🔞 Camp Pt. 2

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"That's it."

Scarlett scrambles off of me. I sit up on my forearms behind me to watch what she's doing. My breathing hitches when I see her pulling out our toy box. She pulls out the strap-on.

"On your knees," she instructs.

I don't hesitate to scramble off the bed and drop on all fours. As I'm repositioning myself to my knees, Scar comes up to me, grabbing the back of my head and stopping me when I'm a few inches away from the plastic dick. After using my tongue to prepare, I wrap my lips around the toy and Scar pushes my head towards her. She pushes my head until I can't take it.

"Oh God," she moans when she hears me choke.

I grip her hips as she bobs my head along the toy. Occasionally, I'll wrap my arms around her and take a handful of ass in each hand, earning a moan from my wife.

Without warning, she lifts my head by a finger under my chin and pulls up so I'm forced to stand. When facing her, she pushes me onto the bed and shoves the plastic into me. My dripping wet cunt accepts it, no problem. She starts slow, letting my body warm up to the new feeling. I wrap my legs around her waist as my body melts under her. She takes this as her cue to speed up.

I let out a breathy moan when she pulls out just to thrust into me as hard as she can.

"Oh fuck!" I scream as she pounds my pussy and grabs a breast with one hand.

My sweaty body rocks aggressively under her, my legs going weak and falling open. She removes her hand from my chest to hold herself up on either side of me. Her thrusts become more powerful now that she gave herself the leverage she needed. From under her, I weakly reach between us to grab her tits. I only last a few minutes of squeezing her before I fall almost limp, unable to touch her anymore. My hands grip the sheets next to me as she continues to slam into me.

After what feels like hours in heaven, she finally slows down, thrusting gently and slowly. She presses her lips to my warm neck for a few long seconds then hovers above me to look at me. We stare at each other as she thrusts into me, our bodies rocking with each other and my moans muffled.

Finally, she pulls out and crawls off of me to let the strap fall to the floor. She comes back and we reposition ourselves on the bed to be more comfortable.

I wipe away a few strands of hair stuck to my sweaty forehead and say, "Want to get me a glass of water?"

I see Scarlett whip her head to me and I can't stop a smile. "Is that seriously the first thing you say after sex?" she asks, clearly trying not to laugh.

"Yeah. I'm thirsty."

"I'm right here, though."

"Funny," I smirk.

"I don't know what's funny. I'm being serious. But okay."

"Scarlett, please. I am parched. I feel like if I don't drink something, I'll shrivel up and die. Is that what you want? For me to shrivel up and die?"

"No, I don't want you to shrivel up and die."

"That sounded so sarcastic," I laugh.

"I swear it's not," she refutes, finally rolling out of bed and throwing on an oversized t-shirt over underwear. "I'll be back with your water. Maybe if you're so dry, I should just pour it on you."

"That's rude," I mumble to myself since she's already rumbling down the steps.

A few minutes later, she reappears in the doorway with my glass of water. And a smirk.

"No. Scarlett, don't even think about it!"

"Too late, I thought about it."

"Stop. It's not fair when I can't move because you fucked me up!"

Scar just keeps smirking as she inches closer to the side of the bed I'm laying on. "Hold still."

"No!" I try to scramble away but she grabs me to hold me in place. "You wouldn't dare pour water on our silk bed." I look up at her smirking.

"Wouldn't I?" She starts inching the glass over my head so I grab her wrist quickly to stop her.

"Scarlett, stop!" I laugh harder, Scar pushing to pour it on me and me trying to stop her. Our fight for dominance over the glass causes the water inside to swish around. It comes dangerously close to the rim. I look back and forth between my wife and the water over and over again.

"If you keep struggling, it's gonna go on the bed, not you!" At that moment, I freeze. Bad move. She takes the opportunity to slip out of my grip and soak me in a glass of water.

"Scarlett!" I scream-laugh. "You're so dead!"

"Come at me, then. Or are you too sore?"

I shake my head with an eye roll as I come towards her and she backs up. "Yeah, better run."

Unfortunately, I don't get far since my shaky legs give out and Scarlett laughs at me. I can't help but laugh too as I sit on the edge of the bed, my wife trying to stifle her laughter.

"I'll go get you another glass," she finally says. "And put on some clothes."

"I thought you liked me naked?"

"I do. You just look cold."

"I wonder why."

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