Party Setup Pt. 1

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Tonight, my wife and I are having a shit ton of people over to celebrate all the awards our Marvel cast got recently. We offered our house since we like hosting things and it's in the comfort of our own home rather than anywhere else.

We're playing music through the house as we decorate and set up everything, it's a vibe. I quietly sing along to the song that's playing, "affection" by BETWEEN FRIENDS, while I wipe down our glass wall on the main floor that shows off our gorgeous pool overlooking the city of LA. I have no idea where Scarlett is at the moment. The last time I saw her, she was slapping my ass and saying she'll be home soon.

I'm sitting on the floor, deep into scrubbing a scuff mark off the last section of glass, when I'm being grabbed from behind by a pair of arms and a giggle. The arms twist me and push me to the floor, holding me down by straddling my stomach.

"Well, hi there," I laugh out of breath to my wife.

"It's an ambush, stay down," she giggles, pressing herself against me.

"An ambush? Well shit, we might as well be dead already. There's a huge wall of glass right next to us."

"Good point." She abruptly sits up on my stomach and smiles down at me. "I have a job for you."

"Yeah, what's that?"

She climbs off of me and picks up the plastic bag from our local Home Depot. I follow her into the kitchen where she empties the contents onto the marble island counter.

"So thank god I found out sooner rather than later. But those lights over the outdoor bar are fucked. And it's your job to fix them." She pushes the lightbulbs and other shit towards me.

"Jesus, how fucked?" I laugh, looking at the pile.

"Like it's more than a bulb change job. If it were a bulb change, I would do it."

"Okay," I sigh. "I'll grab the ladder. Lemme change first."

I trudge to the side of our house after getting changed into a sports bra under a loose tank top with long slits down the sides that expose my sides and Spandex since it's a hot day. It takes me a minute to find the ladder behind some things in the storage room but when I do, I carry it to our dark gray marble bar.

"Which light or lights?" I ask Scarlett. She points to a set of lights so I set up the ladder. I examine the situation and decide I need my tools so I grab them.

When I'm at the top of the ladder, I position myself so I can lean on the highest step and I don't have to worry about falling. I look behind me and down at Scarlett and notice her staring up at me. I shoot her a smile then turn my attention to the lights. The whole time I'm working, I feel eyes on me. With a piece of wire sticking out between my lips, I glance down to Scar still staring.

"What? I'm almost done."

"Nothing, I just think the first bulb is crooked."

"What...?" I whip back to the first bulb I put in and stare at it until my mind believes her. I unscrew it and re-screw it. "Any better?" She shakes her head. I do the same thing and look back at her. She just shrugs so I take that as an "it's fine" and go back to finishing the second and final bulb.

When done, I'm about to climb off the ladder when she stops me. "Crooked."

"Are you fucking-" I do the same thing, unscrewing and re-screwing the same bulb over and over again after Scarlett keeps telling me it's not better. I fix it without question until she finally says it's fine.

"Well, that took forever," I complain.

"I quite enjoyed that." She steps up to me and grabs my ass with both hands.

"I'm glad you liked my suffering." I lean in to kiss her but she pushes me off.

"Ew gross, you're sweaty!"

"Ugh, fine. Way to be a tease. But forget it for the rest of the night then," I jest, walking away to put the ladder and tools away.

She follows me into the house where we plop down tiredly onto a long, white, leather couch in our living room. "How long until people get here?" Scar asks, staring at the ceiling with her head resting on the back of the couch.

"An hour."

"Anything else to do?"


"Great." She rolls over on my lap and we make out until we're forced to get ready for our guests.


The doorbell rings. I look at Scarlett still putting her makeup on. "I'll get it. Take your time, beautiful," I tell her.

I scramble downstairs in my skin-tight black dress to the front door where I'm greeted by a handsome Chris Evans. He greets me with a light hug and a compliment. Throughout the course of a couple hours, cast and higher-ups of the crew of Vertigo and Avengers fill our mansion. It's an elegant party with music, light drinking, and a food and snack bar.

"No, because if I didn't do this, I would probably be sleeping in a cardboard box on the side of the road," I laugh with a group of my friends and coworkers.

"Oh babe, don't be so negative. I'm sure you'd be doing fine." Scarlett walks in on the middle of the conversation and places a hand on my exposed lower back.

"You're right. It'd probably be a plastic box. Maybe one with wheels so I can travel. A travel home!"

The group bursts into light laughter. Scarlett wraps her arm further around me, rubbing my waist with her thumb. We talk with them until the end and people start coming up to us with their goodbyes.


The second I pull up my sweatpants, I join Scarlett on the balcony connected to our bedroom. I come up behind her and slip my hands into the pockets of her sweats. "How are you?" I purr into her ear.

"I'm good. Tired but good." She rests her head back on my shoulder and we continue to stare out at the night city. "How about you?"

"Happy that I'm not living in a cardboard box."

"Oh honey, you're a long way from cardboard," she chuckles, spinning in my arms and grabbing my face.

"Yes, I am. Married to Scarlett Johansson, living in a mansion in the hills of LA, being a millionaire family... A long way..." I slowly lean in. Our lips interlock in a sweet kiss.

"Let's take this to the bed," she breathes, dragging me to our bed to finish off our night.

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