Car Accident Pt. 2

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"Callie Johansson-Atwood is still in critical condition due to injuries from her recent car accident in Bakersfield. She's being hospitalized in ULCA Medical Center where she is undergoing treatments for broken bones, whiplash, and a concussion. We are still waiting on updates-"

I quickly change the channel on Callie's hospital TV. I've been staying at the hospital for so long, the nurses offered me a bed of my own to sleep in. Of course, I accepted it so I didn't have to go home since it's a long drive. It's been months and she still hasn't fully woken up yet. I've only gotten little groans and tiny body movements.

I'm sitting in a chair next to her bed, holding her hand lightly, and talking to her. "They started announcing your big win on the case. Just like I said they would. I'm so proud of you. I hope you wake up soon so we can celebrate together. I know you're strong. Hell, you're the strongest person I know. Wake up for me." I rest my forehead on her bed and continue talking as I try to calm down. "Remember the Tonight Show interview with the cast that was coming up? Well, it's tonight but I don't think I'm going. I don't think I would be able to handle it. They'll just ask about you and this here is hard enough."

Callie slightly wiggles her fingers in my hand and lets out a heavier breath. I whip my head up but let out my own shaky, disappointed sigh when she doesn't wake up.

-One month later-

"Scarlett Johansson-Atwood and Chris Evans will be joining us to talk about the newest Avengers' movie! Tune in tonight at 9 PM Pacific Time!"

The timing of all of this is horrible. Callie and I were planning to travel around together after her case for these interviews. But now she's laying in a hospital bed in critical condition from a car crash. I don't know how anyone expects me to show up to anything when this is my current situation.

-3 weeks later-

"Press tour for the newest Avengers' movie starts this week!"

I've been getting calls and texts this whole month about this press tour. Everyone wants to know if I'm coming and I've told each of them there is no way I'm leaving Callie alone for that long in her condition. I don't care about a press tour nearly as much as my wife's health. What if something happens and I'm across the country? I'm not risking anything.

It's nighttime, so before I get into my own, I sit on the edge of Callie's bed with her hand in mine. "Our newest movie's press tour starts this week. I'm not going. But they don't need me there, the main cast is going, they'll be fine. They'll understand why I missed it." I pause to take a deep breath to continue but freeze when there's a faint, weak voice.

"Just go."

I whip to Callie so fast, I almost break my neck. I stare at her, eyes closed and body immobile, and start to think I imagined it. I go to turn away but I watch her chest rise and her lips part so I don't.

"Please go," her hoarse voice instructs.

I'm about to argue with her about it like I normally would when I realize the situation. I immediately snap out of my staring. "Oh my god. Oh my god!" I gently kiss her head with tears rolling down my face.

"Hey baby," she greets me.

"Holy shit, Cal. I was so scared. When I saw the crash on the news and our car and them pulling your body out-" I ramble quickly but she cuts me off with a weak hand on my cheek. She puts her thumb on my bottom lip and slowly rubs it.

"Shh. Come here," she whispers, pulling me into her. Our lips press together for the first time in five months. Five months too long. Her hand slides to the back of my head, pulling me closer. Unfortunately, I can't touch her back since I have to hold myself up so I don't break the bones that are already broken.

Our lips very slowly come apart, neither of us truly wanting to stop. If she wasn't in this bad of shape, I wouldn't. Her tired hand falls off my body so I take that as my sign to stop hovering over her. I go to get off her bed but she grabs my waist.

"Honey." I turn back to face her. "Don't miss that press tour, seriously."

"I'm not leaving you alone."

"And I'm not letting you miss a press tour because of me. Please. It'll make me feel better." She gives me the puppy dog eyes and it melts my heart but I have to push past it.

"You're so cute but no."

"Wow, usually the puppy dog eyes work. You're playing the 'I mean business' wife, huh?" She smiles.

"Yeah, and you know why? Because I mean business," I smirk, coming back to her and pecking her lips before getting off her bed.

-3 months later-

"Have a safe trip home," the young man at the front desk waves me and my wife goodbye as we leave UCLA Medical Center.

"Thank you," I smile, turning my attention back to my wife in her crutches. "Let's get out of here before they find a reason to keep you," I joke quietly as I open the door for her. Her growing smile brightens my day.


"It feels so good to be home," Callie comments as we get settled in the bedroom.

"I know, I haven't been here since the day of your crash."

"Hey, want a fun job?" She turns to me with a cute smile.

"Sure, what is it?"

"I'm sore and broken so I don't think I'll be able to move enough to get changed."

"I like this job," I smirk while I shuffle through the drawers for clothes.

I take my time to change her clothes, feeling up her body as I do. When I eventually finish, we go down for dinner since it's decently late.

"I still think missing those interviews was stupid," Callie tries again as we're eating the pasta I whipped up.

"I thought we went over this."

"We did, yes. But you kind of missed them for nothing because here I am."

"So you're telling me if we switched places, you would go on your interviews or work calls while I was in critical condition in the hospital?"

She stares at me, a small smile tugging on her lips. "Gotcha there," I tease.

"Shut it," she chuckles under her breath, getting up to clear her plate but I stop her.

"Nuh-uh. Sit. Let me," I tell her, taking both of our plates for her.

"I'm useless now."

"Until you're off of crutches, consider me your servant," I laugh, leaning back on the counter to admire my wife.

"As much as I'm still useless, I like the sound of that."

"I know you do."

"Well, then come over here and serve me," she smiles, leaning forward in her chair. I smirk and happily go back to her, crouching between her legs.


"I'm really glad you're okay," I breathe as we lay in bed with most of our clothes scattered around the room.

"I am too."

"I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'd probably quit acting, move to New Jersey, live in a box," she teases me with a giggle.

"Wow, how'd you know?"

"It's a feeling." She grabs my face and pulls me into her.

"I love you," I laugh in between kisses.

"I love you the most."

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