NR - Sparring Distraction

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———————————————————————Callie:"That's cheating," Steve heaves as he's getting up from me pulling his leg out from under him with my wisps

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"That's cheating," Steve heaves as he's getting up from me pulling his leg out from under him with my wisps.

"Sorry," I chuckle.

"I thought we agreed on no powers."

"Yes, sir."

We continue sparring. He's using his shield, just like I asked him to. I want to better my combat skills and sparring with Steve and his shield is a great way to do that. Steve and I are sparring while Peter and Sam are bickering right outside of the ring. They're a little distracting but two boys have never affected my combat abilities. I cock my arm back to throw a punch to Steve's jaw when all of a sudden, Peter's webs are wrapped around my wrist. Before I can yell at Peter for ripping my punch away, Steve's shield comes flying at me. I can't get away from it because I'm literally all tied up. The edge of the shield strikes me across the cheek. I collapse with a spin, smacking the ground.

"Peter!" I groan, dragging my fingers along my cheek and seeing a good amount of blood.

"Shit, are you okay?" Steve kneels next to me. "I thought you would've blocked the shield. You always do."

"I would've but someone prevented me." I glare at Peter who quickly sprints out of the room but before he can get too far, I project a blast at him, sending him flying through the training room's doors. He's advanced, my blast probably won't even make a mark.

I'm walking through the hallway right in front of the training room when out of nowhere, Peter comes literally flying through the double doors, a trail of fading blue following him.

"Peter? Are you okay? What did Callie do?" I ask, already knowing this was Callie's doing.

"I'm fine. Fine. Callie's just pissed at me."


Before he can answer, Callie herself comes out. My eyes go wide when I see a decent-sized gash on her cheek with blood dripping down.

"Oh shit," Callie mumbles, attempting to get past me but I grab her.

"What the hell happened?" I ask her.

"Ask Mr. America's Ass," she groans.

Filled with anger, I drag my girlfriend back into the training room. When Cap sees the anger in my eyes, he freezes like a deer in headlights.


"Steven, tell me you didn't strike Callie with your damn shield."

"I didn't mean to! She always blocks me but Peter-"

"Oh, so this is Peter's fault now?" I cut him off again.

"Nat-" Cal tries.

"Look at her face! She has a huge gash on her cheek because of that shield!"

"She'll heal," Steve adds.

"I know that but she shouldn't have to after sparring!"

"Nat!" Callie yells at me.

"What?" I snap, turning my attention to her.

"It's not Steve's fault. I usually block his blows but Peter's webs got a hold of me and I physically could not."

"I'm going to rip him a new one." I turn to leave the room to threaten the teen.

Callie tries to grab me but I tear out of her grip. "Natasha, stop it."


"You leave me no choice." Just when I'm reaching the double doors, my body is frozen in place, blue wisps flowing slowly around me.

"Callie, release me right now."

"No. I don't want you to threaten Peter for an honest mistake! Steve, you might want to leave while you can," she calls to him and he quickly runs past me, Sam following close behind.

"Atwood," I spit.

"I'm letting go now. Do not leave this room."

"Okay," I surrender. Finally, my body relaxes and her wisps stop flowing around me. "God, sometimes I hate that you have powers."

"Why? Don't like someone having power over you?" She chuckles.

"I don't like you having that much power over me."

"Sucks to be you. But seriously, I'm fine. I will heal. You know it barely hurts because of my advancements."

"Yeah yeah, super-soldier," I roll my eyes at her.

"I'm not a super-soldier."

"You basically are. You have everything they do."

"Not everything. Plus, super-soldiers don't have these." She lifts her hands that have gentle wisps flowing around them.

"Let me fix your face then."

"If that'll calm you down, okay."

She lets me clean up her face but refuses a bandage since it's on her face. Even though she'll be fine, I don't like the look of the gash on her cheek.

"I'll get to Peter when you're not around."

"Then I guess I can't leave your side for the rest of the week," she smirks.

"Honey, you sleep too much to keep an eye on me that much," I tease.


-Next day-

My eyes flutter open to an empty bed. I sit up but before I can call out for Callie, she appears from the bathroom in sweats and a small sports bra. I can't help but stare at her.

"I'm going to the training room, come with?" She offers.

"Damn, your face healed fast," I comment on her 100% healed face.

"Told you I'd be fine. Now, are you coming or not?"


"Cute. Yes, you are. I'm not letting you go after Peter," she laughs.

"Ugh, I don't even feel like working out," I complain.

"Then just sit there."

"This is so stupid," I groan as I roll out of bed to follow her to the training room.

As grumpy as I am, watching my shirtless girlfriend work out is one of my favorite things to do. The way her muscles work... fuck. She takes a while, occasionally glancing at me, probably to make sure I'm still sitting here. But, when she's done, she invites me to join her in the shower. I more than happily accept this. A great way to start the day.

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