NR - Pregnant Pt. 1

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"Gotcha!" I'm grabbed from behind and carried to the living room couch of my wife and I's house.

She tosses me down and crawls between my legs, kissing me all over in between the laughing. She continues this for a few long minutes then stops, just hovering over me and staring at me.

"What?" I ask, rubbing the back of her neck gently.

"I am so in love with you," she whispers, gazing into my eyes.

I smile up at her and pull her back down to me, smashing our lips together. We make out for a while, humming against each other until she pulls her lips from mine slowly.

"We've been married for a couple of years," Nat starts.

"Yes, honey. We have," I giggle.

"I think I want to talk about it."

"Talk about it? Talk about what?" I ask, stroking her cheek.

"Kids. I want kids with you." I immediately push up on her at her words, sitting us up on the couch to face each other. "Oh, I-I-Never mind... I-"

I cut her off by grabbing her and pulling her into a tight hug. "Yes. Yes, Natasha. I want kids with you."

I feel a tickle on my neck so I gently pull away from the hug to see a couple of tears rolling down Nat's cheeks.

"Oh, baby," I coo with a smile, wiping the tears away with my thumbs. "How do you want kids? Adopting?" I follow up.

"Well, we could," she starts as she wipes away her tears. "But I was hoping..."

"You want me to carry it?"

"I was hoping."

"I think we should talk more about it but I do want kids with you. I really want to start growing our family." I kiss her head and she lays across the couch with her head in my lap.

-2 weeks later-

I anxiously wait at the front door with flowers for my wife to get home from shopping. Soon enough, the door is being opened and my beautiful redhead steps in.

"Hey, gorgeous," I greet her with a smile.

She scans me and the flowers. "Hey, sweetheart. What's this for?"

"My answer is yes. I'll carry our kid if that is something we want."

Her smile grows from ear to ear and she runs up to me, embracing me in an extremely tight hug. "I love you so much. Thank you," she squeals into my neck.

"Okay, so how do you want to do this?" I ask when we finally pull away.

We spend the day into the night discussing how we're going to build our family. We ultimately decide on just finding a donor guy and going with that. Our only issue now is figuring out who we're going to ask.

-5 months later-

"Are you ready?" Natasha asks as I lay on a bed at the doctor's.

I nod and take her hand, letting the doctor do what she needs to do. I'm told to lay for about a half-hour so I do, anxiously gripping Nat's hand.

"I love you so much. You're so amazing," Natasha coos and kisses my forehead.

"I can't wait to start a family with you."

"Me too, baby."

-2 weeks later-

I sit in the bathroom with a pregnancy test in my closed fist, too scared to check it. Finally, I take a deep breath and open my fist, exposing a positive test.

"OH MY GOD!" I scream in excitement, smacking my hand over my mouth and letting tears fall.

I happily skip into our house, ready for my wife and I's date night. She told me she needed me home tonight so I came home. I've been out and about all day.

"Hun, I'm home!" I call into the quiet house.

"Natasha! Welcome home!"

"Is everything okay? You called me frantically and it sounded like you were crying."

"Everything is great." She presses her lips to mine until she pulls away and says, "It's date night."

"I know, I'm excited. What are we doing for it?"

"Close your eyes."

"Okay..." I chuckle, closing my eyes only for Cal to lead me somewhere with her hand over my eyes.

"Okay. Don't open yet!" She squeals, removing her hands and doing something that I obviously can't see with closed eyes. "Open!" She instructs happily.

I slowly open my eyes to a gorgeous candle-lit dinner on the back outdoor patio. "Oh my," I start as I make my way to my seat. I go to sit down but stop. "What..." I trail as I lift a pregnancy test off the table in front of my seat. I study it and it takes a second for me to process the positive reading. I look over at my wife who has a smile plastered on her face.

"I'm pregnant, Nat."

Suddenly, I can't stop the tears from streaming down my face. "We're going to have a baby," I sob as Callie embraces me in a tight hug.

"Yeah, honey. We are. We're going to have a baby," she coos.

After 20 long minutes of me crying into her, I finally calm down and we eat our dinner.


In the middle of our dimly lit kitchen late at night, my Callie and I sway to quiet, gentle music. She's behind me, her hands on my hips, occasionally inching their way to my bare stomach. I rest my head back on her collarbone and cross my arms so I can touch hers.

"Babe," I start after a while.

"Mhm," she hums in response, placing a kiss on my neck.

"Thank you for wanting me. For wanting a family with me."

Her arms fully wrap around my stomach, holding me closer. "You're all I want. You're all I'll ever want. All I'll ever need."

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