⚠️ NR - Intruders

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Warning: angst
My wife and I lay together, just enjoying each other's company. We have a movie playing in our room. Nothing we're really paying attention to. It's really just for background noise while we talk to each other. The kids are already in their own rooms doing whatever they do before bed. Dallas had a long day of school but Grey had a half day so Nat took him to get ice cream. Apparently, he wouldn't stop begging her when she picked him up. Typical Greyson.

"I think Dallas likes someone," I mention to Nat.

She turns her head to look at me. "Really? That's cute."

"Yeah. She kept talking about him when I picked her up. She played it off like they were just friends but when I asked if she wanted to invite him over, she very quickly denied me."

"What kind of things was she saying about him?"

I open my mouth to answer her but my slightly enhanced hearing picks up on a sound that isn't coming from the TV. I sit up to focus better.

"Cal?" Nat pushes when I ignore her question.

"Shh." I hold up my hand to hush her and she instantly goes silent. I grab the TV remote and mute the movie.

Nat sits up in bed next to me, grabbing my shoulder to get my attention. I keep my attention on the sound I heard. I don't hear anything for a moment but my worry doesn't go away. My heart begins to pound. Without another word, I quietly scramble out of bed and rip out my suit's case from the nightstand.

"Callie, what the hell is going on?" Nat questions me as I fiddle with the case.

"I heard something," I finally whisper.

"Heard what?"

"I don't know. Stay here. I'm going to check it out."


I cut her off by running out of the room. I silently make my way across the hall to the stairs. My foot is touching the wood of the main floor when I hear a heartbreaking scream coming from upstairs. My kids. I spin on my heels to book it back upstairs but I'm grabbed from behind. My instincts take over and I try to fight whoever is holding onto me. Whoever it is, they have an incredible grip. I can't get away. The screams from my kids continue. I'm dragged into my living room and shoved onto a chair.

Despite my struggling and fighting back, the person manages to cuff my hands behind my back attached to the chair so I can't escape. The man steps in front of me and I finally get a good look at him. A fucking Hydra soldier. You've got to be kidding me. Minutes later, three more Hydra soldiers enter the living room with my two kids and wife detained. Nat is forced into the chair next to me, our two sobbing kids on either side of us. All three of them gagged.

"Hello, soldier," the first soldier greets me.

"No!" I spit. "What the hell do you want?!" I try to generate my wisps.

"Don't waste your energy. Your abilities won't work while we're here," another soldier comments on my attempts.

"Leave my family out of this!"

"We have no other option. You're ours."

"Just take me then! Leave them alone! They have nothing to do with this!" I fume at the man.

"Oh, but I think this one does." He steps up to Natasha, taking her jaw in his veiny hand.

"Don't fucking touch her," I growl.

The first soldier nods at another and he steps up to me, backhanding me. My children cry harder at the sight of their mother getting hit.

"You know better than to talk back like that." He then crouches in front of Dallas. "She looks like you. I wonder if she has the same fire you had that made you our weapon." He puts his index finger under her chin. My blood boils.

"Touch her again and-"

"What will you do? You're powerless at the moment." He cuts me off, standing up again.

I watch as he walks over to Greyson. I jerk my body in my restraints as he crouches in front of my son.

"This one..." He starts.

"No," I choke.

"I like the little one. He'll grow into his abilities."

Grey's fearful eyes release impossibly more tears as the Hydra soldier examines every inch of him. Nat and I struggle in our chairs as we watch.

"Don't you dare," I snarl.

"Take him."

"NO!" I scream.

The three extra soldiers start untying my son, one of them grabbing Grey's little arm and dragging him out of the room.

"GREY!" I scream after them. "Bring him back! Leave him alone!"

"He'll be just like his mother."

"Just take me, please! I'll do anything. Just leave my family alone," I plead.

Despite the soldier telling me they won't work, I focus all of my energy on my wisps. Through the tears, I clear my mind as best as I can. I focus on saving my family. I bow my head and shut my eyes tightly. Suddenly, I can feel my eyes glow blue behind my eyelids. Knowing I have abilities, I lift my head and open my eyes, staring right at the soldier.

"You're dead," I threaten him.

He looks at me with pure shock, definitely not expecting me to have my abilities. Not another second goes by and I disintegrate my restraints, breaking myself free. I immediately go for the main soldier. I blast him with an incredible wisp ball, sending him flying into the wall. He crumbles against the broken wall, head hanging. Unfortunately, I can't untie my family yet. I sprint to the back of my home where the other soldiers took Greyson.

I find them starting to shove him into their truck. I use my wisps to rip them away from my son, throwing one to the ground. On the other, I keep my wisps around his neck, choking him until he falls to the ground. When he's done, I step to the next man, shooting a strong stream of wisps into his head, killing his brain. When the soldiers are finished off, I grab my hysterical son and hold him close.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry," I cry into him, hugging him tightly.

He just cries into me as I carry him back inside. I gently sit him on the sofa and start untying Dallas. I take her gag out and she lets out a loud sob.

"I'm so sorry, Dal," I apologize. When she's free, she instantly jumps into my arms.

Finally, I take the gag out of Nat's mouth.

"I'm so sorry," I say to her as well, untying her hands.

"It's not your fault."

"Yes, it is. They came for me. It's my fault. I put you guys in danger."

When she's free, she takes me in her arms. We hug until we feel our two kids join the tight hug.

"What're we going to do about... that...?" I gesture to the dead man in our living room.

"I'll call S.H.I.E.L.D. They'll know what to do. They know it was for self-defense since it's Hydra," Nat assures me.

"I'm so sorry. I should've known they'd come for me. I just didn't think they would try to harm my family," I cry while hugging the three people I love most.

"You saved us. We're all okay. That's what matters," Nat tells me.

"We can't stay here. We have to move."

"But Mom-" Dallas starts.

"No," I cut her off. "Dallas, I know your friends are here. I know you have a life here. I understand that. But it's not safe. I'm sorry."

"Maybe we can work something out with S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Nat tries.

"Natasha, please. I can't live here knowing Hydra just came for me. Not to mention they almost got... They almost made our life worse."

Dallas looks away in sadness. Nat just grabs the nape of my neck and pulls my head closer to her, kissing my forehead. I don't know where we'll go but I know we need to leave. What matters to me now is that my family is safe and I was able to, miraculously, generate my wisps. Everyone is safe. My family is alive.

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