🔞 NR - Is that a tattoo?

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I look at Callie, all dressed up at this party, I can't keep my mind on anything else. I stare at her body as her silky white dress squeezes her gorgeous curves, her curled hair showing off her amazingly sharp jawline. Fuck.

"Hey baby, what're you looking at?" Her voice snaps me out of my gaze.

"You. You look so amazing." I look her up and down slowly.

Her cheeks grow a soft rose.

"I want you tonight," I state, placing my hand on her bare upper chest.

"Let's cut this party short. I'll see you in my room in five minutes." She quickly walks away with a smirk, leaving me alone to crave her touch.


I walk into her room, closing and locking the door behind me, to Callie already slipping off her dress next to the desk. She's facing away from me but I know she knows I'm here. On my short walk over to her, I take off my own dress. I get up behind her and wrap my arms around her exposed body. I then slide one hand up to her chin, pushing her head out of the way so I can get to her neck. I kiss and nip at her neck, leaving little love marks down the side of her neck. She hums in pleasure, bringing her arms up behind her head and tangling her fingers in my hair.

With the hand still on her stomach, I slide up her skin to her breast and give it a little squeeze, earning a moan from her. I slip my hand under her bra, toying with her nipple, while my other hand unclips it. When it drops to the floor, I use both hands on her breasts. Her breathing gets heavier and can tell by her body language that she wants more.

Keeping one hand on her breast and still pressed against her from behind, I slide the other down her body. I stop at the rim of her underwear, asking for permission, which she gives me by lifting her left leg onto her desk chair to open herself up for me. I slip two fingers into her, pumping in and out slowly. She moans and leans her head back on my shoulder, mouth hanging open in pleasure.

"Fuck Nat," she whispers as I speed up, rubbing her clit with my thumb.

I smile at the sight of Callie like this.

"You like that, baby?" I coo in her ear.

"Mhm" is all she can get out in response.

As I fuck her with one hand, the other continues to play with her breasts, making it even more pleasurable for her.

"We should move this to the bed," I whisper, getting out of breath.

"Yes please."

I pull out of her only to let her lay herself down on the bed. I walk up to the edge of the bed, stopping at her legs that are bent at the knees, hanging over the edge. I bend over and place my hands on top of her hips, hooking my index and middle fingers on the thin straps of her underwear. I pause again, looking for permission and she just frantically nods so I gently pull them off her legs and to the ground. I start to climb onto her but I freeze.

"Baby, is this a tattoo?" I ask as I trace my fingers over the ink on her v-area.

"Oh yeah, it is." She chuckles. "I completely forgot to tell you I got that."

"It's beautiful. What does it mean?"

"How about I tell you after you fuck me 'till I can't walk?" She pleads.

I crawl onto her with a smirk and as soon as she's under me, I pin her down by her shoulders. Her hands travel to my back to where they unclip my bra and throw it across the room. I get down low, pressing our bodies together, and kiss her neck hard. She whimpers as I move down her body, making a pit stop at her breasts. I switch back and forth between sucking on her and flicking my tongue against her nipple.

When I finish with her chest, I kiss a line down her stomach to her inner thighs. Her hands stay in my hair, gripping tighter when I leave little hickeys on her legs.

"Oh, baby... Just-" Before she could finish her begs, I connect my lips to her core and shove my tongue into her.

"Oh fuck!" She screams out in pleasure as I twirl my tongue inside her.

She's gripping the sheets so tight that her knuckles turn white and her back arches. I put one of my hands on her stomach and slide it up her body, grazing her breasts and stopping at her throat to grab it tightly. At the same time, I flick her clit with my tongue and release her neck. Her screams of pleasure turn me on so I release a hum of my own into her core, which sends her over the edge. She cums into my mouth and I'm forced to swallow, not that I'm complaining.

I come out of her and up to her face, hovering above for a moment to catch my breath.

"You taste good," I smirk down at her.

"Shit Nat," she breathes, yanking my face to hers.

Our lips smash together to finish our night off. We make out hard for a few minutes, moans escaping the both of us.

When we finally pull away, I collapse on top of her completely out of breath. The heat from our bodies keeps us warm as we lay bare on the bed.

"So are you going to tell me what your tattoo means now?" I ask when I finally catch my breath.

"The mountains represent the obstacles and painful times in life that we have to get through. It reminds me of the strength I have so when I'm going through a hard time, I think about those mountains and remind myself I'll get through it," she wearily responds.

"Oh wow. I love that. It's perfect."

"Thank you," she yawns, immediately passing out.

Not long after, I do as well.

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