NR - Cushion Fort

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I didn't have work today but Callie did so I'm home with the kids today.

Our oldest, Dallas, is in her room like usual, on the phone with her friends while doing homework and whatnot. Our youngest, Greyson, though, I haven't seen. He's a sneaky child so he could be anywhere. Takes after my wife.

I'm sitting on the living room couch reading when Grey suddenly pops up out of nowhere.

"Hi, Mommy!"

"Hi, Hunny."

"Can you play wif me?" He gives me his classic puppy dog eyes so I have to say yes. He knows damn well that works.

"Of course. What do you want to do?"

"Build a fort?" He smiles big and rocks back and forth on his heels.

"I like your thinking." I smile back at him.

He squeals and runs out of the living room, returning minutes later with his arms full of his stuffed animals and his favorite froggy blanket.

"Alright Grey, let's build the best fort in the world!"

I ruffle his hair and he giggles as I hurry to get some blankets and pillows for the fort. On the way back to the living room from the little closet of blankets, I make a pit stop at Dallas' room. I knock lightly and wait for her to accept me.

"Hey Dal," I say as I crack open her door.

She's laying on her stomach on her bed with school things sprawled out all around her.

"Hi, Mom."

"Your brother and I are making a fort, want to join?"

"Sure, I'll be right down."

"Okay." I smile gently and leave her room to find Grey laying on the floor focused on the carpet. I can't help but chuckle at the sight, he's so cute.

"Okay! I got everything. Let's start building."

With my words, he scrambles to his feet and starts ripping the cushions off the couches and standing them all up to make a little wall around a small area. It's just big enough for the three of us. When he finally perfects his wall of cushions, he shoves a blanket into my stomach.

"Can you put the roof on?"

"We can do it together," I urge. "Here, take this side and I'll take the other," I instruct, handing him one side of the blanket.

He grips it tightly and does what I do. I follow the lead in carefully lifting the blanket and laying it over top of the fort.

"Wow, the fort looks good." We turn to see Dallas walking into the room.

"Yay! Let's go in!" Grey exclaims happily, taking my hand and dragging me through the little entrance.

I get down on all fours and follow my son into his new fort. It looks small from the outside but honestly, the inside is roomy. Dallas comes in right after me and we all lay against the pillows we put against the couch. I lay in the middle of my two kids, Greyson snuggled into me on my right with his stuffed animals, Dallas on my left, gently leaning on me.

I look over to Dallas then to Greyson, both starting to drift off to sleep. Barely 10 minutes later and all three of us are passed out on the floor in our fort.

I tiredly walk through the front door of my house and trudge inside. After a long day of work, I'm ready to see my family. I hang my keys on the hooks next to the doorway and shove my bag under the bench under the hooks.

I sigh lightly, just relieved to be home, and walk to the kitchen to fill a glass of water but freeze as I'm filling it. It just occurred to me how quiet the house is and how strange that is for our household.

I peek into the living room and immediately smile to myself. Sitting in the middle of the room is an adorable couch cushion fort with a large blanket covering the top of it as the roof. Out of curiosity, I kneel down in front of the entrance and the sight in front of my eyes melts my heart. My wife and our two kids cuddling in a fort they made. That's definitely the best thing to come home to after a long day of work.

I stare at them for a few minutes, just admiring my beautiful family.

"Cal?" Nat whispers sleepily.

"Hey Natasha," I whisper back.

"What're you doing? When did you get home?"

"I just got home. And I'm just watching my family."

"I would get up but I'm sort of stuck." She lightly chuckles.

"Hey, that's okay. You guys look adorable anyway. I wouldn't want to disturb that. I'll see you in bed later. Love you." I smile at her and rub her ankle on my way out since I can only reach her ankles.

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