🔞 Dear diary...

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———————————————————————Callie:"Welcome to the Avengers' set!" The producer, Kevin Feige, happily greets me

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"Welcome to the Avengers' set!" The producer, Kevin Feige, happily greets me.

"Thank you!"

He leads me to the conference room first where the rest of the Avengers' cast is waiting to meet their newest cast member. Kevin introduces us, even though I know all of them and they most likely know me because of my work in the film industry. One of them being the woman I've always had a huge crush on, Scarlett Johansson. Once introductions are over, we're set free to do whatever since there's no filming to be done.

The second I'm alone, I whip out my small notebook. One of the things I've found through the years that have helped keep me sane is writing things down. Anything from mental notes I don't want to forget to my feelings. Of course, now that I'm working with the woman I've had a huge crush on for years, I quickly jot down all about it.


It's been a couple of months working with the Avengers' cast and it's going great, all except for the fact that I keep messing up the scenes with me and Scarlett because I get nervous. We just finished filming for the day. I practically sprint to my trailer. Scarlett and I had a choke-out scene and I nearly had a heart attack. Never did I think I would have my hand around Scarlett's throat, but here we are.

The moment I get into my trailer, I rip out my notebook and write about it. Just like I've been doing every single day since my first day. It's a healthy release of feelings. When done, I shove it back in its hiding place in my dresser under all my shirts. As much as it's just a "feelings journal", now that I'm writing about my coworker and how much I like her, I feel the need to hide it.


"Can I borrow one of your shirts? I'm slowly running out of mine and I don't feel like fixing that problem," Lizzie asks while we hang out in my trailer after work.

"Yeah, top left drawer," I tell her.

She happily jumps up and starts digging through my clothes. "Ooo, you have such good taste," she comments among other things.

I'm not really paying attention until I remember something. My fucking journal. "Oh, Liz-" I try to start but she whips around.

"Callie. What is this?" In her hands, my journal.

"Well, shit."

"Okay, so what is it?"

"Nothing, gimme," I attempt to steal it back but she rips it away and slips past me.

"OH MY GOD!" She stops briefly in my kitchen as she flips through the pages.

"Liz give!" I plead, attempting to grab her but she continues to run out of my trailer, screaming for the rest of the cast to join us in the conference room.

I chase her there, trying to get my journal back before anyone has the chance to get here. I corner her against the wall and try to get it but she somehow keeps it out of my reach. Just as I'm almost touching it, the doors fling open, and Liz and I freeze.

Scarlett Johansson | One-Shots (1)Where stories live. Discover now