NR - Sleepy Nat

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———————————————————————Callie:"Stop shooting me! I'm on your team!" I scold Peter through my headset as he continues to shoot me in our game of Star Wars Battlefront

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"Stop shooting me! I'm on your team!" I scold Peter through my headset as he continues to shoot me in our game of Star Wars Battlefront.

"Wait, we are doing teams?" Pietro's nervous accent asks.

"Are you kidding me? Y'all are so hard to play with," I groan.

"Oh, I see you!" Peter squeals so loud I have to pull my headphone away from my ear for a moment.

"PETER!" I scream back when he shoots me and my screen shows that I died.


"I'm so done with this. When I respawn, I'm coming for you, Pete." I lean forward in my chair as my screen loads. The second it finishes, I hear FRIDAY's distant voice.

"Welcome home, Agent Romanoff."

"Shit. Guys, Nat's home. I got to go," I tell my friends into my headset before ripping it off and shutting off the TV and Xbox.

I'm about to leave my room to meet her when my door is being pushed open and Nat walks in. She doesn't say a word, just collapses onto my bed. Confused, I close and lock the door then roll up my desk's swivel chair next to my bed.

"Tired?" I ask as I start our normal routine after her missions, starting with changing her into comfy clothes.


I lift her off of the bed to replace the top of her suit with one of my t-shirts. "Are you coming to movie night tonight?"


"Well, how was the mission?" I exchange the bottom of her suit for a pair of my sweatpants then get up to wet a washcloth and come back to wipe her face and neck clean.

"Good," she yawns.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too," she slurs, rolling away from me and grabbing my pillow to cuddle with her sweaty body.

"Nuh-uh, we aren't done!" I chuckle, rolling her back to her back. "I'll allow you to hold my pillow in your nasty arms just this once."

She whines and tries to roll away again but I use my abilities to gently hold her in place as I go to the desk.

"Let me gooo," she complains.

"Stop squirming, it shouldn't be this hard to keep you still." I scoot my chair back to the side of the bed and release Nat from my wisps. She turns her head on the pillow to squint her eyes at me.

"Sleepytime?" She tries.

"Not yet. Now just lift your head for a sec," I instruct softly. She groans as she lifts her head barely an inch off the pillow, allowing me to slip her necklace on. She would wear it on missions but I gave it to her a while ago for our two-year anniversary and she's said many times how she doesn't want to lose or damage it. Now, it's a part of our routine for me to put it on her when she gets home.

The moment my hands are off of her body, she rolls away again, this time all the way to her stomach. I admire her, lying half on top of my pillow and almost passed out. My eyes scan her, her long eyelashes, pink lips ever so slightly parted, her amazingly sharp jaw being shown off at the angle she's laying.

I know she's had a rough three days so I turn so I'm parallel to the side of the bed. I grab a book from the nightstand and read as I gently rub her back. She lets out small moans of happiness whenever I reach a spot she likes.


Somehow, I managed to pass out in my chair with a hand still resting on my sleeping girlfriend's back and my book spine-up on my stomach. I only wake up when FRIDAY scares me awake by telling me movie night is about to start. Her voice makes me jump so much, I nearly fall out of the chair, my book smacking the floor.

"Mmm, no," Nat groans to the sound of me waking up and the feeling of me taking my hand off of her.

"It's movie time, baby." I take the blanket that she was using right off of her body and she immediately curls into a ball with another whine.

"I was using that!" She complains into my pillow.

"And you can use it in the living room."

"I don't like you," she grouses as I kiss her head.

"Then why are you in my bed?"

"Cause it's comfy."

"Right. Well, even though you don't like me, can I steal a kiss?" I ask as I hover over her.

She turns just her head so she's looking at me. "I guess."

I smile and come down to her lips, pressing ours together. I feel her body melt the longer we kiss. She allows us to slowly make out until FRIDAY tells us the rest of the team is waiting for us. I pull away and lead us to the living room. I plop down on the only empty couch, everyone knows to leave a couch open for me and Nat. I lay out the blanket, ready for Nat to sit next to me like she normally would. But what Nat does takes me, and everyone, by surprise.

She lifts the blanket that's on me and crawls on top of me, facing me with her legs on either side of me. She rests her head on my chest and snuggles into me as far as she can. It takes me a second to process since she's never been one for public displays of affection and now she's on my lap in front of the rest of the team. I snap myself out of my paralysis and toss the blanket over the both of us and wrap my arms protectively around my love.

The team all stares at us. Tony opens his mouth to say something but I shoot a teeny bullet of wisp at him that'll only shock him. It shuts him up quickly. I watch Sam's smile grow so I do the same with him, just a little stronger and he lets out a small "Ow" while rubbing his arm. I scan the room and everyone else just looks away quickly. Knowing I did my job in preventing anyone from teasing Nat, I gesture for Tony to start the movie, so he does, fearfully. Throughout the movie, I rub Natasha's back and run my fingers through her hair. Her adorable little breaths tickle my skin but I deal with it because I don't want to ruin this rare, precious moment.

An hour and a half later, the movie is coming to an end. I peek down at Nat and realize she's fast asleep in my arms. I can't help but smile at the sight of her. It completely melts my heart. When the movie does end, I don't dare wake up Nat so I stay where I am while everyone else goes to bed. I tell Steve to turn off the living room light so I can sleep here. It takes a bit since I'm not in the most comfortable position but eventually, I fall asleep with my arms wrapped around my woman.

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