Cast Group Chat #1

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Chris Evans: Big day today, who's ready?

Robert Downey: Always ready. Born ready.

Me: No.

Lizzie Olsen: What's wrong this time?

Me: Woah.

Me: Wdym this time?

Robert Downey: There's always something.

Me: No there's not. I just don't wanna go.

Lizzie Olsen: Why's that?

Me: What if I just didn't go? Skipped today's filming.

Scarlett Johansson: You'd get fired.

Me: They can't do that lmao

Me: They need me. I'm just too good at Vertigo. Can't rid of me.

Scarlett Johansson: Yeah, we know. We've tried.

Lizzie Olsen: WOAH! Don't tell her that! She wasn't supposed to know!

Mark Ruffalo: And I thought I was bad at keeping secrets.

Me: Wait what?

Chris Hemsworth: Sorry you had to find out like this.

Me: God I hate all of you. I'm leaving this group chat.

Callie Atwood left the chat.

Chris Evans: Way to go Scarlett.

Scarlett Johansson: Hey, I'm not the only one who went along with it!

Jeremy Renner: Jeez guys. I'm gone for 10 minutes and you made Callie leave the group chat?

Robert Downey: Lol.

Chris Hemsworth: Scarlett's fault.

Jeremy Renner: Well is anyone going to add her back? Or should I?

Scarlett Johansson: I will.

Chris Evans: Before you do, can we just all agree to, I don't know, BE NICE to Callie for once?

Scarlett Johansson: Yup.

Scarlett Johansson added Callie Atwood to the chat.

Chris Evans: Welcome back Callie.

Lizzie Olsen: Hello!

Scarlett Johansson: Heyyyy


-At set-

Lizzie Olsen: I think she's ignoring us.

Robert Downey: No shit.

Jeremy Renner: Why are we talking about her like she isn't in this chat?

Lizzie Olsen: You're right.

Lizzie Olsen: Callie, stop ignoring us.

Robert Downey: Wow. That worked.

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