Hitchhiking Pt. 4

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It's been a long process. It has taken so long but finally, after filling out many papers and forms, interviews, and investigations, we're finally in court for the final stretch. As soon as the judge says so, I can call Callie my official daughter. Since Callie is of age, the judge asks both me and Callie many questions to make sure this adoption is in her best interest. From what I see, it is. There is a lot that needs to happen before the judge sitting before us can let all of this be official. Before Callie can be a part of my family.

A long time later, the judge is issuing an order called a final decree of adoption, approving the adoption. This order makes me her legal mother and Callie my legal daughter and changes Callie's last name to mine. Callie Johansson. It's official.

The second we step out of the courtroom, Callie throws herself into my arms. I hug her tight while a few of my friends and family surround us. I even surprised Callie by reaching out to her best friend, June, and inviting June to the hearing. We had the hearing in California and June was in Nevada so it wasn't too hard or expensive (I paid for her of course). When we release the hug, Callie and June embrace. It's an extremely emotional day for both of us.

I offered June to stay at our home since she took the time out of her week to come out here. Even though she's 18 and could take care of herself, she's my new daughter's best friend. Of course, I would offer her to stay with us.

"June, your room is upstairs, right and down the hall," I tell June when we get to the mansion.

"Thank you, Ms. Johansson."

"Oh, please. That's too formal. Just call me Scarlett if you're comfortable," I smile.

June rushes off to get comfortable in her room. She's staying for only a few days. When June's out of sight, I bring Callie to her room. Callie instantly sits on the edge of her bed, her eyes glossy.

I crouch in front of her to meet her eyes. "Honey, what's wrong?"

"Literally nothing," she lightly cries. "I'm just... so happy."

"I am too." I join her on the bed and wrap my arms around her.

"It doesn't feel real," she whispers into the hug.

"What doesn't feel real?"

"Having a family."

My smile grows and my heart melts. This is the first time Callie has said we are a family out loud. "Family is forever. I know your past disproved that for you. But I'm going to show you how true it is. This family is forever. You are my daughter, Callie Johansson. And I will love you unconditionally for the rest of our lives."

She lifts her head from my shoulder. "Love?"

"Love. I love you."

Callie's lips curl into a big smile. She digs her face into my neck. "I... I love you too."

-3 weeks later-

June left two weeks ago. After that, Scarlett and I went shopping a lot for basic needs, clothing, hygiene products, and room decorations to make me feel more at home. Sometimes (all the time) I can't believe I went from living in a small, abusive household in Nevada to living with Scarlett Johansson, my new mother, in her mansion in the hills of Los Angeles. It's surreal but I couldn't be happier.

I lay in my bed watching the TV that's in my room. I'm flipping through channels, trying to find something to watch. As I do, I pause on a news channel. My heart instantly drops.

"Scarlett Johansson recently adopted a teenage girl named Callie Atwood. The two made the adoption official weeks ago. According to our resources, Atwood came from a traumatic past. This may seem like a perfect mother-daughter love story but it's far from it. Atwood's past shows us she's most likely using Johansson for fame and money."

I didn't realize I was crying until the tears started dropping on my lap. I don't hold back my sobs. I know I'm being too loud but I can't stop myself.

I can hear Callie's heartbreaking sobs from the kitchen. I instantly drop what I was doing to sprint to Callie's room. When I burst in, I find Callie hysterical on her bed with the TV playing. I catch every horrible thing the newswoman is saying about her. About us.

I climb into her bed and embrace her in a tight hug, letting her sob into me.

"I'm not using you for fame or money," she cries.

"I know, baby. I know." I run my fingers through her hair.

"Everyone thinks I am. M-Maybe you shouldn't have adopted me. I-"

"Woah. No. Callie, I do not regret taking you in. I don't care what the world thinks. Their opinions don't matter to me. What matters, what should only matter is that I love you and you are my family and I am yours. I didn't take you in for clout."

"I'm sorry-"

I cut her off again. "Don't. You didn't do anything wrong." Seeing how torn she is about this situation, I know what I have to do. Protective momma bear: activated.


The other day, I reached out to my connections who can take my story public. I want everyone to know the story that matters. I usually wouldn't open up this much about my private life but Callie's reaction to the news resulted in me changing how I do some things.

"Baby, let's watch the news," I tell Callie.

She reluctantly agrees to watch the news with me. She knows I went public because I asked for her permission but she doesn't know the extent of what I said. She's about to find out though.

"Scarlett Johansson has opened up about the adoption. Here's what was said: 'I am disappointed in anyone who is talking about my private life. I do not know who felt they were authorized to speak on that matter. I adopted Callie. She did not and is not using this adoption for popularity or money. I will not speak about her past because that does not belong to anyone but her. She came into my life unplanned but welcomed. She is the sweetest, kindest girl I have ever met and does not deserve the world talking about her in these awful ways. Please respect both of us by not digging into either of our private lives.' Atwood has yet to talk about it but we now know Johansson's feelings on the matter."

I shut off the TV right after the newswoman finished. Callie turns to me.

"You said all that?" she asks.

"Yes. And I meant every word. No one is permitted to talk about you or us like that. I'm so sorry. I know recently has been hard and this surely didn't help."

"No, it didn't help," Cal lightly chuckles, warming my heart. I love her happiness.

"I love you so much, sweetheart."

"I love you too, Mom."

I stop everything. My heart stops beating. I stop breathing for a moment. I just stare at her. My smile is delayed as I process.

"W-What...?" Callie questions me freezing.

"I- You called me mom. I'm just happy." I immediately grab her and pull her into a hug.

Yes, she called me mom. It's just a simple term. But it was the very first time she's ever used it on me. She called me mom. She called me her mom. Saying I am happy is the understatement of the year.

I wouldn't change a thing about my life. I met her on the side of the road in Arizona. I almost didn't stop the car, we were already running a few minutes late for our plane to Georgia. Stopping the driver was the best decision I could have ever made. As soon as she sat in the limo next to me, I knew there was no way I was letting her go off on her own. Seeing the sadness across her face when she talked about why she was alone, I knew I had to do something about it. Back then, I didn't even think about adoption but as time flew by and our relationship grew into a deeper love, I became so sure that I wanted her in my family.

And now her name is Callie Johansson. Now, she is my daughter. What more could I need?

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