🔞 Party Setup Pt. 2

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"Best hero award went out to Callie Atwood's Vertigo in the newest Avengers' film." I read an article from a news source on my phone as I lay across the living room couch and smile like an idiot.

"What's got you so smiley?" Scarlett asks, lifting my legs and sitting down.

I put my legs back down on her lap and respond with, "Just my side hoe, don't worry about it."


"I'm reading an article about the Marvel awards and this one mentioned me winning 'best hero'."

"You did do amazing."

"Oh look, it says 'Black Widow wins most annoying Avenger'," I tease with a smile, earning a shin slap from Scarlett.

"You're a piece of work," she says, fighting a smile.

"Hey, you chose me. You could've said no when I asked you to marry me."

"Oh hun, I should've said no when you asked me out." She taps my leg then gets up from the couch, leaving me with my mouth gaping open in shock.

"You are joking, right?" I call to her.

"I guess you'll never know," she responds from wherever she is.

I hold up my middle finger in the air, hoping she can see it. I go back to scrolling through the article and reading through the various awards. We won awards for our visual effects, music, makeup, basically everything. Marvel really knows how to win awards, I'll give them that. I'm just proud that I could be one of the actors that were named in a specific award.


In my home office, I lean back in my white leather swivel chair at my glass desk in front of my laptop. I'm supposed to be doing housework but I'm completely zoned out at the evening city below the balcony's glass doors I can see right out of. In my blurred vision, I watch my computer go to sleep and I start doing the same.

"Sleeping already?" My wife's voice comes in behind me, placing a kiss on my head, waking up my computer, and putting a Mason jar of coffee in front of me.

My eyes slowly open but I stay in my position with my legs crossed and my chin resting in my fist. I move just my eyes to look at her. Scarlett sits in one of the two black chairs opposite of me at the desk.

"Table shopping is boring," I groan.

"Sucks to be you," she teases.

"It really does."

"Want a break?"

"Depends. What kind of break?" I squint my eyes at her.

"Come," she smirks, getting up.

I follow her out the door to the balcony connected to my office. She pulls me to one of the larger cushioned lounge chairs and pushes me down. Because of the solid wall surrounding us, no one will be able to see us. She straddles my lap, grabs the sides of my neck, and pulls me into a heated kiss. As we make out, I scoot further up the chair and lay down, bringing her on top of me.

As her tongue explores my mouth, I hum in pleasure at the feeling. My hands travel up and down her body, slipping under her shirt to be on her skin. She breaks the kiss to suck on my neck, earning small moans from me. Now that I'm in the mood, I discretely open my legs, hoping she gets the hint. She does.

With one hand holding her up, the other travels down my body. She lifts her lips from my neck to hover over me, her lips grazing mine as we breathe heavily. She slides her hand into my sweatpants and shoves her fingers into me. I let out a long moan as she slowly pumps in and out. She starts hitting my g-spot. I tighten my grip on her body. Her slow, gentle movements in me send me into heaven.

I finally tangle my hands in her hair and lock our lips again, moaning and whimpering in-between motions of the sloppy kiss. She fucks me passionately for a while until my body goes weak. When she pulls out, she lays half on top of me with a hand on my chest.

"If I didn't act, do you think we would have never met?" I ask after a little bit.

She perks up at my sad question. "Why are you asking that?"

"I don't know. I was just thinking about the award show and it got me thinking. What if I didn't act? We wouldn't have made a movie together, we wouldn't have met like that. So would we have met at all?"

"I try not to think about that. What matters is that we did meet and we're here now."

"Yeah. We're here now. I'm glad I found you."

"I am too."

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