NR - Shocked

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Warning: slight smut———————————————————————Callie:"Nicely done, everyone," Steve praises the group of Avengers as the jet lands at the tower

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Warning: slight smut
"Nicely done, everyone," Steve praises the group of Avengers as the jet lands at the tower.

I lock eyes with my fiancé, Natasha, and smirk. There's only one thing I want to do when we are let free. And Nat knows it.

Finally, the jet lands fully and we're released. I follow the line of Avengers out the back of the plane and make my way to my and Nat's room. I'm not even all the way inside when I'm being grabbed from behind. Nat spins me around to face her, her hands on my waist to pull me close.

I pay no mind to the glowing blue lines of her suit and don't bother taking off my own. Our lips lock quickly. We stumble further into the room as we make out hard, ignoring it when we bump into something. Nat's hands slide up my body to my chest where she takes both breasts and squeezes. I moan into her mouth and the tingle rushes through my body and my legs go weak, causing me to back up quickly. When my back slams into the wall, one of Nat's hands slides up to hold my jaw. While she's pressed against me firmly, I grab her ass with enough force to cause her to stop kissing me because of her moans.

"Fuck," I groan. I slide my hands to her stomach and shove her back towards the bed. I catch her smirk. Without warning, she twists us around and, before I know it, I'm under her on our bed.

She always manages to get on top unless she's feeling otherwise. I can't help but smile against her lips as my fingers explore her chest in search of her suit's zipper. Finally, I find the small metal zipper and quickly pull it down. Her zipper is just on her lower stomach when there's a piercing pain that shoots through my body. My body spasms then goes limp.

For a moment, I truly did think Callie had an orgasm.

When her body spasms under me, I stop what I'm doing to figure out what's going on. Now that she's limp and unconscious, I know it definitely wasn't an orgasm.

"Babe?" I ask softly.

She groans.


I zip my suit back up. That's when I figure out what happened. "Well... Shit."

Like I should have done earlier, I disable my widow bites. I swallow my laughter for when I know she's okay. For now, I get off of her and change into regular clothes. I watch her stomach rise and fall. There's nothing I can do until she wakes up except to put her in a more comfortable position—her hands on her stomach, her legs flat on the bed next to one another. I sit in our desk's swivel chair until she wakes up.


Callie groans. I look up from my computer on my lap. She's now stirring in bed. When her eyes open, they settle on me.

"You okay?" I ask.

"I hate you," she groans.

She's okay. I let myself laugh under my breath. "Sorry, hun. Heat of the moment."

"It's really not funny, Nat. What if I died? You know how many people you've killed with those damn bites?"

"Relax," I draw. "I've used them on myself and yet, here I am." Callie just looks back up at the ceiling. "Are you seriously mad?" I chuckle.

Callie rolls her eyes with a minuscule smile on her lips. "You really are the worst."

"Too bad you're stuck with me. We're getting married in a few weeks."

"No, too bad you're stuck with me." She finally rolls to her side to face me. "You're in for a world of trouble."

"Bring it on," I tease.

Callie lifts her hand slightly. My eyes drop to the movement. "You wouldn't dare," I smirk.

"Wouldn't I?" She smirks right back and lifts her wisp-surrounded hand. She teases me by playing with her wisps. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

Before I can get a word in, she shoots a small wisp stream at my stomach. It shocks me. Badly. I hunch over and burst into laughter. "You're so horrible," I heave.

"Payback. That's what happens when you're with someone with my abilities."

"There's no way my widow bites hurt you that bad!"

Callie just lets out a huff of laughter and sits up fully on the bed. "No, it didn't. But you're half a super-soldier. You'll survive."

I watch Callie get out of bed. I keep massaging my stomach with my hands as I watch her disable her suit, take the bands off, and change into gray sweats and a tiny tight tank top. There's a little red mark from where my widow bites shocked her on her neck. She leaves me in the room while she disappears into the bathroom. She comes back out with her blonde hair up in a messy bun.

"It looks like a hickey," she comments when coming back to the bed and sitting up against the headboard. She holds her phone up, I'm guessing to look at her "wound".

I smile and sit next to Callie, also leaning up against the headboard. "People won't be surprised," I comment at her neck. "They've seen worse."

"Natasha!" Callie scolds, embarrassed laughter escaping her throat.

"We're alone, no one can hear us."

"I actually have a theory about that–"

"Agent Atwood, Agent Romanoff, you're needed in the kitchen," FRIDAY tells us, startling us.

"I fucking knew it," Callie mumbles.

"What?" I ask as we climb out of bed.

"He's always listening."

We laugh together the whole way to the kitchen.

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