Romantic Getaway Pt. 1

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I click down the steps in my heels, tying my hair up into a bun, and head straight to the backyard where my wife is lounging by the pool in her bikini from earlier. I stand next to her chair and admire the sunset as I fix the tie of my slick black suit. Scarlett looks up at me from her chair so I glance down with a smile.

"I love work nights," Scar says, looking back to the sunset.

"Are you making an appearance?"

"You know I'd love to."


"But..." She groans as she gets up from the chair to face me, grabbing the back of my neck. "I have work to do."

I pull her closer by her waist and say, "What kind of work?"

"Producing movies and being an actress."

Her arms rest on my shoulders and her hands fall behind me. "Always continuing to grow your career. Even being one of the top actresses. Won't be long before you're the top." I continue leaning in until our lips stop barely an inch away.

Our lips graze and she lets out a breathy gasp. "When will you be home?"

"Flexible but I'd say closer to one to one thirty."

"Is that too late for a-" I cut off her question by smashing our lips together finally.

She immediately lets out a long hum against my lips as we hungrily make out. Due to the upcoming long night of being apart, we continue to kiss roughly as I back up into the house towards the front door to leave.

"Babe, I have to-" I try but Scarlett cuts me off by slamming me against the front door. I kiss her back until my phone buzzes in my pocket from my final alarm to leave for work. "Honey, I really got to go. Let's finish this when I get home if you're up," I breathe when I gently push her off.

"Have fun," she smirks, kissing my cheek before letting me out the door to climb into our dark blue Rolls-Royce Phantom.


"Mrs. Johansson-Atwood!" I spin in my swivel stool to a man I vaguely recognize.

"Evening," I greet him how I would any customer at my casino. I own a casino here in LA but I often like to play a dealer role. The role I'm playing right now.

"Got room for one more?" He asks.

I gesture for him to take the last open seat at my oval table and start dealing the round of poker, calling out the rules, and tossing cards at the eight players. As we play, we enjoy small talk conversations and laughter. From owning this place for so many years, I've gotten to know a good amount of my customers. I could almost consider them friends.

"Mr. Hearst, I heard you were taking the wife on a romantic getaway?" I start a new conversation at the table.

"Wow, word travels fast. Yes, Lilly and I are going to Italy for a month. Figured it's time to get the hell out of LA for once," Mr. Hearst laughs.

"Very nice. Very romantic. Wishing you the best of luck," I reply formally with a warm smile.

"Thank you. You know, now that we're on the topic, how about you?"

"What about me?"

"Well, I can't remember a night you weren't at the casino. Do you get out? Are you and your wife planning on getting away anytime soon?"

I can't help but let out a light laugh. "No, sir. I have a casino and Scarlett has acting. She just recently took up an offer to produce a movie so she's been busy with being a producer. We're just too busy. I can't imagine getting away from here for longer than a weekend."

"You got to get the hell out of here!" Another one of my customers exclaims.

"It can't be healthy to stay cooped up in LA all the time," another agrees.

"A couple needs to get out every now and then. Everyone knows you two have the money. So use it! Plan yourself the most romantic getaway you can come up with and get the hell out of here," Mr. Hearst bursts.

I glance around the table at all my players nodding and smiling in agreement. "Okay, you're right," I chuckle as I pick a couple of poker chips from their board.

-2:00 AM-

I trudge into my partly lit-up mansion and immediately take off my heels, leaving them at the bottom of the steps. After a long night of running a company and dealing many games of various gambling games, it feels great to lounge in one of the cushioned chairs in our hidden TV room behind one of the many living rooms. I'm only relaxing for a few minutes when my wife plops sideways on my lap.

"How was work?"

I stare at her.

"Hun. Hello?" She waves her hand in front of my face.

My lips curl into a smile. "Let's see the world."

"Are you drunk?" She asks, leaning down and sniffing my neck.

"No, I barely had one glass of Jack tonight."

"Okay so... What?"

"Let's see the world!" I repeat myself, getting up so she has to get off my lap, and leading her towards our bedroom upstairs.


"One of the groups I was dealing for tonight was talking about traveling. Well, I asked the guy about his trip with his wife. And it really got me thinking. We haven't gotten out like that in, well, forever really. I think we deserve a long break to just go. We have the money, let's spend it."

"Where would we go?"


"Honey, I just took up a producer job. I don't think I can just leave that this early."

"So we wait a bit. But Scar, I'm being serious. We need a getaway. A romantic getaway, just the two of us, for however long we want."

"I know you're being serious. That's what scares me, how serious you are," she chuckles, unbuttoning my suit coat.

"Are you that against going?" I ask, letting her push my coat off my body and start undoing my tie.

"No. Actually, I'm not against it at all. I think a trip sounds really good."


"But..." She takes off my tie and starts unbuttoning my tight white shirt next. "I'm thinking about how it'll work with both of our work."

"Well, I can have someone run the casino for me while I'm gone. I won't have to shut it down so we'll have a constant income if that's something you're worried about while we're away."

"Mhm," she agrees, pushing off my shirt.

"And if we have my income, we won't need anything coming from you. Casino income will be enough for us to enjoy ourselves for however long we want. I truly think this would work perfectly. I'll work out everything. Every little detail if you want," I assure her as she finishes off my clothes by unbuckling my belt and sliding it off.

"You really want this, huh?"

"I really do."

"Okay, so if you can work out a solid plan, I'll happily enjoy a romantic getaway with you," she smiles as she unzips my pants, letting them drop to the floor.

"I'll do all the hard work," I smirk, pulling her shirt over her head and pushing her onto the bed.

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