Six-Film Contract

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One-shot #200!! That's so exciting! This book is now officially completed. If you put in any requests, I promise I'm working on them for the second book. As for this one-shot, I don't know much about how the film industry works so I'm working off of my creativity. I didn't feel like doing the research. Anyway, thank you everyone for this amazing opportunity and I'll see you in the next book:)
Many years ago, I signed a contract with Marvel Studios when Marvel bought Vertigo rights from Lionsgate. That contract consisted of me agreeing to do six films with Marvel. Back then, when I signed, I was very open with my thoughts. I told them that I would be "open to anything". So here we are. Years later. In the conference room with Kevin Feige, Vertigo's casting director Mariah Murphy, Vertigo's director Andrew Clinton, my wife Scarlett, and my talent agent Anthony Pearce. Laying in front of each of us is a copy of my contract.

"After finalizing your most recent film Scarlet Witch v Vertigo, we gave you notice that your contract will end within the next few months," Kevin says. "I'm going to be very straightforward with you, Callie, we want you to renew your contract with us. Though of course, it's up to you whether you stay or not."

"Did anyone else in the cast renew? I know many of them also ran out of contract time," I ask.

"Technically, we shouldn't tell you because we don't want to sway you. But Mack, Will, Sophia, and Nick all renewed. Travis and Jaeger are talking about leaving and we haven't gotten around to meeting with anyone else," Mariah responds.

"Well, seeing as I'm the character whose name is on the movies, I guess that's a good enough reason to stay."

"We will have to look over the new contract," Anthony starts. "Callie has offers for other films on the table–"

"That I'm willing to turn down for this."

"That we'll talk about after this," Anthony corrects me, shooting me a look that only makes me smirk.

"Let him do his job," Scar mumbles, tapping my knee under the table.

"We're literally talking about me. My career," I whisper back.

"You hired him to help you navigate it. Let him do it."

"Well, I've already made my decision," I mumble, crossing my arms over my chest like a child.

"Anyway, we'll talk it over and get back to you," Anthony repeats. He sticks my old and new contract sheets into his little folder labeled "FLS" which stands for "Frustrating Little Shit" but he couldn't put those words on a legal folder like that.


Back at the house, Anthony, Scarlett, and I sit on the L-shaped couch in our main family room. On the round table in front of us, Anthony has laid out my contracts, other film offers, and various other papers. He has his laptop open and he's typing away.

"Sorry, just sending an email," he apologizes. A few seconds later, his focus is back on us. "Alright, so far we have a murder comedy for Paramount, voice acting for Disney, and an action-thriller for Universal."

"And Vertigo for Marvel," I add.

"And Vertigo for Marvel," Anthony sighs. "But as your talent agent, I am required to tell you that I suggest turning down the murder comedy. The salary offer for that film was significantly lower than the others."

"How does Marvel compare to the others? Salary wise," Scarlett asks.

"It's up there. Disney and Marvel are almost tied. Disney really wants you, Cal. They're willing to offer more to the competition."

"I thought they were the same company," I comment.

"Yes. Disney owns Marvel. But the voice acting gig is for Disney's animation studios. That's what makes it different. I think it would make the most sense to run with Disney or Marvel."

"Marvel," I say confidently.

"Okay, slow down cowboy. I know you love Marvel but take a look at this." He turns and slides the folders with Disney and Marvel offers. Scarlett looks at the pages over my shoulder.

"Oh, I like that," Scar says, pointing at Disney's offer.

"Okay, so they're offering a lot. But shouldn't I be really into the films I'm doing? I would be happiest with Marvel. I've been Vertigo for so long. Not to mention the fans would be devastated if I left now. Scarlet Witch v Vertigo left a few big cliffhangers. Even I want to find out where it's going."

"Yes, enjoyment is important when acting in big films," Anthony agrees.

"Looking at it, it doesn't seem too big a deal whether you choose Disney or Marvel. It doesn't matter to me," Scar adds. She slides the papers back to Anthony.

"Okay, well if you're already set with your decision and you've listened to my advice, we can wrap up here and go with it," Anthony says, sticking the papers back into his briefcase.

"Marvel," I respond immediately.

"Okay. Marvel it is. I'll make some calls. As always, it was a pleasure meeting with you," he says, a playful smirk on his face.

"Have a good night," I say as he stands.

"You as well."

With that, he lets himself out.


"I'm so glad you decided to stay with us," Kevin Feige says to me the next time I'm in the conference room on set.

"I am too. I can't wait for the sequels of Scarlet Witch v Vertigo," I say with a smile.

"It's going to be so good." He smiles at me then we head out of the room and onto set to join the rest of the cast that stayed with Marvel.

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