NR - Callie Barton Pt. 2

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At the dinner table with Callie and my family, I stare at Cal, just studying her.

"Callie," I start.

"Mhm?" Callie looks up from her steak.

"So. The Avengers. Thoughts?"

"Oh, yeah. They're great. Great." She breaks eye contact to munch on her food. I catch her small smile though.

"You've always been bad at hiding things."

"I'm not hiding anything. What do you mean?"

"Oh my god." I glance at my wife who has a smile on her face. Laura knows.

"Oh my god, what?" Cal asks.

"It's Natasha, isn't it?"

"Clint, what are you going on about this time?"

"He thinks you have a crush," Laura says for me.

"A crush. On Natasha? No. No way! That's ridiculous."

"Natasha Barton. Sounds great. Then Auntie Nat would really fit," I smile.

"Woah. How did we get from a crush to me marrying her?" Cal laughs.

"I can see the future," I joke with a straight face.

"You're full of- No," Callie cuts off her cursing since the kids are here.

"You know how to shoot a gun," Laura adds.

"Why are you two teaming up on me? I don't like her like that!"

"You let her teach you how to shoot a gun but you already know how. If that isn't love-" I start.

"I don't love her. Love is a strong word, Clit."

Laura almost snorts from Callie's nickname for me. "Now you're saying you don't love her," Laura smirks.

"Okay. Okay. Jeez. So I may have a liking. But that doesn't mean much. God, us Barton's are annoying and pushy," Callie laughs nervously.

"I knew it!!" I throw my hands up in the air in celebration.

"I hate you, Clint. And don't tell Natasha."

"I won't. Cross my heart." I make an X over my heart with my finger. "You should talk to her. Why don't we hang out with them?"

"Fine," Cal surrenders.

"How's this weekend?" I urge.


"Perfect," I smirk.

We go back to eating dinner and enjoy regular dinner conversations, avoiding the topic of the Avengers.


Now that it's the weekend, the family and I are going to the facility. I've been pissy towards Clint all week due to the conversation at dinner the other night.

"Aunt Callie!" Nate whines. I look down at him and he calls for an uppy so I pick him up.

We strut into the compound and there are only a few straggling agents, no Avengers yet. Our family gets settled in the lounge so I set down Nate and let him fool around with his siblings.

"And the Barton family has returned." We all turn to Tony walking in with his smile.

"We can't seem to stay away," Clint laughs.

"I don't blame you," Tony says.

"Hey! Is Nat here today?" Clint calls as Tony leaves the room. I lightly slap his arm.

"She's around. She's in one of her moods today," Tony giggles.

"Oh, that'll be fun," Clint laughs.

"One of her moods?" I finally ask.

"She's a moody assassin," Clint giggles.

Just as Clint is saying this, Natasha herself comes storming into the room. Everyone turns to look. She walks right up to the middle of the room and slams an Iron Man hand on the table.

"Stark. Stop leaving your shit in the communal areas of this compound. You have a lab for a reason," she hisses.

"I just left it there for the time being," Tony refutes.

"I don't care. Leave it in your lab for the time being!" Natasha spins to leave the room but freezes when she sees me.

"How do you feel, Nat? Yelling in front of our guest," Tony teases.

"Shut it." Natasha throws a middle finger in the air at Tony. She looks like she's about to say something but Tony's next comment stops her.

"Fine. Next time I'll leave my gadgets elsewhere, darling."

Natasha loudly groans and stomps out of the room.

"I'll go tend to her," Clint says then he turns to me. "You should come with me."

"Uh. Okay, I don't know how I'll be of use though."

"I think you're more of use than you think."

I follow Clint around the compound until we eventually reach the training room. We find Natasha at the shooting range with a handgun. She's taking shot after shot.

"You're going to jam the gun," Clint says loud enough for her to hear us.

She glares at Clint but when she sees me, her angry mood seems to drop a little.

"He pisses me off," Natasha spits.

"Same but I'm not shooting up the training room," Clint says calmly.

Natasha keeps a straight face. "It keeps me busy."

"You know, Cal knows some martial arts. You could take your anger out in a safe sparring session," Clint offers.

I whip my head to him. "What? I-"

"Go on, Cal," Clint offers.

"Okay," I surrender.

Natasha and I step onto the mat for what I'm assuming will be a friendly spar. I can feel her anger in each blow to my face, each swipe to my feet. It's a long spar, neither of us giving up. I'm quite enjoying myself. When we're finished, I can almost see a small smile on her lips.

"Feel any better?" I ask Natasha with a slight smirk.

"A bit."

"Glad I could help."

She shoots me a brief half-smile which I return. Her bad mood has seemed to go away now that we've sparred. Natasha then returns to the shooting range.

"I've already planned the wedding," Clint says quietly when Natasha's putting away her equipment.

"Now what?" I giggle.

"She smiled at you."


"She was in a bad mood."


"She smiled at you through a bad mood."

"Clint, if you don't-"

"She likes you!" He not so lightly slaps my arm.

"You're making things up. It was just a smile."

"Right. Maybe she'll even let you teach her how to shoot a bow," he smirks.

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