Cast Group Chat #3

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Me: Has anyone ever noticed how Sebastian and Anthony act like a married couple of 10 years all the time?

Anthony Mackie: LOL no we don't but that's funny.

Sebastian Stan: Yeah what're you talking about?

Me: Yes you do.

Sebastian Stan: What even made you think of this anyway?

Me: Well I was scrolling through my recommended on YouTube, as one does, and a 20-minute video titled "Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie acting like a married couple for 20 minutes straight" came up and I just HAD to watch it.

Me: It very well might've been the best thing I've ever watched on that app.

Me: Do you want me to send the link? It's so funny.

Anthony Mackie: No thank you LOL.

Sebastian Stan: No thank you, dear.

Tom Holland: Just seeing this. Yes, I need to see this video. PLEASE send the link omg.

Me: Link to: "Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie acting like a married couple for 20-minutes straight"

Me: Watch at your own risk lmao

Lizzie Olsen: OMG I totally see it now!!


Tom Holland: HAHA I love that! So when's the wedding, guys?

Sebastian Stan: Okay. If that's how it's going to be. Hold on.

Sebastian Stan: Link to: "Scarlett Johansson and Callie Atwood Acting like a Married Couple of 10 Years for 15 Minutes Straight"

Me: Oh you did not.

Sebastian Stan: Oh I did.

Lizzie Olsen: So are we just sending links of people shipping us now? Bc I have SO many of those saved.

Anthony Mackie: Uh why?

Lizzie Olsen: Bc they're hilarious. I'll send one.

Lizzie Olsen: Link to: "Tom Holland and Zendaya being a married couple"

Tom Holland: Oh that's not fair. She isn't even in this group chat! But if that's how you're going to be...

Tom Holland: Link to: "Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany being a married couple for 5 minutes straight"

Lizzie Olsen: OKAY but at least that one makes sense. I literally have to be married to him for work...

Paul Bettany: Link to: "Elizabeth Olsen being adorable for 7 minutes straight"

Me: Wow. Good timing.

Me: So Lizzie, can I change your name on my phone to "Lizzie Bettany"?

Lizzie Olsen: No.

Scarlett Johansson: Wait, you didn't already have her last name as Bettany on your phone?

Lizzie Olsen: I'm going to kill you tomorrow on set.


Me: Sometimes this chat can be too much for me to handle lmao

Lizzie Olsen: Link to: "Callie Atwood having heart eyes for Scarlett Johansson for 5 minutes straight"

Me: Nonononono Lizzie

Me: Why did you feel the need to send that?

Lizzie Olsen: I love harassing you.

Scarlett Johansson: That edit was adorable.

Anthony Mackie: Looks like someone has a little crush on Scarlett.

Me: LoOkS LiKe SoMeOnE hAs A LiTtLe CrUsH oN sCaRlEtT

Me: Shut up Mackie

Scarlett Johansson: I don't blame her.

Lizzie Olsen: Link to: "Scarlett Johansson and Callie Atwood Cute Moments"

Me: Wait those are so cute what the heck

Scarlett Johansson: We're so cute.

Me: Liz, I gotta know why you just have a bunch of these types of videos all ready to go lmao

Lizzie Olsen: Because on my downtime, sometimes it's fun to see the edits our fans make of us, and very often I come across videos like these and I save them to my playlist:)

Anthony Mackie: You have a playlist?

Lizzie Olsen: Yup! But hey, we all got our things. I'm sure you have your album of pics of Seb.

Anthony Mackie: No...

Sebastian Stan: Oh well that's awkward. I have one of you.

Me: Cute.

Anthony Mackie: And how many of Scarlett do you have, Callie?

Me: Not enough:/

-Next day after work-

Lizzie Olsen: Can someone explain to me why one of the lighting crew guys called me "Mrs. Bettany"?

Me: Oh... that's so strange...

Lizzie Olsen: Callie what did you do?

Anthony Mackie: Oh this should be good.

Me: Nothing... I didn't do anything.

Scarlett Johansson: She told people you and Paul got married.


Scarlett Johansson: What?:)

Anthony Mackie: HAHA that's too good!

Sebastian Stan: I actually heard quite a few people talking about that today.

Lizzie Olsen: Omg. How many people, Seb?

Sebastian Stan: A lot. I don't know if I can give you a number.

Paul Bettany: Walking into work this morning, I was congratulated.

Me: Wow lol I didn't think my joke would blow up like this.

Me: I actually didn't even think anyone would believe me.

Anthony Mackie: Good one, Callie!

Me: Thank you! At least someone thinks so.

Lizzie Olsen: Anthony, please don't encourage her!

Me: Too late. I have been encouraged.

Lizzie Olsen: You are such a child.

Me: I think that's why I fit so well here. I balance it all out.

Scarlett Johansson: No, you're here because we couldn't get rid of you.

Me: You're a dick, Scar.

Scarlett Johansson: Love you:)

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