I hold myself above her and suck and lick my hand clean of her with a smirk. She whimpers at the sight, rubbing the back of my neck gently.

"I will never stop loving your taste," I breathe as I lean down to give her one last slow, soft peck on her lips.

"We should hit the road again though. We won't get home until closer to two now," I chuckle as I climb off her.

Nat just smiles and nods, getting up to get dressed with me. Soon enough, we're back in our rightful seats and I'm continuing the drive home. Barely 20 minutes into the drive, I look over at Nat to see she's already passed out in her seat.


"Nat. Baby," I whisper after I put the car in park in our driveway a little less than five hours later.

She groans and stirs but doesn't wake up. She looks peaceful so I don't want to wake her. I climb out of our truck and walk to Nat's side. When I open her door and the inside car lights go on, she hides her face. I laugh under my breath but unbuckle her anyway and carefully grab her and lift her. She wraps her arms around my neck as I carry her bridal style all the way inside our little home and to our room. I don't unpack the car from our vacation, I figured I'll do that tomorrow. I just lay my sleeping fiancé in bed and climb in next to her, quickly passing out with her laying her head on my chest.

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