🔞 FaceTime Call Pt. 3

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On the walk to her room, we both take off our jewelry and shove them into our little handbags to prepare. Scarlett drags me into her hotel suite and immediately slams me against the door when it closes. Our lips lock aggressively and our tongues instantly fight for dominance. Eventually, she gives in and I lift her up. She wraps her legs around me and I carry her to the bed, kissing her rough the whole way. As I carry her, I unzip the back of her dress and she does the same to me so by the time we reach the edge of the bed, both of our dresses drop to the floor.

I lay her down across the bed and crawl between her bent legs. Her hands explore my now-exposed body, tracing her fingers down my back muscles. I walk my fingers from her stomach up to her chest. All the built-up frustration and sadness from not seeing each other for over four months is being let out at this moment. We kiss each other savagely, groaning from just our lips touching. I crave her sounds so I begin to rock, not so lightly, earning deeper moans from her. She grips my waist as I grind, partly moving my body for me.

Running out of breath, I break the kiss to move down her neck. I don't take my time or kiss lightly. I bite and suck hard in places I know only her and I can see. As I kiss her chest, her hands run to my upper back, ripping off my bra and throwing it across the suite. The second my chest is exposed, she takes both tits in her hands and squeezes.

"Oh god," I groan between kissing the top of her breasts.

Suddenly, she lifts up on me and her hands slide to the sides of my neck, fingertips just on my hairline. Her kissing stays the same, hungry and eager. I take this opportunity to unclip her bra, leaving absolutely nothing between us. The next thing I know, Scarlett is forcefully flipping us over and straddling my stomach. I rub up and down her sides, hips to ribs. I can't help but scan her body, she's just beautiful, especially when she's naked.

She leans back on my bent legs behind her for a moment, just breathing heavily. I run my hands down to her thighs, now running my hands up and down them, making sure to get close to her core every time I go up. She whimpers the next time I do. I smirk up at her and she just nods. She knows exactly what I'm thinking about and she wants it.

"Please," she whispers.

Without saying anything, the next time I rub up her thighs, I bring one to her waist and the other goes to her core.

"Oh fuck!" She practically screams when I slam my fingers in and aggressively pump in and out.

As I fuck her fast and hard, hitting her g-spot and rubbing her clit, she gently bounces on my hand to make it better for her. She tries so hard not to scream but it's not working that well. Her moans are so loud, they're basically screams and they turn me on just as much. She throws her head back and closes her eyes. Finally, she tightens around my hand and, because of how hard, fast, and deep I'm going, barely five seconds later, she cums all over my hand and stomach. She lets out a final deep groan then stops bouncing on my hand in her, telling me she's too tired to keep going. I pull out of her and instinctively lick my hand clean of her cum.

"Holy shit," she breathes, running a hand through her gorgeous hair before collapsing on the bed next to me.

"I love aggressive makeup sex like that," I whisper.

"Yeah, me too. If that's how you're going to do me every time I leave, maybe I should consider leaving more often."

"That would be horrible. If you want more of that, we can just be toxic. Fight during the day, makeup sex at night," I laugh, earning laughter from her.

"As enticing as nightly makeup sex sounds, I'm perfectly happy with not being toxic," she giggles.

"Okay good, I'm glad you don't want to be toxic. But you probably could've been quieter though," I tease with a laugh as I get up to find clothes to put on.

"Okay, try telling me that a minute ago. I know you love it."

I just smirk and gently shake my head. As I find something to wear, I come across her clothes and toss them at her. Soon enough, we're in her bed next to each other for the first time in four long months. The comfort of being in her arms puts me right to sleep. I can finally fall asleep to the sound of her heartbeat rather than her voice on a video.


Today's my first day with the cast on their press tour and I am so excited. The cast is having a breakfast thing and I'm just happy to be included in everything. Thank you, Chris Evans, you are an angel.

"Good morning you two," Robert greets us without looking at us.

"Good morning," I respond for us.

I scan the group of Scarlett's cast around the round table of breakfast and notice how every single one of them is avoiding eye contact. I turn to Scarlett next to me who also has slightly furrowed eyebrows.

"Um, what's up with everyone?" She asks the group.

"What do you mean?" Mark asks, extremely briefly looking over at us.

"Okay, you guys suck at hiding things," I chuckle.

They all look around at each other then back to us with smirks. We both furrow our eyebrows at them until they start their horribly embarrassing explanations.

Jeremy starts. "Oh fuck!" He fake moans, throwing his head back then laughing.

"Yeah baby, that's it," Evans adds the same way.

"Holy shit!" Robert joins in.

Scarlett and I glance at each other with our heads in our hands.

"Right there!" Lizzie continues.

"Oh my god!" Mark finishes for them.

"Okay! Okay, thank you. We got it," Scar cut them off.

"You guys are so loud!" Liz comments.

"I'm sorry!" I apologize with an embarrassed laugh.

"To be fair, we haven't seen or let alone touched each other in over four months so..." Scar adds.

"Oh yeah, we heard it all," Robert chuckles.

I put my head back in my hands as the cast continues to tease me and Scarlett about hearing us have rough sex through the walls. The whole of breakfast is awkward and feels like it's never going to end. But thankfully, it does.

"I didn't imagine my first morning with you in four months to go like that," I lightly chuckle to Scarlett on our walk to the limo that's bringing us and the cast to an interview.

"Sorry baby. Maybe next time, try to be quieter," she teases with a smirk.

"But I wasn't even-" I'm cut off by Scar climbing into the limo before me. "-That loud..." I mumble to myself to finish what I was saying to Scar. I know she hears me because her lips curl into a small smile even though she isn't looking at me.


"As terrible as today started, I wouldn't change a thing about it," Scarlett tells me when we're finally back in her hotel room for the night.

"Really? I think I would change the whole breakfast conversation. Personal preferences, I guess," I chuckle.

"Personal preferences," she whispers as she climbs on top of me, connecting her lips to mine.

We kiss slowly until eventually getting comfortable under the sheets and falling asleep in each other's arms.

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