Birthday Surprise

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Today, I wake up extra happy and ready for the day. Today's my birthday and I am so excited to spend it with the cast. Although it's a special day, I still have to work. But that's okay, I love my job. I jump out of bed to get ready for the day. Filming should be easy today, I only have a few scenes and a couple of reshoots to do then I'm done for the whole day. The second I'm set in my work clothes, I happily skip down to the set.

"Hi, Bobby!" I exclaim as I walk up to Downey on set.

"Hi." He shoots me a brief half-smile before turning away to talk to one of the crew members.

My smile fades at our short interaction but grows again when I see one of my best friends, Lizzie, walk onto the set. I walk up to her with a pep in my step.

"Hello, Liz!" I greet her with a big smile.

"I can't talk right now," she responds strictly before rushing off.

I stop in my tracks and watch her run off to talk to other people. I can't lie, it hurts that no one seems to want me around. It doesn't even feel like they remembered it's my birthday. I try to not let it get to me and just find my way to my seat to wait for filming to start.

While we're filming a scene where we all have to be serious since we're having an important conversation, I get caught up in thinking about my two encounters with my coworkers. The thoughts of them ignoring and forgetting my birthday are really getting to me and it takes everything in me to hold back tears and stay focused on acting. It even feels like everyone is ignoring me in the scene too. Usually, Scarlett would slip in secret smiles at me but she's not even doing that.

The second the scene ends and I'm set free for the rest of the day, I slowly make my way to my trailer to sulk. I collapse on my couch, face down into a cushion, and let myself tear up. As I lay in the silence with my face in the couch, I hear my trailer door being opened, someone walking in, and the door closing.

"Go away," I grumble to whoever it is.

The person doesn't respond, just comes into my room further then stops right next to the couch I'm on. I don't care to look at who it is.

"Hey Cal, get up." I hear Scarlett's voice but I choose to ignore her.

"Caaallieee..." she tries again but this time, I roll my body to face completely away from her.

"Fine. I'll do it myself."

Suddenly, I feel her arms wrapping around me and lifting me. She positions me in her grip so she can carry me out of my trailer. She carries my limp body bridal style to the conference room and lays me down on a couch with my head in her lap. As usual, her right arm rests around my waist, and her left hand plays with my hair. I lay still but watch the rest of my people come into the room shortly after and take their rightful seats. When everyone's here, Robert and Lizzie stand at the front and start talking.

"Hi everyone! We have a special something for a special someone!" Robert starts with a huge smile.

"We don't want to give it away before it starts but we just wanted to say we're so sorry for ignoring you all day Cal," Lizzie finishes.

I sit up and lean on Scarlett then the screen behind them turns on, drawing my attention to that. The song Take Yours by Matthew Mole starts playing and a little video begins.

Happy birthday Callie! We just wanted to show our appreciation and say we love you. Enjoy:) ~Your friends, The Avengers cast

Clip 1:
The rest of the cast and I are at a party. I'm dancing around a little table singing along to muffled music since the sound is being covered with the sound of the montage. I have the biggest smile. While everyone around us is watching, I dance right up to Robert and hold my hand out. At first, he shakes his head with a laugh but I grab his hand and pull him up with me. I force him to dance with me. I don't know who's filming but soon enough, most of the cast is dancing along with me and Robert. The camera zooms in on me twirling him with one hand in a fit of laughter.

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