🔞 NR - Coming Out Pt. 3

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"Mom, I'm going out!" Dallas calls as she grabs her keys off the hook next to the door.

"Okay, when do you think you'll be back?"

"A few hours. I'm going out with some friends."

"Okay, drive safe."

Dallas leaves the house and a few minutes later, I hear the rev of her Porche Taycan. It's been a week since I walked in on Dallas and Paige... doing it. I've been thinking of ways I can "get her back" for it but I can't think of anything. It's harder than you'd think—coming up with safe and legal ways of getting back at your daughter for walking in on her having sex with her girlfriend. Oh yeah, and she told us she and Paige were dating and have been for a little while.

For once, Nat and I have the house to ourselves. This never happens. We got lucky that Greyson is out at a friend's house for a sleepover tonight. I quickly start my search for my wife and find her on the back patio drinking some red wine with a book and attractive sunglasses.

"Where'd Dal go?" she asks when she hears the sliding glass door close.

"Just out with friends," I tell her.

She looks up at me from her book. "What's with your face?" she questions my smirk.

"First of all, rude. Second, nothing."


"We have the house to ourselves for a few hours."

"Do we now?" She takes off her sunglasses, folds them, and places them on the table along with her book.

As she gradually stands to face me, I grip the straps of her bathing suit, pulling her up faster and smashing my lips to hers. She hums, grabbing my face to pull me into her harder. Wanting more, I pull her by a strap all the way upstairs to our room. Once there, I reconnect our lips while closing the door. At the edge of the bed, Nat pulls off my shirt and I unhook her bathing suit top. We both step out of the rest of our clothes and fall onto the bed.

We fight for dominance for a few minutes, our lips and tongues trying to earn it. It takes some effort but I eventually win and push myself between her bent legs. While we make out rough, my right hand explores her thigh. I move fast knowing we have a limited time of being home alone. I move my lips from hers to her neck, kissing down to her chest slowly. Unfortunately, I can't leave any love marks. Her hands roam my naked body, touching anywhere she can reach—my hair all the way down to the backs of my thighs.

"Oh, fuck," Nat moans as I flick her nipple with my tongue and grip her thigh tightly.

I take my time with her chest—I love her tits—before continuing down her perfect body. My lips travel down her stomach and when I reach her gut, she grips the back of my neck tightly with a louder moan. I smile against her skin then lick a line back up. My hand slides from her thigh to her cheek, holding her face as we eat each other's faces. As we kiss, I reposition myself so I'm straddling her thigh to make room for my hand. She notices the change.

"Please," she whispers between motions.

I grant her beg by slowly sliding my hand back down her body, making sure to pit stop at her breasts—grabbing and squeezing—before continuing my travels. Finally, I slip my fingers into her already wet cunt. She loosely wraps her arms around my neck as I slam into her. We both moan against each other's skin. I can already feel the sweat forming all over our bodies.


A couple of hours later, I arrive home. I told Mom I went out with friends but I actually went to Paige's house. I didn't necessarily want to tell them where I was going because the last time she saw us together, well, it was a shitshow. I knew she would call some witty shit after me just as I'm leaving so I didn't want to give her that chance.

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