The Fire Pt. 2

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"Mommy?" Rose squeaks when she sees Callie in her hospital bed.

Cal's eyes flutter open. "Hey look, it's my two favorite girls," she whispers.

She taps the bed next to her torso so I carefully sit down with Rose in my lap. Rose reaches her hands out so Cal weakly takes Rose's little hands in hers. Callie and I stare at each other until I start tearing up and have to look away.

-6 months later-

"Be careful. Let me help," I plead.

"Just focus on Rose. I'm fine," she tells me softly as we're packing up everything from the hospital room.

I shoot her a side look that she ignores. We collect everything, then leave the hospital for good. A little over half an hour later, I pull up our mansion's long driveway. The longer we sit in the car, the more upset I get. Not wanting to cry in front of my daughter, I quickly scramble to let Rose into the house. Callie trudges inside a few minutes after us.

"Hun, stay here and play," I tell Rose before running off to my wife who's limping up the staircase.

We walk in silence up the steps. When we reach our bedroom, she sits down on the bed, massaging her limp right hand in her sling. As I talk to her, I get changed.

"You almost died."

"I'm sorry, Scar."

"Did you even think about it before running into a burning building?"

"I did. And I was thinking about how our daughter was in there all alone and terrified and there was no way I was leaving her. I made a promise to do anything for you in our marriage vows. I intend to keep that promise."

I sit next to her with a hand on her upper back. "You're an idiot. But you saved her life. If it weren't for you, she would be... she wouldn't be..."

Cal cuts me off with a hand on my cheek. "Shh." She lets my head fall onto her chest lightly.

"I don't want to think about what would've happened if I lost both of you," I whisper into her.

"So don't think about it."

Despite me telling her to stay downstairs, Rose comes creeping through the door. I lift my head from Callie's chest to greet her.

"Hun, I thought I told you to stay downstairs," I sigh sadly as she comes over and climbs onto our bed using all her strength.

"I'm bored."

"That's okay, come here," Callie starts, repositioning on the bed weakly so she's laying flat on her back next to Rose.

Rose cuddles up to Callie's good side, Callie holding her close and running fingers through her hair. My heart melts at the sight. Miraculously, Rose doesn't have a scratch on her. I didn't get much from Callie about what happened in the building. What I do know is that Callie saved her life. Not only did she run into a burning building for her, but she also protected her as the building came down on top of them.

"Are you gonna be okay, Mommy?"

I open my eyes at Rose's question from resting them. Knowing I probably shouldn't tell her that I don't know or no for that matter, I say, "Yeah, honey. I'm going to be just fine."

"What's for dinner?"

I lightly chuckle at her small mind being so easily distracted but laughing hurts so I quickly stop. As I'm catching my breath, Scarlett answers Rose.

"Whatever you want."

"Mac and cheese!" Rose squeals, leaping up off of me with her arms in the air.

"Then mac and cheese it is," I smile.

"Mommy, can you make your special mac and cheese?"

"Oh, hun, I don't know if we should be asking-" Scar starts.

"No, it's okay. I would love to. Momma's going to have to help me, if that's okay with you, princess?" I ruffle Rose's hair and she just starts giggling and running out of the room.

"You sure you're up for making dinner?" Scar asks when we're alone.

"Yeah," I groan as I fling my legs over the side of the bed. "I have my wife to help me."

I leave the room, Scar following close behind. We find Rose watching cartoons on the TV in the living room. How did she find the remote I hid? No idea. I gather everything for my special mac and cheese. I'm honored that Rose wanted me to cook dinner but it is so hard being that I have one hand to use, even though I have my wife to assist me in the kitchen. When the crispy mac and cheese is finally finished, I set three plates out, including Rose's plastic Disney-themed plate. Halfway through dinner, Scar's phone goes off and she immediately puts it on speaker on the table.

"Hey, Liz, you're on speaker with Callie and Rose. What's up?"

"Hey, I heard about the... situation a little while ago at the awards. I wanted to check in. How is everyone?"

"Everyone is alive," I smile, even though Liz can't see me.

"Hi, Auntie Liz!" Rose calls unnecessarily loud.

"Hey, Rosie! I miss you!" Rose just giggles so Liz continues talking to us. "Callie, how have you been?"

"It's a tough recovery but I'll live."

"She's strong," Scar adds.

"Oh, I know. I'm glad everyone is okay. Sorry for not calling until now. Life's been hectic. Life of an actress, you know how it is."

"It's okay, don't worry about it," I assure her.

"Well, I do have to go. Good talking to you guys."

"Thank you for calling," Scar says.

"Bye Auntie Liz!"

"Bye, Rosie!'

The call ends, leaving a smile on all three of us, Lizzie too, I'm sure. Most of the cast of Avengers have called when I was in the hospital so it was nice to hear from Liz.

Rose devours the rest of her mac and cheese, only leaving a little bit leftover for another night. I'm sure it'll disappear before we get the chance to eat it for dinner, though. Someone will snatch it. Probably Rose. Since I'm absolutely exhausted, I go back upstairs after dinner. Scarlett and Rose hang out for a while before bedtime, Scarlett eventually joining me in bed. Since I can't sleep on my side, I lay flat on my back for Scarlett to gently snuggle into my good side for the night.

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