NR - Not ours.

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Today's a lazy day for the family. The kids had a day off from school and my wife and I's days off lined up. It's nice to have the whole family at home all day for once. I've been doing chores around the house, just trying to take advantage of the downtime I have. I'm in the laundry room, switching the wet clothes into the dryer when I suddenly feel strong arms wrap around my waist and warm lips on my neck.

"Mmm hey," I hum.

"Hey," Natasha whispers in my ear.

Her fingertips run just under my pants' waistline, sending shivers through my body. I pause my laundry chore to lean back into her and talk.

"What're you doing?" I ask.

"Oh, am I not allowed to touch you now that we have kids?"

"Not saying that. Just-" I try but Nat cuts me off by teasing me with a tit squeeze. "Just wondering why you're interrupting my chores," I finish with a light chuckle.

"Interrupting? Ouch." She releases from my body so I turn around to see her about to walk away.

I grab her by the wrist and pull her back into me. "Nuh-uh. Stay."

"But I'm interrupting your chores," she refutes, mocking the way I said it.

"And I needed a break," I smirk, wrapping her arms around my waist and grabbing her face to pull her into a kiss.

We make out in the laundry room for a little while until we hear little bare footsteps slapping the tile. We rip our lips apart and barely three seconds later, our youngest child, Greyson, comes stumbling into the room.

"Hi hun," Nat greets the little five-year-old.

"Uppy," he whines, reaching his small arms in the air and doing what we call grabby hands.

Nat smiles down at him and picks him up, sitting him on her hip. He wraps his legs around her waist and grabs a few strands of her hair to play with. I lead my wife and kid back into the kitchen. Nat leans back on the kitchen counter while I rummage through the fridge for a snack.

"I'm bored," Grey complains, wrapping his arms around Nat's neck and resting his head on her collar. My heart melts at the sight.

"What do you want to do?" Nat asks him.

"I dunno."

"What about the park?" I offer and Grey immediately perks up.

"Hey, that's a fun idea!" Nat agrees with me to get Grey excited. It works.

"The park!" Grey squeals. "The park! The park! The park!" He goes on, bouncing up and down in Natasha's arms.

"Hey now, careful. I don't want to drop you," Nat giggles to our bouncy son.

Grey stops bouncing and Nat puts him down, telling him to go get ready. When he's out of sight, I turn to Nat. "We've had kids for 10 years but I will never get over that," I smile.

"Get over what exactly?"

"You and them." I step up to her at the counter. "Natasha Romanova-Atwood, a Russian spy and assassin," I start, grabbing the collar of her shirt and pulling her closer. "Good with kids, a perfect mother. Who would've thought?" I lean in and connect her lips to mine.

"Ex-spy and assassin," she says when we pull away.


"I'm not a spy or an assassin anymore. So I'm an ex-spy and an ex-assassin."

"Are you still Russian?" I tease with a laugh, earning a light arm slap from her. "Hey, I'm just making sure," I laugh as I'm stepping away.

A minute later, Grey and his 10-year-old sister, Dallas, come in. They're both dressed for the park so we take that as our cue to leave the house. We live pretty close to Central Park so we don't bother to drive.

"Uppy!" Grey squeals when he realizes we're walking rather than driving.

"Your turn," Nat smirks.

I playfully roll my eyes at her then pick up our son, sitting him on my hip as we walk. Dallas skips ahead of us as Nat and I talk on the walk.

"So when are you planning to start renovating the kitchen?" Nat asks.

"Probably next week. I have more time away from work. If that's okay with you, my dear."

"That's perfect. Do you think it'll be done by Dal's birthday?"

"No idea but I'll do my best."

"Better work fast. We don't want to have a house full of people and an unfinished kitchen," she chuckles.

"Wouldn't that be fun?" I joke.

We finally reach the park and I set down Grey. He and Dallas run off to the playground together. They know to stay together. Or at least Dallas knows to keep an eye on her little brother. My wife and I sit on a nearby bench to watch. I rest my arm along the back of the bench behind her and she leans into me.

"Do you ever miss the Avengers?" Nat asks after a few minutes.

I turn my head to her in slight shock. We haven't talked about them in a very long time. "Do I miss them? Like do I miss the team?"

"Well, yes. But I meant do you ever miss being an Avenger?"

"I do miss the team. But to be honest, I don't always miss being one of them. Sure, the rush was amazing, and knowing we were saving the world was so great but we were also risking our lives every day. I very much prefer the life we have now. Although, all those years ago, I never thought I would get married to you and have kids together," I gush with a huge smile fighting to form. "What about you?"

"I only occasionally miss the team. They always annoyed me," she starts with a giggle. "But I have to agree with you. Our life now is much better. I don't miss putting my life on the line or wondering if I'm even coming home after a mission. Although, I wouldn't change a single thing about it because I met you."

I smile like an idiot and kiss her cheek to hide it. Our loving moment only lasts a few more moments because suddenly, there's loud crying coming from the playground. We both perk up and scan the playset. Immediately, we point out the source and let out sighs, and smile at each other.

"It isn't one of ours," I comment. Nat smirks and we fist bump.

We go back to talking until eventually, our two children come running up to us together.

"All done playing?" I ask them.

They nod at me so we all head back. Of course, Grey calls for an uppy and I make Nat hold him on the walk. When we make it back to the house, the kids scramble to their rooms to relax after their fun at the park. Nat and I snuggle on the living room couch until dinner.


"I got lucky with you," I tell Nat as we get ready for bed at the end of the night.

"So did I."

"I have the best family. The best wife. The best kids. What more could I ask for?"

"A dog?" She chuckles.

"If a dog will complete your perfect family, then we'll get a dog," I say softly as I pull her into bed.

"I love you," she laughs as I attack her with kisses.

"I love you," I giggle between placing kisses on her face. I finally stop attacking her and hover over her, just admiring her. "You're perfect," I whisper.

Her fingers in my hair gently rub the back of my neck. "That's all you." She pulls me in for a final soft kiss before I lay down on top of her for the night.

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