⚠️ NR - Ransom Pt. 2

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Warning: angst, torture
Part 1 summary: Callie is on her solo stealth mission. When she completes it, she's told the team can't get a jet out to her so she's forced to drive. Halfway home, she gets attacked. Her car is flipped. When she wakes up, she's in the hands of Hydra. She's beaten badly and the team has no idea or contact with her. It's, of course, their job to find her.

Help is at the bottom.
-2 weeks earlier-

"...stealth mission. We can only send one. That being Callie," Steve announces in a meeting.

"What? No. What you just described is not a simple mission!" Nat objects.

"Nat, I'll be okay."

Nat whips her head to me. "No." She turns back to Steve. "No!"

"I'll be okay. I've done this stuff before."

"Not alone! You've always had someone."

"Callie is most qualified to do this. This is final unless Callie has objections," Steve continues.

Nat whips her head back to me with an expression I know all too well. I know she doesn't want me to do it. She wants me to voice my objections. And I would if I had any.

"No, I'm fine," I tell him.

Nat scoffs and leaves the room. I follow her out.

"You're getting yourself killed."

"Natasha, I wouldn't go if I had doubts-"

"Yes, you would! I know you."

"I swear I'm going to be just fine. Please trust me, baby."

Nat freezes and stares at me. Without another word, she cups my face and kisses me.

-Present time-

Blood creeps out of my mouth and drips evenly onto my legs with every breath I release. My head hangs down. I can't let these guys win but I don't want Natasha getting a clear picture of my dead body. She shouldn't have to see that. No one should.

"One minute. Have you decided?" I hear the general walk towards me, each boot clicking the concrete.

I imagine Nat telling me she loves me. Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow, a seemingly heartless assassin. And she loves me. Oh, the things I would do to be with her again. And I can be. I just have to agree to a psychopath Hydra general. I have to play along with his sick games.

"Ten seconds." There's a pause, thoughts filling my head. "Three... two-"

"Okay," I croak, blood trickling down my chin.

The general leaves the room and for a moment, I think I decided too late. To my supposed luck, medics rush to me and patch me up, making sure I'm still tied. I guess that's smart. They should know I would fight through any wound to finish a mission. Or in this case, escape the hands of my kidnappers.

"Now for my message," the general begins.


Once again, we're sitting around the conference room coming up with any and all ideas of where Callie could be and what happened. In the middle of a small argument, JARVIS starts talking.

"Mr. Stark, there is a message addressed to the Avengers. Shall I project it?"

"Yeah, go ahead," Tony responds and we all turn our attention to the screen.

"Mr. Stark," a man starts. But that's not what stopped my heart. The screen shows nothing but Callie. She's barely recognizable but I know that jawline anywhere. She's tied up in a chair centered on the screen. Her head hangs heavy and her blond hair is stained red at the tips. Everyone gasps at the same time.

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