⚠️ NR - The Snap

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I'm fighting side by side with my friends and coworkers, the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy. We're fighting Thanos. He's trying to collect all of the infinity stones. He has all but one. All but Vision's. We're in Wakanda fighting alongside the Wakandans to do everything we can to prevent him from getting that stone and protect Vision. So far, we're only really holding him off, not getting a lot of hits and he's really beating us up.

Bruce tried attacking in the Hulkbuster suit but Thanos used the stones to literally put him in solid stone. When Cap tried to attack, Thanos used the Power Stone to send him flying back and he got a really strong hit on T'Challa. One by one, each of my friends goes after the titan but every time, Thanos has no problem taking them down. My girlfriend, Natasha, goes to attack him but he throws her back and traps her under rocks he made come up from the ground. This makes my blood boil. I charge at him, generating a wisp ball and projecting it as hard as I possibly can at him. I throw ball after ball until I think I'm going to pass out from using my abilities too much. When I run closer to him, he uses the stones to blast me through the air. I slam into a nearby tree and crumple to the ground, struggling to stay conscious.

Watching my girlfriend get thrown into a tree and almost fall unconscious makes me beyond mad. It makes everything worse that I can't do anything about it because I'm trapped under rocks so all I can do is struggle to get free and yell at the bastard who did it.

Now that he's got the rest of the team under his control, meaning unable to fight back, we all watch him make his way over to Wanda and Vision. Everyone knows what Wanda has to do to Vision in order to prevent Thanos. Wanda is forced to destroy the stone, still in Vision's head, while defending herself against Thanos. It hurts to watch but we can't do anything to help. Eventually, the Mind Stone breaks and erupts in an explosion of yellow. There's a moment where we can't hear anything from where we are. That moment ends when Wanda gets knocked back and Thanos walks up to Vision's body.

Suddenly, Thanos is using the Time Stone to bring Vision back to life and the stone back in his head.

"NO!" Wanda screams as Thanos is taking Vision in his hand.

She attempts to stop him but he strikes her, sending her flying back. Thanos lifts Vision off of the ground and rips the Mind Stone right out of his head. When he puts the final stone into his gauntlet, the full power of all six stones hits him.

Better late than never, Thor comes flying in with Stormbreaker from above, throwing his ax against Thanos's powers and striking him through the chest. The two talk for a minute about god knows what. I guess I would want to curse out someone who killed everyone I love too. Their chat comes to an end when Thanos lifts his fist with the gauntlet, snaps his fingers, and disappears using the Space Stone.

The second Thanos left Wakanda, we're all left in an upsetting silence. I tiredly stand up to help my friends. I limp into Steve first who's kneeling next to Vision's lifeless body. I just help him to his feet. He thanks me and places a loving hand on my shoulder. A few of our friends come and stand around us. There's not much we can say so we stay silent.

"Callie! Are you okay?" Nat's voice from behind me makes me turn around.

She jogs up to me and embraces me in a hug, which I return the best I can.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Took a hit, that's all," I whisper into the hug and run my fingers through her short blonde hair to comfort her.

We hug for another minute before letting go just to stand with arms around each other in a group of our friends. My left arm is draped around her neck, her right arm is wrapped around my waist, and her left hand is placed gently on my stomach. I'm extremely weak from being thrown into the tree so it's hard to stand on my own. We all stand together for a few short moments until Bucky comes stumbling in.

Steve immediately starts to walk over to him but is stopped briefly by something that's strange to all of us. Bucky's arm starts to... disappear. He fades away to dust slowly. Steve doesn't process what's going on until it's too late, none of us do. When only Bucky's dust is left on the ground, Steve collapses to his knees in it. All around us, many of our friends begin turning to dust. Suddenly, I start feeling nauseous.

"Babe..." Callie squeaks next to me.

"What is it?" I frantically ask.

"I don't feel so good..." She suddenly loses balance and stumbles but I catch her.

"Hey, it's okay. You're okay," I calmly try to assure her.

She starts having trouble staying conscious. Her eyes fall heavy and she sways in my arms so I bring us to the ground. I cross my legs and sit her sideways in my lap, holding her close and supporting her head with my arm around her. My other hand is lightly placed on her stomach, rubbing slowly with my thumb. She stares up at me, her eyes scanning every inch of my face.

"I'm so sorry, Nat," she finally whispers.

"N-no, you didn't do anything wrong," I stutter nervously.

She weakly reaches up to my face, placing her hand on my cheek. I lean into it until she wraps her arm fully around my neck. She hugs me tight and I do the same, holding her into me as close as she can go. I pull away only enough to bring our lips together once more. As we kiss, I take everything in. I take in the feeling of her.

She only pulls away when her breathing becomes hitched and she falls back into my lap. I take her outside hand in mine and rest both our hands on her stomach. She continues to stare at me with loving eyes glossy with tears. I look at her the same way.

"Don't forget about me. I'll always be here," she breathes.

"I could never forget you," I cry, squeezing her hand in mine.

All of a sudden, it happens. Starting with her right shoulder, she slowly turns to dust. I know she feels it because she winces slightly but continues to look at me, now crying at the sight.

"It'll be okay, I promise," she squeaks as the dust moves down her arm.

"N-no..." I protest, bringing her into another tight hug against my body and closing my eyes tight.

"I love you so much Nata-" She's cut off by the rest of her body turning to dust in my arms.

Suddenly, I feel nothing in my arms anymore. The feeling of her strong body against mine is now a cold, empty feeling. I open my eyes to see my lap covered in her dust. My hands holding it. I break down.

"No..." I sob.

I sit frozen in place on the ground until I feel Steve crouch down next to me and wrap his arm around me.

"I'm so sorry Natasha..." he whispers while hugging me tightly.

I just cry harder. I can't get myself to move or do anything. Callie said it'll be okay but I don't see how it will be. I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with her but now she's gone. Gone like half of the population. I need to get her back.

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