⚠️ Bad Day

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Warning: angst
-8:00 AM-

Walking onto set today, my director tells me we have to reshoot a lot of what we did last week and we have to do it quickly. Annoyed, I just agree because it's pointless to argue with him. I learned that the hard way. So here we are, trying to redo a week's worth of filming in three days. Cool, should be fun.

The only fun thing about today is lunch. I was told we're ordering some fancy shit because the director feels bad for all the reshoots. So yeah, I'm excited about lunch.

-1:00 PM-

"So bad news..." My director comes up to me as I'm walking off set. "That fancy lunch fell through. You can thank your AD for that. Sorry, Callie. We'll order pizza. Thanks for being so flexible." He scurries away before I can respond.

I take a deep breath on my walk and change my destination to my trailer. I flop onto my booth and let my body go limp. I was excited about lunch and now that's not happening. Cool. I don't feel like doing anything for the rest of the day but force myself to when a text comes in saying pizza is here.

-3:00 PM-

Scarlett ❤️: Hey, my flight got delayed. I won't get there until late:(

A disappointing text from my girlfriend shoves me into a pit of sadness. I was standing on the edge of it but the text was my breaking point. And it's only 3:00 in the afternoon. I can't get myself to text her back. In fact, I decide I'm going to ignore my phone for the rest of the day, if possible.

Scarlett was supposed to get here around 5 but I guess not. We had dinner plans. We had reservations at some high-class restaurant here in Georgia. I guess I can cancel those. There's no work-related reason she's coming to see me. We've been apart for months because of my Vertigo filming so we simply missed each other and she had some free time this week.

-6:00 PM-

I'm sitting in my trailer's booth alone, stress-eating some Lays chips. The flatscreen TV plays The Office. I stare blankly at it, not actually paying attention because I'm too deep in coming up with little scenarios in my head about every possible bad thing that could happen to me. My crew stopped texting me nonstop a good hour ago so I have nothing else to keep me distracted. I rest my head on my arms on the table and close my eyes.

-7:00 PM-

My body wakes me up, I guess I'm just too uncomfortable to stay in the position I'm in. I instinctively scan the room to get a feel for my situation. It's only been an hour and I'm still alone. I don't know what comes over me but a knot in my throat forms and tears fight to leave my eyes. I tiredly trudge into my bedroom and collapse onto my bed, cuddling one of Scarlett's hoodies to fall asleep.

-9:00 PM-

After what feels like forever, I finally arrive in Georgia. I practically run out to the car I have waiting to take me to Callie's set. I am so excited to see her, it's been way too long and we got super lucky this week that I'm able to come out here.

I thank the driver and happily climb out of the car. It's late so I'm assuming Cal will be in her trailer, she's not always the most social, which is okay. That just means we get more alone time. Even on her own set, she doesn't lock her trailer door, so I walk right up her little steps to her unusually dark and quiet temporary home. Cautiously, I close and lock the door behind me and leave my bags on her couch. I head to the only place she would be.

My heart melts at the sight of Callie curled into a ball, cuddling one of my hoodies. As much as I don't want to disturb her, I miss her and haven't been able to touch her in so long. I carefully climb into bed behind her and wrap my arms around her, holding her close. I place a few soft kisses on her upper back before letting myself fall asleep.

-2:30 AM-

Once again, my body wakes me up for some reason. Annoyed, I go to get out of bed but I can't. Slight panic goes through me until I look down and recognize the arms around me to be my girlfriend's. I smile, happy that we're finally together. I've missed the feeling of her.

Now that I'm awake, I get hungry. I ever so carefully climb out of bed. In the kitchen, I rummage through the fridge, and immediately, my eyes dart to the leftover pizza slices from earlier that I stole. They're sort of in the back since I literally tossed them in here. I reach behind everything in the fridge and grab the slices wrapped in tin foil. When I'm attempting to pull them out, my elbow hits a jar of jelly sitting on the edge of the shelf. The jar falls to the ground with a loud crash and glass and jelly makes a mess of the floor.

"Fucking hell," I sigh.

I thought I already reached my breaking point but I was wrong. I crumble to the floor next to the mess I made and just bawl my eyes out.

A sudden loud crash scares me awake. I whip up alone in the bed and instinctively scan the room for Callie. When I don't see her in the room, I tiredly get out of bed and trudge into the main area. At first, I see nothing because it's too dark but then I pick up soft cries. I flick on the light and sitting against one of the cabinets is Callie, bawling her eyes out next to a shattered jar of jelly.

"Callie? Are you okay?" I drop to my knees next to her and wrap my arms around her tightly.

"I-I had s-such a bad day," she sobs into me.

"Talk to me."

She takes a few minutes to try to calm down before talking. I position myself fully on the floor, leaning back on the cabinets and she sits next to me under my left arm.

"What about the jelly jar?" She finally asks first.

"We can clean it up later. Now, what's going on?"

She snuggles further into me and starts to squeak about her day. "This morning, my director told us we have to reshoot everything we did last week in three days. And he means all of it. And then we were supposed to have a really nice lunch today with everyone but my AD fucked that up. I was actually excited about it but instead, we had pizza. I'm so fucking tired of pizza." She takes a deep breath and finishes her speech. "Then your flight got delayed and we missed our dinner which sucked so I ate alone. And sleeping with your hoodies instead of you also sucks. Today just sucked. Everything sucks."

I take a short moment to process everything she told me. "I'm sorry your day was shitty. I've had days like that. But it was just one day. Just one bad day. And now I'm here with you for this whole week so if you happen to have another bad day, I'll be right here. Just gotta hang in there."

She looks up from resting her head on my shoulder. Her loving gaze melts my heart. After staring up at me for a couple of minutes, she reaches up to cup my face and pulls me into her.

"I guess I should clean up the jelly," she whispers when she finally pulls away.

I smile at her and we quickly clean up her jelly mess. It doesn't take too long so luckily, we're back in bed, cuddling through the night. It feels so good to be with her again.

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