⚠️ Killed in Action Pt. 1

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Request: I can't remember
Warning: angst
"So, Scarlett. We're usually blessed by your wife's presence in these interviews. Where is she tonight?" Jimmy Kimmel asks, sending a piercing pain through my heart.

"Oh. I- Um..." I stumble over my words as I try to respond.

-4 months ago-

Standing at our front door, I hug my wife as tight as I can. She's about to leave again. She's a platoon commander in the US Army. She got a call late last night asking for her to be in Texas by the morning. It's not an easy job and sometimes I wish she didn't choose the military, but she did, and I will support that.

"I love you so much," I whisper into her neck.

"I love you too." She kisses the side of my head then goes back to digging her face into me.

"Come back in one piece. You know I'd be a mess without you." I start to tear up and I know she can hear it in my voice.

"Hey." She pulls out of the hug to cup my face. "I will come back. I always do." She slowly rubs my cheeks with her thumbs and I instinctively lean into one of her hands. "And you're a mess with or without me," she jests.

I playfully roll my eyes through the tears in my eyes and force a tiny smile. "Everything's going to be okay. I promise," she assures me as she brings our lips together in a long, warm kiss.

The second our lips break apart, I pull her body back to mine and hold her for as long as I can. Unfortunately, she eventually releases from my grip and leaves for the airport, leaving me to pray she comes home and I'll see my wife once again.

-2 months later-

The silence in our empty home is deafening. I haven't heard anything from Cal since she left. On occasion, I'll get a call while she's away but not on this particular mission, I guess. I always get nervous and worried about her. I mean, she's putting her life on the line for god's sake.

I'm deep into distracting myself with mindless chores around the house, such as overcleaning the bedrooms and bathrooms, organizing and reorganizing anything in sight, and dusting and vacuuming every single inch of our house. I just finished washing the dishes so I'm about to relax for a few minutes but just as I'm going to sit down on the living room couch, the doorbell rings. I quietly groan in annoyance but answer it anyway.

On the other side of the door, a military officer. He holds an official US Army stamped envelope in his hands. "Ma'am," he greets me with a polite head nod. "I was informed that a Scarlett Johansson resides here."

"Yes. I'm Scarlett..." I cautiously respond.

"Ma'am, it might be best if we go somewhere else to talk." He gestures to the inside of the house. I hesitate before stepping aside and leading him into the living room.

We sit on adjacent couches in silence for a few long seconds until he starts talking again. "The commandant of the Army has entrusted me to express his deep regret that your wife, Callie, was killed in action in..." My heart stops and suddenly I can't breathe. I lean on my arms in front of me but I don't even know what to think. "...The commandant extends his deepest sympathy to you and your family in your loss." After his slow speech, he cautiously hands me the letter. I don't dare open it.

"Thank you," I squeak through my light cries.

"I will arrange a return within 24 hours to discuss mortuary affairs and funeral honors. Again, on behalf of the commandant, please accept the United States Army's deepest condolences." He takes a moment before getting up and leaving the house.

The second the front door closes, I release my feelings, curling into a ball and sobbing uncontrollably on the couch. After what I think is hours of crying, I finally run out of tears. I guess now is a good enough time as any to read the letter. It breaks my heart to do so and I find myself crying all over again. The letter includes more official apologies and discrete details about what happened to her.

-Present time-

"She couldn't be with us," I lie. Even though it's been close to five months, I still can't get myself to say the words "she died".

"Oh sorry. Well hopefully soon." Jimmy then quickly changes the subject but all I'm thinking about is the absence of Callie. She would be here right now, sitting next to me. I would be hearing her laugh and her beautiful soft voice. Her hand would be gently resting in mine as we talk.

"Scarlett," Jimmy calls calmly. I just now realize I haven't been responding to anything.

I quickly look up at him from twirling my wedding ring on my finger. "Sorry."

Jimmy nods and we continue the conversation. I try to pay more attention, as hard as it is. We have a long way to go before I can go back to the hotel room.


It feels good to get out of all my fancy clothes after a long day of socializing and trying. I shuffle through my suitcase for one of the many hoodies of Callie's that I brought on this trip. Sometimes I can still smell her although I mostly wore out the scent.

I'm brushing my teeth to get ready for the night when there's a knock on my hotel door. I ignore it, simply not in the mood to talk to anyone or do anything. Minutes later, there's another knock followed by something I haven't heard in five months. "Hey, it's me."

Mid brushing, I stop. I stare at the faucet until my vision goes blurry. "No, no that- That's not possible," I whisper to myself, shaking my head and finishing up in the bathroom. My mind has made up some crazy things these past few months but hearing her voice that clear is something I wasn't prepared for. Just as I'm laying down to start my bedtime routine, there's yet another knock on the door, this time much fainter. I finally give in and trudge to the door.

I tiredly open it and my legs immediately give out completely. "Oh hey, I got you." Callie catches me mid-crumble. For a moment, I still think I'm imagining this until I reach up to wrap my arms around her neck and our bodies make contact.

I let her support me to the bed. "H-how a-are y-" I try to ask but she just cuts me off since she knows.

She sits down next to me and takes my hand. I hold it tightly. "Long story short, I didn't die. Went into a coma for a while. Everyone thought I did though."

I suddenly can't stop myself from breaking down. "I was told you were dead. An officer came to our house saying you were killed in action. I thought I lost you. I thought you were dead."

She wraps her arms around me, letting me bawl into her. "I'm right here. I didn't go anywhere."

Eventually, Callie starts crawling backward on the bed, wrapping an arm around my ribs from behind to pull me with her. She positions herself slightly upright on the pillows and lays me between her legs. Her arms wrap tightly around my upper chest so I grip her arms and lay my head back on her chest.

I take it all in. Her warm fingers tracing patterns on my chest. Her strong, toned arms holding me close. The feeling of her stomach rising and falling under me. The tickle of her short breaths on my skin. The way our bodies fit like puzzle pieces when we lay together.

"If it makes you feel any better, the Army is giving me the option to permanently leave because of what happened," Callie finally says.

I open my eyes from relaxing for the first time in months. "And what are you going to do?" I ask, hoping my tone of voice tells her what I want her to do.

"I'm thinking I'll leave for good. It'll be really tough but I want to have a semi-normal life with you for once. Well, normal like no army shit. Normal for us will always be your fame."

I lift myself off of her and turn around. She furrows her eyebrows at me now sitting up between her legs. A smile slowly forms on my lips. She hesitantly sits up but I grab her and pull her into me, hugging her tight.

I place loving kisses all over her neck until she pulls away with a little giggle. "What's all that for?"

"I love you so much. You're so perfect. Thank you." I cup her face and bring our lips together. Her hands find their way to my waist and she kisses me back just as passionately.

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