NR - Little Stark

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I wake to rapid tapping on my side followed by little whispers.

"Aunt Callie. Aunt Callie."

I groan quietly and stir as I try to work out what's going on since I haven't fully woken up yet. My eyes flutter open and I see I'm still spooning Nat on our bed from the night before then I hear the whisper again.

"Aunt Callie!" the voice whisper-yells.

I finally turn my head enough to see Morgan Stark standing at the edge of the bed, staring at me with a smile.

"Oh, hey pumpkin," I croak quietly so I don't wake Nat up. "What's up?"

"Can you play with me?" She gives me the puppy dog eyes and pouts, making it virtually impossible to say no.

"Okay, okay. Can we wait until Auntie Nat wakes up? It won't be too long."

"Okay!" She gives me a huge smile.

"Perfect, thank you Morgs."

She giggles and runs out of our room, not closing the door behind her but I don't even try to call out to her. I just turn back to the woman in my arms and let myself fall back to sleep with her for a little while until she wakes up.

"Good morning, moya lyubov {my love}," her scratchy voice greets me and I let out a chuckle. "What?"

"Nothing, I just love it when you speak Russian. You should do it more often."

"Hm. We'll see."

"Come on, gotta get up. I have a playdate to get to." I climb out of bed to get ready for the day and Nat just watches me do everything.

"A playdate?" she finally asks me.

"Little Stark has requested I play with her. She asked me, like, an hour ago, actually, but I told her to wait until you woke up so we wouldn't bother you. So she's surely waiting for me."

She sits up on the bed and swings her legs over the side. "Better get going then. Morgan doesn't like waiting."

"No, she does not," I chuckle, walking over to her on the bed to give her a long kiss before rushing out of the room to meet Morgan in the living room.

"Hey, pumpkin! I'm here for our playdate. What're we playing?" I greet the excited 5-year old who's sitting on the floor in the middle of the living room watching SpongeBob.

Next to her sits a small stack of games she probably brought from home which includes Connect 4, Checkers, Jenga, and a few others I can't make out from where I'm walking in.

"Can we play Checkers?"

"Of course. That's a classic." I smile at her and take a seat in front of her.

Morgan pulls the Checkers box from the pile and sets it in between us, opening and taking everything out.

"What color will you be? Red or black?" I ask as she dumps the pieces on the floor.

"Red, obviously," she giggles, making me laugh with her.

"Yes, ma'am. I'll be black then." I smile as I collect my small black Checkers pieces.

It takes us a minute to set up our sides of the board correctly, I do it wrong at first and of course, Morgan makes fun of me for it.

"Oh, it's on now, little one," I challenge the child once everything is set up, correctly this time. "You go first," I offer.

She accepts my offer by moving one of her edge pieces diagonal towards my side then I take a piece towards the middle of the board. We go back and forth, taking turns moving different pieces towards each other's sides trying to jump over each other. I half-ass the game because she's just a kid and I'll give it to myself, I'm good at Checkers. It's just a basic game of strategy and to be an Avenger, you need strategy so it's just my thing.

"I'm a king!" Morgan shouts when she finally gets one of her pieces to my side of the board and stacks a second red piece on her king.

"W-What? How in the world..." I scan the board, genuinely confused on how she managed to do this. "Well, aren't you just sneaky?" I chuckle at the little girl smirking at me.

We go back and forth, each of us either jumping the other or becoming a king until there's only two of hers and one of mine, all kings. On my turns, I choose to run from her pieces rather than attack. I figure that's the best option in my situation. After a few minutes of playing chase with Morgan, on her turn, she finally gets stuck, seeming to think of the best move to make to take me down quicker. Through the silence, we hear footsteps followed by the lovely voice of Vision.

"Hello there, Miss Morgan," he greets her.

"Hi." She doesn't even look up from the board, too focused on what move to make.

"May I?" He gestures to the spot next to Morgan but she doesn't look up so I nod my head for her.

He takes his seat on the floor and studies the board for ten seconds.

"You could move this piece here and take Callie's piece to win," he explains to Morgan, pointing to the piece and spot he talks about.

"Vision! Seriously?"

Morgan happily takes his advice and wins the game.

"Yay!" she squeals in excitement and gives Vision a little hug before running off, probably to go brag to Tony that she beat me in Checkers.

"Seriously, Vis? Next time, stay out of my board games!" I jokingly threaten him.

"You were bound to lose eventually. I was just speeding up the process." He smirks and gets up.

I roll my eyes and smile to myself as he walks out of the room. I clean up for Morgan, like usual, and slide the pile of board games under the coffee table.

"You're annoying," I insult Vision as I walk into the kitchen to him sitting at the kitchen table.

"That was my intent." He smirks.

"Ugh. I'll see you later, Vis." I chuckle as I walk past him out of the room, grabbing a banana on the way out.

I make my way back to Nat and I's room to find Nat sitting on the bed reading.

"Hey there. How was your playdate? Heard you got your ass kicked."

"Oh my god. Word travels fast in this place."

"Morgan ran in here just before you walked in to tell me how much you sucked at Checkers."

"Did she also tell you Vision was the one who helped her win?" I sit down in front of her on the bed.

"Those are just minor details. Not important." She smirks at me.

"You know what? I went easy on her."


"You guys are so mean."

She just laughs at me so I dramatically flop down on the bed and try to roll away from her but she grabs me.

"Nope, I'm forcing you to stay here." She pulls me into her and covers me in kisses.

I struggle until I get too tired to fight back and let her stay wrapped around me.

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