NR - Virgin Pt. 1

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Hi! I wanted to wish @s_a_m_username a very happy birthday! Thank you for your request, I hope it suffices:)———————————————————————Natasha:In my room at the compound, I'm hanging out with Clint, Sam, Wanda, Carol, and Maria

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Hi! I wanted to wish @s_a_m_username a very happy birthday! Thank you for your request, I hope it suffices:)
In my room at the compound, I'm hanging out with Clint, Sam, Wanda, Carol, and Maria. We're gossiping about the people not in this room pretty much. It's a good time.

"Guys guys guys." Wanda waves her hands to shut us all up. We fall silent and wait for Wanda to continue. "Callie's back," she smirks.

Carol, Wanda, and Maria simultaneously gasp. A few minutes later, Callie walks into the room. Everyone in the room starts giggling.

"I'm not talking about it in front of the boys," Callie laughs as she flops down on my bed, nudging the side of my thigh with her foot so I'm forced to scoot over. She lifts her head off my pillow to glare at the men.

"Fine," Sam and Clint groan before leaving the room.

When my door closes behind them, we all stare down Callie.

"So? How was it?!" Wanda squeals.

Callie sits up and wraps her arms around my shoulders, resting her chin on me. She lightly pulls me into her. If it were anyone else, I would hate the public affection but it's Callie so I'm okay with it.

"I have one word to describe last night. Women," she giggles to the group then hides her face in the crook of my neck to hide a blush. Everyone but me starts squealing loudly. Callie suddenly lifts her face from my neck. "Hey, are you guys going to Tony's party?"

After everyone says they are, Callie leaps up, kisses my cheek quickly, and runs out of the room. Carol, Maria, and Wanda smirk at me but I shake my head to shut down their dirty minds. They know we're just best friends.


Finally, the party is over and the rest of the Avengers and I are hanging out on the couches sipping some beers or martinis. I'm sitting next to Wanda at the end of our sofa. Callie is seated directly opposite me. We're in the middle of a game of truth or dare. It's all going okay except for the fact that each question or dare I get from someone is something along the lines of sexual. In a perfect world, I wouldn't care that much. But it's not a perfect world. I've never had my first time. I've never even kissed anyone.

"Why not?" Tony asks again after I deny his request to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with the group.

"I'm just... not in the mood. Wouldn't all that be better if... both parties are in the mood?" I refute nervously.

"Aw, come on, Nat! It'll be fun!"

"I-I don't know. I think I'd ruin it."

"Aw, come on. Don't be a pussy about it!"

"I've never had sex!" I accidentally blurt out, tears fighting to escape.

It makes me feel worse that some of the men stifle giggles. "How have you never done it before?" Sam giggles.

"Seriously," Tony chuckles. "Hey, this game can be your first time so you can stop being so fucking boring!" The men of the group voice their agreements and a tear nearly slips out.

"Guys, she said no. Respect that," Callie comes in quickly and strictly.

"You're defending her now, Cal? What're you? Her girlfriend?" Clint chuckles.

"No, I'm not. I just happen to be someone who cares."

"Fine, she can ruin the night," Tony pouts. My eyes gloss over at his words.

Callie raises her eyebrow and tightens her jaw, looking like she's about to beat the shit out of Tony. "Excuse me?" she spits.

"You heard me."

"I'm really hoping I misheard you and you didn't just say Nat was ruining the night because she doesn't want to participate in a sexual game. Honestly, I doubt anyone wants to play. I sure as hell do not! And if you want to sit here and disrespect females, go do that elsewhere, maybe the bathroom since you're such a piece of shit!" At this point, Callie is standing and towering over Tony who's sitting in shock. Without another word, she glares at him as she walks towards me. "Come on, let's get out of here." She offers me her hand which I happily accept.

"You didn't have to defend me like that," I try as we're entering my room.

"I wanted to. He was saying some horrible shit and I couldn't sit there and let him talk to you like that."

"Well, thank you." I sit on the edge of my bed.

"No need. I'm sorry though. Men are so disgusting sometimes." Cal comes over and sits next to me, wrapping her arm over my shoulders so I lean my head on her shoulder.

"How are you not asking me a million questions like everyone else?"

"Because that's not my business. I couldn't care less about your body count. That's not a big deal unless you want it to be."

I lift my head from her shoulder and we lock eyes. Her gaze is so full of love that it's almost impossible for me not to want to throw myself at her. So I do.

I rest my hand on her upper chest and slowly lean towards her, glancing at her lips. She doesn't stop me. She leans in just as I do. Our lips lightly touch. So light, it's almost not even considered kissing. I can feel her hesitation. She can probably feel my nerves. Finally, our warm lips interlock softly. I can't believe my lips are connected to Callie's. I've wanted this since the first day I met her. Her lips are as soft as they look, if not softer. The arm around my neck pulls me closer. I melt into the kiss.

Unfortunately, she pulls her lips from mine gradually, leaving some of her taste behind. "I don't want to pressure you," she whispers.

I grab the back of her neck so she can't move away from me too far. I crave her even more. "You aren't pressuring me. I want this. I want you to be my first."

"Are you sure? That's kind of big. And I don't want to ruin our friendship if we go there."

"I'm sure."

"Okay." She slowly leans back in and I use the hand on the back of her neck to emphasize how much I want her.

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